Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Norah is sick for the first time 😢. She has the stomach flu and has it coming out both ends. I feel so bad for her! The doctor recommended an ounce of pedialyte after every bowel movement and to feed her a little every hour instead of one big bottle at once. Any tips from you veteran moms on how to deal with a sick baby??
On a happy note though- she rolled for the first time today! It was a barrel roll, back to belly and back again lol
Hey mlm, how is Norah doing since her stomach flu? I don't have any experience with stomach flu yet, only a head cold so far.
Yey on the rolling back and forth.

Greg is now the proud owner of 2 teeth on the top, either side of the front top teeth. He looks like Dracula lol.

He is incredibly clingy, won't even be put down for a nappy/diaper change and he's really doesn't like being held by anyone he doesn't know now so is even more exhausting than usual.

How is everyone doing?
Have you all got your fathers day gifts sorted out?
I mixed the pedialyte with a little bit of bottle. Poor little girl. I used to get probiotic drops made by Gerber, called Gerber Soothe, but they quit selling them in my area!! They worked well when he has an upset tummy. Poor little miss, does she have fevers?
Aww poor Norah! I don't have any experience of this either mlm. Hope it passes really quickly. It's heart breaking when they are I'll isn't it. Yay on the rolling though. Once they learn to do this they start learning/mastering skills so quickly. Enjoy it!

Jane poor you and baby greg! Do you think he's become more clingy because he's in pain or just going through a stage? Do you have other people baby sit every now and then to get him used to being without ŷou for a while? Jack is the opposite to clingy and I almost wish he were a bit more clingy as he doesn't seem to care when I leave him with others or leave the room! I think your problem is more normal! I know he likes me more than anyone as when he's scared or upset (when they Hoover comes on mainly or he has a tumble) he crawls to me before anyone else but it still makes me paranoid that he's not as attached to me as he should be. We do have regular grand parent sitters (once weekly or more sometimes) and he's stayed overnight quite a few times since being 3 months old so I wonder if this is why he's less clingy. Dan keeps saying it's a good thing and I know it is but I can't help but feel like that's not normal and he should miss me more!

Got dan a massage for Father's Day present and a nice card. You sorted for yours?
I think the clingy-ness is a phase and does seem to be worse when he is upset with the teething etc. He hates going in to the high chair and buggy recently, he makes his body so rigid and arches his back. Maybe I do need more distance from him...

Have you baby proofed your home now that Jack is crawling?

How has your evening routine changed to incorporate brushing teeth? we've started doing it in the mornings after breakfast but he still has a final bottle before bed that he falls asleep on so I cant brush them then :shrug:

How was fathers day? DH left for a work trip this afternoon so our day was cut short and he'll be away for a week :( we did have a nice brunch though.
It's crazy to think that I originally wanted to get pregnant again when #1 turns 1...that's in 4 months time and no way do me and DH want that!
I think we'll be shooting for TTC next summer.
Jane I was wondering the same thing about teeth brushing. We are doing it adter breakfast and then in the bath but he then has his final bottle anyway. I think I might start to bring his toothbrush into his room to give them a quick rub after his bottle as I worry about all the sugar in his last bottle. He tends to be awake when we put him down now anyway.

Jack goes rigid when we try to put him in his pram sometimes too! He doesn't bend haha. But once we're on the move he's generally ok.

Baby proofed as much as we can. Need to get some sponge to stick on some corners but that's it. How is Greg doing?

We are thinking of ttc no.2 in August 2015 as that's when we'll be looking for a house and then there may be around a 2 year gaps which is what we wanted. Maybe we will be ttc together again! It would be brill if we were! I can't believe our babies will be one in a few months. Bonkers! When is Finn 1?

Hope baby Norah is better now mlm
Jane how are you encouraging Greg with his language? I am just talking to jack as much as possible and calling dan daddy a lot but don't know if I should be doing more to encourage a first word. He is saying mamamama a lot but not referring to me he's just babbling more
Norah is much better, thanks all for asking. She quickly gained back all the weight she lost and I have just started her on rice cereal to help fatten her up even more! She is such a little peanut.

