Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

No I haven't seen the pics. I will have to look.

I think Greg's bound to be a bit later as he was so premature. What's his corrected age? It's unfair they are classed as the age they were born in a way as they are still growing like they would be in the womb for a while. They all catch up though eventually don't they.

Jacks rolling a lot but he loved his tummy time so managed to get stronger front. He now sleeps on his stomach. He's sitting up unaided but only for a while or until he gets distracted and reaches for something and then flops over. I worry about him being behind on his language as he doesn't seem to babble as much any more, he grunts a lot though. Is grunting normal instead of baby talk do you think? Lol.

Mum she is so cute! I too think it's too soon to go back to work. It must be really hard. Do you try tummy time by putting her on your chest so she looks up at you?
My OH did that a lot when Jack was tiny.

We can't really afford another either Jane. We need to buy a house first. Argh. Every time I see ewcm (like now) it feels alien not to ttc. Want to lose some weight first too. Finding it hard to resist the biscuits!

Jane do you sometimes feel bored and lonely while on May leave? Sometimes I find the daily routine gruelling. Love being a mum it's just the never ending chores I find hard.
I don't feel bored or lonely too much bobster but sometimes looking after Greg and taking care of the chores can seem totally relentless and feels like I can't often put my feet up as there is always something else that needs to be done and I don't want DH to come home to a bomb site and part of me feels like I need to prove I can cope because of my history of depression. My in laws have Greg for one afternoon a week which is meant to be for 'me' time but usually I end up cleaning the kitchen lol.

I like the idea of getting pregnant again but don't think I could realistically cope with 2 just yet. I also wouldn't want to miss out on gregs milestones because I'm distracted being pregnant or with the new baby. Maybe when Greg is 18 months might be a good time to TTC. I know what you mean about the Ewcm and not doing anything about it lol. I also want to lose weight. Are you using condoms or back on the pill?

I'm a big comfort eater so the constant pressure on me just makes me reach for the bad unhealthy food for an inside hug.

How are you coping with 2 mrs Phez?

Jack is doing great with his milestones, I wouldn't worry too much about the grunting, it's still communication and I reckon it's just a new sound he is trying out. Won't be long until he is crawling and opening up all your cupboards and drawers lol. Gregs corrected age is 20/21 weeks.
I've thought about #2 already myself. Not sure I'm going to be able to wait the full year to ttc that DH and I decided on. I know so many pregnant women, including my sis in law who is expecting twins! Almost makes me nostalgic for being pregnant.
Hi ladies! I love the new pics! Jack looks so happy in your profile pic, and mlm I can see why you are so in love. Such a sweet little lady! Jane, I missed your pic! Maybe I didn't go back far enough.

I wouldn't worry too much about Jack's talking. Finn did that, right around one of his well baby checks and I mentioned he'd quit the babbling and was just making a growling sound. His ped said sometimes once they master a skill, they move on to new sounds and may not go back to the other sounds they were doing for awhile. He just got babbly again and all over the board at about 7/8 months. More like baby talk. It's so cute!

MLM, I actually do still have DH take Finn to daycare around 9. But since I'm at home I usually log on at 6, done working at 2:30. I do laundry throughout the day, do a toy disinfect/clean, and then leave about 3:30 to go get him. So he's there for a shorter day. It's the only way I can keep up on my house stuff, and I like not having to do the laundry and toys while he is at home after work. It's such a short window of time before he goes to bed so I get full time hands on with him.

Finn is crawling now. Boy have my floors never been so spotless! I sweep and mop the main area every night after he goes to bed since we have a dog and he will try to eat any dog hair or blade of grass or speck of dirt he finds! So glad we have a small ranch house now! lol

I think we are waiting longer than July to TTC or moving. My promotion that I got has a target for a higher grade, so long as I don't mess up my first year I will automatically get promoted in March 2015, and it's a substantial raise and more vacation time/leave. So we will probably start house hunting this winter and maybe TTC after the first of the year. And as silly as it sounds, I've been a bit blue and need to get over the loss of my doggie Jake. He passed away a few weeks ago, and it's been very hard. I had him for 13 years and he was my baby.

MLM- going back to work was the HARDEST thing I ever did. I barely did it. I was bleary eyed and out of it for the first month, I'd forget pump parts and have to go back home, all kinds of silliness, but once I got into it, it wasn't so bad. I think the anticipation of it was much worse than the reality of it. Hang in there, it is a tough adjustment. But I know I found a great place for Finn. He's learning and happy. I make sure I get my rest so once I pick him up he gets 100% mommy attention and spoiling until he goes to bed.

9 month photos, and a disclaimer. I don't order the cheesy photo montages that are at the beginning. The photog just has to make and try to get you to buy those because they are more expensive than just the photo sheets. I was laughing at the B BOY ones, or him in the easter egg. LOL
oh, but I AM VERY BROODY. lol. I haven't updated my ticker since it's a pain, but I've finally started losing weight. I got off the min pill about a month and a half ago and onto the reg pill, and I've lost 12 lbs. 21 to go! If I actually lose the weight I can't promise I won't be TTC sooner. ;)
Oh Mack, I'm so so sorry to hear about Jake : ( That must be really hard on you.
Ditto, I was really sorry to read about your dog mackjess, Hugs.x

Sounds like you have a really good system in place mackjess, I'm really impressed with how you are juggling work and childcare. I'm nowhere near as organised and I'm home everyday!

