Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Happy anniversary mackjess and Mlm :flower:

Great way of thinking about how long until you TTC mackjess and pleased you and DH had the chat Mlm, at least you know where you stand- no December baby lol!

Bobster, maybe you shouldn't say anything more to OH about when to TTC as I think a happy accident is coming your way. I would relax now and go with the flow if he says not to use protection, I bet there will be more occasions like that. Best to NTNP and not have the pressure.

I've not been great. Have been in a lot of pain on one side. Went to get another HCG measurement done and in 8 days it's only dropped 20 and preg test is still very positive. Doctor said yesterday there may be retained products in the tube (but they couldn't see it in the scan yesterday). She said the tube is probably contracting to try and remove it. I've got another blood test on Saturday (before gregs birthday party!) and if it doesn't come down a lot more they might do something. I'm worried the retained products will get infected, it's taking so long!

Gregs birthday tomorrow :happydance:
Oh no Jane, I'm sorry about what you are going through. I'm so sorry you are in pain and it hasn't been easily resolved. What bad timing too with Greg's birthday. Hope you get your answers and feel better quickly.
Happy birthday to Greg tomorrow!!! Hope his day is special : )
Oh Jane, I'm so sorry. It's terrible you have to go through this and now it's prolonged. I think they give you something that helps break it down to absorb it first, and you wouldn't need surgery or anything invasive. You'd just have to be careful with protection for a bit. I hope that if they have to do something, that will work for you.

However, I am so excited for your little man's birthday tomorrow! All of our little princes are going to be a year old. I still can't believe it. And little miss Norah isn't far behind!
Oh jane I'm sorry too. The waiting for answers must be awful. I hope that the pain is your body's way of dealing with everything and it resolves quickly. Fingers crossed your hcg will have dropped a lot. Did they say what the next plan would be? Have you had a lot of support? How is hubby feeling?

It must be awful to be worrying about all this when all you want to do is enjoy Gregs special time but maybe his birthday will be a good distraction. Do you have any celebrations planned for him? It's funny when they are 1 as they really don't have a clue :) It's lovely for them to have an extra special fuss though isn't it. Jack really enjoyed it when everyone sang happy birthday to him.

Mack is Finn walking and saying words yet? Jack is being so laY, he can stand on his own for a while but won't attempt to walk yet, he just falls to his knees. But he walks well holding one of our hands. He also hasn't yet said a word.. I hope everythings ok with him. He has his 1 year check up on 28th so I will ask the health visitor then.

I don't know why but I feel really anxious about ttc again. I'm scared things will go wrong or it will take ages again. Its all such a worry. Wish I could be more relaxed about stuff. I'm an anxious person in general though. I think part of me wanting to ttc sooner is because I just have a gut feeling it's going to take ages again :(
I feel exactly the same as you about ttc bobster. I'm also a very anxious person!

Everyone keeps asking me if Norah is crawling yet, and she doesn't seem to even be close. She loves standing, if I prop her up holding the couch or something, but doesn't pull herself to standing position. I know she's still young, but it bothers me that everyone seems to think she should be doing these things by now.
I wonder if she'll miss the crawling stage? Sounds like she's doing just fine if she can support her weight standing mlm. It might actually be better for her walking if she misses crawling out! Do you have a health visitor to ask? I'm hoping I get some reassurance from mine about jack. I am trying to repeat words to him all the time. He knows who mama and dada are I'm sure and can say them but its never directed at us. How is Norah doing with her language?
Norah's next appointment is nov 17th, so I'll ask if she's not moving by then. As far as language, she says "gaga", "baba" and a lot of "ahhhhhh!" screaming haha. No mama yet, but I hope it's soon!
Finn started walking just a few weeks ago. I heard from SO MANY people that he should be walking by a year, my baby was walking at 9 months, bla bla bla. I was so tired of it frankly! He didn't start walking until they moved him into the toddler room at daycare, I guess he didn't want to be the only crawler. :)

