Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

I meant bobster! Sorry, I had a fussy Finn and got confused! Lol
Thanks mack. I think I'm just over anxious. In reality I'm happy that jacks confident and happy with others. I'm just a worrier about everything and doubt myself and my parenting constantly. He's very happy around people (anyone) which is good i know. If he does start being clingy I'll kick myself I'm sure!

Well this is a turn up... Dan suggested we start ttc soon today for no.2! I was so shocked (hadn't mentioned it yet to him). I was so shocked I didn't know what to say so we didn't actually decide anything yet. So I may be joining you on your ttc journey again mlm!
How exciting!!! We are still pretty set waiting until spring to try again, but it's hard missing a month. We aren't being super careful, I'm just using my app on my phone and avoiding DTD on the fertile days. If something happened before spring we would figure it out!!

I can't wait to get the BFPs on the thread and fruits showing up. That was so fun and scary, but fun! lol
Wow I can't believe he said that out of nowhere! Looks like you didn't have to be worrying about it at all! Few more months still for me, you may be first : )
I think we're going to wait a few months too. Want to concentrate on work for a while first as ttc took over my mind before and I couldn't concentrate on anything! Im hoping it won't get to that next time though as the pressures off now we have little Jack. Although I do have a fairly obsessive personality so we'll see!

How have you found it back at work mlm? Is Norah at nursery?
Mackjess I can't wait for the fruits either! Is it next April time you plan to ttc then? I really would like to try to aim for a summer baby but it never works like that does it...
Hey ladies,

Oh wow bobster, funny how he said that. I bet the BFP will happen when you least expect it and I think settling back in to work first sounds like a sensible idea. Couple of weeks Pregnant for Christmas perhaps!!!

We had gregs 9-10 month developmental assessment today. Bobster it is actually the 1 year check in your red book but in my area they decide to do it a couple months early. Gregs scores were on the low side so we will be followed up in 2 months- it's because they didn't want to do it with his corrected age so no wonder he is behind.

I did ask the health visitor about the clingyness and they said to give him plenty of tummy time with toys so he is distracted more. So thinking back to how you were worried about jack, I bet it's just where jack is crawling and liked his tummy time so he was just so occupied and independent. I think Greg is bored so wants to be with me all the time.
Jane it seems ridiculous that they don't take into account their corrected age t these checks. I hope it didn't worry you. How is he getting on now with his floor time? It's nice he prefers cuddles with his mummy than his toys :)

Jack has settled really well in nursery. He's picked up 2 viruses since starting at the beginning of august though which I have in turn got. Feel wiped out! But hoping that by September he'll be a bit more resilient when I'm back to work.

I broached the subject of ttc again with OH and he now says he's not quite ready yet! Wish he would make his mind up. I'm not ready yet either so it's ok. I just worry it will take forever again and I don't want a huge age gap.

I thought I posted a reply a while ago but must not have done. My laptop and tablet are both dead so relying on my phone which is a nightmare to type long messages on with my fat fingers!

How are you all?
Babies are nearly 1 jane!!! Where has time gone?!
I know bobster, it's crazy. What celebration do you think you will have? We will just have a small family thing.
Ah nurseries are brilliant germ swopping places! Can't wait for nits and chicken pox etc when they go to school :nope:
Greg is rolling lots but no crawling. He goes great guns in his walker though. Is jack trying to walk?
Do you think you will get married before you try for #2 bobster?
Oh sounds like he's really close to crawling if he's rolling lots. You never know though he may just skip crawling and go straight to walking? Jack is walking if we hold his hands or if he has furniture to hold on to but otherwise no walking yet. Top teeth are on the brink if cutting so can't wait for that as the teething is dragging for him. Has Greg got any more teeth? How many does he have?

We would love to get married before no.2 but I think if we did that we'd have to postpone ttc due to financial reasons and I don't want a big age gap. I think we'll end up getting married maybe a year after no.2 comes along as we don't want anymore after that...

Thinking about how far we've come with jack and how far we still have to go (teaching language, walking, how to use a spoon/knife/fork, school etc) is exhausting... Don't know how I will do it all over again with another one. My mind keeps going back and forth between feeling broody and thinking I can't face it all over again! Does anyone else feel like this? It must be 10x harder having a toddler and a newborn!
I said the exact same thing to a lady that said she had 5 kids! I don't think I could through that initial sleep deprivation stage over and over! One more and that's it Lol. I would like to have a boy again though.
I think the fact we've not heard from mrs Phez in a long time says it all!

Greg has 6 teeth (4 accross the top and 2 on the bottom) and I think another 2 are coming in on the bottom. He likes to bite shoulders and I have little love bites to prove it, vampire!
DH took Greg for his first hair cut, was so sweet and I kept some of it :flower:

It will be cool to think jack and #2 can be page boys.
Have you been watching that programme on BBc1 called in the club? I kind of wished I was pregnant again!
Jane, I like your comment about Phez. I was thinking the same thing, having a toddler and a baby must be insane! We also only want 2 for the same reasons you mentioned.
Oh yes I've been watching that jane! It's good although quite cheesy in a way. I still like it though. I'm sure I want to be a midwife. Feel so strongly about it as I find fertility and babies so interesting! It's going to be impossible until jack and no.2 are old enough for school though because of the hours. Can't believe Greg has 6 teeth already that's great! Jack only has 2! Did Greg struggle more with his top ones? I can see the dark line under the gum where they are coming and he's had an awful runny nose and red eyes for weeks now. Poor mite.

What's your reasoning for preferring another boy jane? I think if we had another boy it would be good for jack to play with him when they are at school etc but I if I could choose I always wanted one of each. I think if we had another boy I would at some point want a third baby to try for a girl. Do I sound awful to say that??

Mlm how are you and Norah doing? Any teeth for her yet? Do you have any preferences for your second?

I hope phez comes back at some point. Maybe it's not a good sign that she's left for so long! Haha
P.s I hope we are all ttc/pregnant around the same time again as loved sharing it with you ladies :)
Norah has her 2 bottom middle teeth now, they just popped in! Poor thing has an ear infection and is so congested I feel terrible for her her! I had to get up and rock her a few times during the night to get her back to sleep. Any tips on getting your babies to take medicine? She's fine with Tylenol, but refuses to take her antibiotic and gags until she throws it up.

As far as #2 is concerned, id be happy with a boy or girl. Dh wants a boy, so I guess if choose boy just for that reason.
Woo that's great that she got them quickly. Sounds quite easy for her so far. Poor thing though with her ear infection. Are you off work with her? I try to squirt medicine right to the back of his cheek using a syringe and then put a spoon of yogurt in straight after as he loves yogurt. Sometimes he spits it out but it usually works. It's just his vitamin drops he hates as he's fine with calpol too
That's a good idea, to give her something she likes immediately after. I'll try it, thanks!

Yes, I'm home with her today. Dh stayed home with her yesterday since it was my first day at my new job (same company, different position). I did feel bad calling in sick on my second day, but Norah has to come first. Working mom problems 😕
Oh I dread those problems. I start back this Monday :(
He's been ill pretty much constantly this month since starting nursery.
Hope Norah gets better soon.

Jacks top 2 teeth have finally arrived! Hurrah.
Jane, just wondering how many weeks early was Greg? And how much did he weigh? Just curious as my SIL is going to deliver her twins early and curious about preemies. I know everyone is different, but I was trying to remember your experience. How long was he in the nicu?

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