So cute to hear Finn is crawling :) Has he any teeth yet? I check gregs mouth everyday just incase one snuck in overnight, lol.
Oh yea, I forgot to mention that. 2 teeth snuck in over the weekend! One on Easter and I think the 2nd on Monday.

And trust me, the juggling the work and baby is exhausting! I keep the living room and kitchen clean, his laundry put away, but the rest of my house is a DISASTER. The blanket chest at the food of our bed has been missing for weeks since the clean laundry keeps getting piled up there! :haha:
Mack I'm sorry too about Jake. Poor thing. They are such a huge part of your family.

I can't believe how much Finn has changed. he is just gorgeous! Love your professional pictures. They will be so lovely to look back on. I bet it's hard to keep up with Finn now he's crawling. I too am in awe of your organisation skills! My life is fairly chaotic without work in the mix. Well done on the weight loss too. Must make you feels much better.

Jane I am the same as you. We can no way afford another one yet and realistically can't txt until Jack is a bit older. Plus like you he needs all my energy and attention for a while longer. Using condoms but thinking of getting the implant as hate condoms so much. They ruin the moment. What about you?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who misses pregnancy though. I loved it. Miss feeling his kicks and having a growing belly. Love being a mum so much and can't wait to do it all over again in the future.

Oh check jacks mouth everyday too lol. Still nothing. Although his teething symptoms are getting worse I'm sure. Hope Greg and jacks teeth come soon!

How's phew?
Mack did Finn have any obvious signs of his teeth coming before they appeared? Was he in a lot of pain with them?
Bobster Finn was horrible with teething. He's been having symptoms since Oct. Gums would get puffy, he'd drool and have a runny nose for a few days, then it would go away for weeks. Sometimes he'd have both hands in grabbing his gums and screaming, we'd have to orajel him non stop, keep the freezies in rotation for him to chew on, 2 days later he'd be fine and it would come back a few weeks later. His fave thing was me letting him chew on my finger, and actually applying some pressure to his gums with my fingertips. I was so worried it would hurt but every time I got ready to do the pressure thing he'd grab my hand with both of his to cram it in his mouth and he'd almost instantly stop fussing when I massaged his gums.

When he had his 9 month check last Friday she said the both bottom 2 were about to pop (she was right) and the top were starting. Poor guy can't get a break.

Funny the weekend they finally came in he was cool as a cucumber about it. Now he's been fussier again, grabbing the top and had a hard time eating yesterday. I sure hope round 2 goes faster!
We'll done on the weight loss mackjess, I've managed 4 lbs. It's so hard to make healthier choices these days.
It is so exciting that Finn got his first couple of teeth through.
Condoms are a total passion killer bobster but I'm definitely less moody off the pill so will prob carry on as we are.
Have any of you experienced issues getting your LO to sleep on their own? Norah was sleeping in her crib just fine at night, and usually napped in her bouncy seat during the day. Lately however, she has been absolutely screaming if I put her down and only sleeps in my arms with her face buried in the crick of my elbow. I've managed to eventually get her in her crib at night, but no luck putting her down in the day. This especially worries me since I go back to work next week and I hate the thought of her screaming for me : (
Mack Jack sounds exactly the same as Finn so hopefully not long now. He's chewing everything, on and off upset, drooling. Poor little mite. Hope Finns top teeth come through soon.

Mlm Jack has never gone down in his cot for naps throughout the day. We tried but he just won't settle. I have to put him in his pushchair during the day or occasionally in his bouncy chair. It's a pain.
Mlm, We only had problems with getting Greg to lay flat in his crib in the early days due to reflux, so propping the legs of the crib up with books on the head end to create a slope made him sleep more comfortable. It may help even if she doesn't have reflux/heartburn.
Are you feeling anxious about leaving her? Maybe she is picking up on it and just wants cuddles.

Greg is so grumpy with teething today and there is SO much dribble the last two days. Where are these teeth...:coffee:
Ditto Jane. Hope they hurry. Jacks gone off his food a bit today but still taking his bottles. Can you see or feel any teeth yet? Jacks guns are hard but have been for months. He's so grumpy today!
Yep Gregs gums are hard and lumpy.
I'm a bit worried as he's showing no signs of rolling over and I've seen so many in groups that are much younger and are rolling all over the place. He's really good at tummy time and can stand strong on his legs but just not interested in rolling over even after showing him how.
I honestly wouldn't worry jane. I was talking to someone today who was saying her 2 children were really different in development and they all end up at the same stage in the end. One of her kids could barely walk at age 2 but the other was fine. If it really worries you though mention it to HV. Remember Greg's corrected age too :)
Forgot to say also that Jack learnt to roll by accident as he was kicking his legs up and just happened to topple over! Maybe Greg's just not accidentally toppled yet lol. If he's strong on his legs that's more than some babies at my group. They really are all different. I took Jack into work today and he was grunting away lol. I wonder if I don't talk to him enough. I don't really do 'baby talk' unless we're at home as I find it too cringy and embarrassing out and about. Do you guys chatter to your babies in public in a cooey way? Doubting myself as maybe I should chatter to him more as a baby instead of as a grown person. Does anyone else feel self conscious?
Thanks bobster. It is so true that they will all get there in the end. I guess we can't help but compare our kids even though we know with our rational heads that they develop at their own rates. He has toppled over to the sides while his legs have been in the air.

I chat to him all the time in that sing song voice, even when we are out lol. He has started shrieking in a high pitched tone and I'm not sure if there is something wrong or if he is just doing it with excitement. He's been laughing a lot so that is nice.

Are you looking forward to going back to work?

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