Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Did the tooth come through bobster?

No news here, still weaning and teething. I had to dash off to New York for a funeral leaving Greg with DH for 4/5 days and he was exhausted when I got back- I think he has a new appreciation for what I go through everyday and night now!
Oh sorry for your loss jane. I bet it was so hard being away from him for that long! Can you see a tooth yet under the skin? Jacks white line appeared and then a few days later it came through. He is now on the move as he's learnt to crawl and pull himself up. It's great but you have to have eyes in the back of your head!

We've had a bit of a mare recently. He had fever for 3 days and was generally not himself. First dr told us it was a viral infection but didn't check him over despite a temp of 39c, second dr did check him and said he had tonsilitis so prescribed antibiotics and then he got a rash so had to be checked again and 3rd dr said it was unlikely to be that and told us to stop them as he must be allergic. It's been stressful seeing him so unwell and upset. We put it down to teething at first. After taking 2 days of antibiotics though he's finally on the mend. Think the tooth is bothering him though as it's sharp and rubbing on his tongue and top gum.

So all in all this last weekend has definitely put me off having number 2 anytime soon!

How is everyone else?
P.s. Glad your hubby understands how stressful it is. I still think dan thinks it's all dandy but it's only because he only ever has Half the work as I'm always here or a family member when he has jack! It is so hard!
Wow go Jack, first tooth and now crawling and pulling himself up :thumbup:. Did the crawling just happen overnight?
It's horrible when they are ill, especially when it's obviously not a head cold- that doctor was an idiot not to check him over with a temperature that high, but glad to hear he is on the mend now. I'm dreading when they get the childhood diseases.
It was hard to be away from Greg, I missed him and he had a cold and teething too while I was away so DH really bore the brunt of it.
I can see teeth through the skin of the gum at the bottom but that's been there a while. Think my little guy will be a slow coach, he still can't sit unaided and cannot roll over on purpose. He will get there eventually I guess.
Jane your little guy is meant to be a lot younger than he is too. You have to remember that. Don't worry at all. Babies older than jack are not close to crawling at the mum and baby group I go to but are doing other things like clapping their hands and gabbling word like sounds which jack is not close to doing so they really are all different. Jack has always been quite strong and wriggly since early on. Maybe because he loved tummy time I don't know. He can't wait to get away from us lol. Enjoy cuddles with Greg as once he is on the move it will be hard to keep him snuggled up for too long hehe. I'm sure that tooth will be here soon if you can see it. Jack does seem to have learnt these things over night almost it's weird. Sad to see him grow up so much but proud too. He's growing into a really lovely little boy. Love just grows and grows!

We had 2 other poo disasters recently though... One in the bath, luckily it was solid and it was OH's turn to bath him and one in thorntons cafe where it escaped through his shorts leg and onto OH's jeans and the lovely fabric chair he was sat on! Had to quickly scoop it up with wipes and vacate the cafe lol.
Wow, these babies of ours are growing up so fast it seems! Hard to believe Finn is 10 months, that's practically a year!

I'm loving how smiley and interactive Norah is becoming. She is doing so well with holding her neck and head and is grabbing things like crazy! I keep waiting for her to roll, but it hasn't happened yet. She seems close at times. I'm sure it will happen when I'm at work though : ( I'm hating the time away from Norah in the evenings- I'm having to work until 7 a lot, and by the time I get home Norah is either already in bed or about to go to bed. Breaks my heart.
Can't imagine mlm! Doesn't seem fair at all that you have to go back to work already. Doesn't seem 5 minutes since you had her! It does fly by. How many hours a week have you gone back on? I'm going back on 26.5 over 3 days.. Just hoping it will be enough money for us
Bobster I laughed out loud reading about the poo in thorntons cafe hehehe...

I can't believe Norah is already 3 months old.

DH has taken Greg for his swimming class this morning- he loves it and it totally wears him out plus I get to have a couple of hours to myself :)
Sounds great Jane. We will hopefully take jack swimming week after next. Do you put him in a ring or use any float of any kind? What did you get up to in your couple of hours off?
Sounds great Jane. We will hopefully take jack swimming week after next. Do you put him in a ring or use any float of any kind? What did you get up to in your couple of hours off?

They don't seem to use floats in the swim class. He loves being dunked and swimming underwater now.