I've convinced dh to start ttc in November, hehe. You prob think I'm crazy, but I'm convinced it won't happen right away for some reason. We shall see!

I'd love to see some updates pics if you ladies want to share!


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Ugh, I can never manage to make my pictures show up the right way!
She's a proper little cutie mlm.
And that's crazy you are going to start TTC in November- OMG, imagine if you do get your BFP right away!
How is your doggy coping with Norah being around?
Imagine if one of us ends up with TWINS!

I think you and I will be TTC around similar kind of time bobster! and I totally agree, crazy that they will soon be one- thank god no more sterilising bottles and making up formula- bring on the cows milk lol.

I sing and talk with Greg lots bobster, have started reading to him too but he just wants to eat the pages lol.
He has started taking his first steps in his walker- I wonder if he will skip crawling, he's just not interested.
Are you managing to keep up with Jack now he is crawling?

I just started weight watchers today- oh goodness, I want chocolate so bad :wacko:
She is such a cutie mlm!!! Gorgeous. I bet it will happen for yoy straight away. You will probably be a lot less worried and stressed this time which will help. Wow November! I wish we could start earlier. Do you think you'll just have 2 or more babies? What did you say to convince hub? I need tips lol!

Jane sounds like he may miss crawling. It's good he's taking steps in the walker! We never got one of those. Jack is certainly keeping me busy chasing after him! I read to him too and he doesn't eat the pages but he loves grabbing and tearing flaps. So far in dear zoo we have a snake with no head and a frog that doesn't hop!


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Adorable pic! What a big boy he is now!

I think we only want 2- I have no idea how I got dh to agree to November, but he did so I'm going with it!

So I have 2 friends with 6 month olds that say their babies have said words already (hi and mama)- that's way too young right? I think they are just imagining it!
I'm not sure when to expect first words mlm but sometimes the sounds Greg makes really sound like words.

Lovely pic bobster :) he looks so stable sitting up, Greg still hasn't mastered that yet.
We have another two teeth coming through (the top front ones) and he's a little vampire at the moment biting everything he can get his mouth on like my chin and neck! Crazy kid!
Oh hurray for more teeth. Hope they appear quickly. I think jacks going to get some more soon as he's showing the signs although can't see them yet.

Mlm jack babbles mamamama a lot but he's not referring to me and is no where near saying a word yet at 9 months! I thought a year was more accurate for first words? I think jack will be behind with his language though as he's only just started babbling. Before that it was grunting hehehe.
I think we'll have 2 babies too although I'd quite like 3. Realistically though we can only afford 2. Can't wait to see 2 lines again. Loved being pregnant! Wonder if it will be similar next time.
I liked being pregnant too but I'm not ready to do it again just yet!

How is everyone doing?

A week ago DH and I had a bit of an accident and I used the morning after pill but today out of no where I was hit with nausea that lasted a few minutes? I not long had breakfast and wasn't doing any out of the ordinary for me. So now I'm a little worried, the accident happened when I knew I was ovulating. I just looked back at the information leaflet and says it is only 84% could be my mind playing tricks on me?.......what will be will be!
Ooops! How crazy would it be if you got a bfp that easily after trying so hard before. It really would be sods law! How far into you luteal phase are you? When is after due? Eeeek a different kind of 2ww all together!!! Are you a bit excited??

Did Greg's teeth come in yet? Any Signs of bottom ones? I can now see jacks top 2 through the gum and they seem to be causing him quite a lot of discomfort poor mite. I hope people are right and it gets easier once these are over with!

I am getting more and more broody now but must refrain as need to get back to work and concentrate on that for a while before ttc again!!! Plus Jack needs so much attention now would hate to share it with someone else until he's a wee bit older.

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