We are doing well- G is still grouchy from teething and EVERYTHING is getting chewed. Any signs of other teeth coming through bobster? how is the weaning? We've just started using a high chair and he hates it! he will tolerate it for about 5 mins before he starts crying, hope he gets used to it!
How are you doing?
Hi ladies! Sorry to be offline so much, DH has been traveling, I had a sinus infection, then Finn had a double ear infection and croup!! Poor little guy. Luckily he recovered quickly with antibiotics and the cough didn't drag on like it can for some babies.

I've read everything, but have too much of a headache to type much. Just wanted to pop in for a quick hello.
I'm dreading the first time Norah gets sick, sounds miserable. Glad you and Finn are getting better though.

I wonder how young they do swim classes? Sounds like fun.

We heard Norah giggle for the first time yesterday- so awesome and I got a little teary (I'm such a sap haha)
Aweeee, it's so sweet when they giggle isn't it? My favorite thing. Wait til she really gets to going and does a big belly chuckle. :D
Wow jane I had no idea they let them swim underwater! Sounds like he's doing really well with it! I imagined it to be more like just holding them in the water but no actual swimming. Feel pretty guilty for not taking jack to lessons. Might have to start some soon. Haven't taken him to the pool yet, taking him next week though.

Poor you and Finn mack. Glad you Finn is better now and hope you are on the road to recovery.

Mlm how cute. I t really is amazing isn't it. I'm a sap too!

No other teeth yet but can see the second bottom one under the skin so we'll see. Hope gregs come soon as his symptoms seem to be dragging on for him poor thing. Jack was ok in his high chair , we bought a toy for the top so perhaps that helped.
Happy June ladies.
Hope you are all on the mend mackjess. Have you started TTC?
I love giggles too.

The first tooth is cutting through the gum and there's some blood on his dribble bib, looks quite sore but it's one coming down from the top not one of the bottom front ones as expected. A small corner of the tooth is through and looks quite sharp.

One of the wheels on my stroller is bust, one of the back wheels sits at an angle and is really loose, I'm scared it's going to come off. DH said its a bust wheel bearing. Have rung the store where I bought it from and waiting to hear if it's covered under the warranty as they said its general wear and tear which often isn't. Icandy have discontinued my stroller so I hope they still have parts!
Surely wear and tear doesn't include a broken wheel after 7 months of use! That's crazy if they don't replace or give you like for like. I would contest it and contact trading standards if not as within a year I think you should still be under warranty if it's faulty.

Yay for the tooth baby Greg! I've read the top ones can be more painful and cause more associated symptoms like runny nose and watery eyes etc. how is he? Jacks cutting his second bottom tooth now. They are really sharp aren't they. He's been a bit more needy and grumpy than usual.

Yes mack are you ttc yet? I think we're going to start ttc august next year as that's when we have our deposit money for a house. I hope it doesn't take a year next time.
No TTC here yet ladies. Work has been really hard and we've been tired. I like using the energy and time I do have to focus on Finn. It is a completely new line of work for me, so I think I'll catch on eventually. LOL. Maybe the winter or spring we will TTC again when it's not such an effort for me here. I'm going to some training this summer which will help out!

Bummer about your stroller wheel! I would hope that they'd replace the parts since it's so new.

I think I am taking Finn to a pool this weekend. We went to an indoor one in January, but the bugger napped almost the entire time. :)
Oh God we took Jack to pool for first time yesterday and it was a nightmare, he cries all the way through and looked terrified! Dread going back now but know we have to!
Oh no bobster. Greg starts crying if he's in for more than 30 mins and used to cry when getting changed after swimming- he just gets cold but over time he's got used to it and is happier. He still hates his baths though!

Total respect for you mackjess, got to be right for all of you before trying for #2 :thumbup: how is your weight loss going, are you able to focus on that too? I just can't get into the right frame of mind, just keep reaching for the sweet stuff. How's Finn doing? Is he trying to walk?

Took the stroller back to the store and they were fantastic. Confirmed it was a manufacturing fault and have arranged for the manufacturer to send spares to the store where it will be fixed, all free of charge :thumbup:. They had some spares in the shop so fixed it temporarily for me- they did offer to loan me a bugaboo in the mean time too! It needs a new back axle, break and two wheels!

Bobster, will you be heading out to what the Tour de France around Yorkshire in July? Think we will get the train up to Sheffield to watch it.

Two top teeth are still cutting through the gum. They are the ones either side of the top front ones so he will look like Dracula once they are through lol. His gum has been bleeding a bit, poor lamb.

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