How much time is Jack at nursery? That is what helped Finn crawl and talk more too, but he is there about 36 hours a week. He still doesn't say a lot. He says momma very little actually, unless he needs something. Maa is me, which he only says when he is mad and needs something, Mooe is for milk, DAA is for dad, DOooooo is for dog, and now he says hi, bye bye, and ball. But he will go awhile without saying hi or bye, then starts up again. He has his 15 month checkup the beginning of November and I hope that it's enough words. I carry him around so he can point at stuff a lot and we talk about what things are, but he doesn't repeat anything back.

mlm, Finn was slow at crawling too! He'd get on his hands and knees and try, but I swear it took him months to figure it out. But once he finally did, a few months behind what everybody was telling me their kids crawled, he was the fastest crawler his teacher had ever seen! lol. So I guess that was what made me not worry about him walking. It seemed like the crawling took forever but he was great once he figured it out.
I don't like comments people make about gregs development either. They also say how big he is which I think they are saying fat and I get all defensive. Truth is he is in the 25th percentile for weight but is very long. Just annoys me people can't keep their thoughts to themselves.

Today I'm going in for the methotrexate injection.
Good luck Jane, hopefully it does what it is supposed to do so you are done with this. Thinking of you.
Hope today went as well as it could have and you aren't having too many side effects from the injection. I'm glad that they finally made a plan of action for you so you don't have to wait around anymore.
I went to have the injection but the doc was still very concerned about the pain so I ended up having a diagnostic laparoscopy yesterday which confirmed the ectopic (tube had a bulge) and it had been leaking blood (about 100ml mopped up) in to my pelvic cavity so they removed my right Fallopian tube and cleaned everything up.

I'm feeling a bit sore from the operation and arrived home this afternoon. I'm a bit emotional about it all but have been assured fertility shouldn't be a problem
Oh Jane hugs to you. It must have been so hard for you to go through all that. I'm glad he assured you fertility wouldn't be a problem, it must be a huge relief. I hope your recovery both physically and emotionally is quick and life can get back to normal as soon as possible. Always here for support. Get some extra big hugs with Greg and hubby in while you are recovering xxx
Jane I'm so sorry, my stomach just dropped reading that. What a terrible ordeal. I really hope you heal quickly and that you are feeling ok. Take care of yourself 😢
Oh honey I'm so sorry for all this. Hope your men are taking good care of you!

My best friend had to have a tube and ovary removed in HS because of ruptured cysts. She is very debbie downer about everything and always told people she could never have kids, and planned life to never have kids. She fell pregnant when she was engaged and while they were planning a destination wedding. She felt sick and bloated and didn't want to do a tropical wedding so they ended up doing a wedding here in the winter. So they were trying not to until after they were married. It certainly didn't interfere with her!
Your second rainbow will come when the time is right. We will never forget the ones we've lost though. Been thinking about you all day today. You've been incredibly brave to go through all of this as it's been so drawn out.

How is Greg? Hope he's being a good boy for his mummy.
Thanks for thinking of us and all the well wishes. I'm trying to stay upbeat and positive about it all, there are lots of happy ending one tube stories out there on the net. Right now I'm just relieved they got to the cause of the pain. I think I want to give my body and emotions a good year to heal before we TTC again - DH and I certainly don't want to be heading back to the hospital any time soon!

Right now I'm gorging on left over birthday cake.

Greg is doing great, my mum has been staying as it's a bit difficult to lift him etc but he's a happy soul and getting lots of cuddles.

How are you guys all doing?
So glad you are ok. I bet it's nice to have your mum round for a helping hand too.

Did you have a nice cake for gregs birthday? I'm sure I ate half of jacks whole cake pretty much. Yum!

We'll jack walked for the first time yesterday which was pretty adorable and excuting. He took about 10 steps before collapsing to the floor! Apart from that nothing to report my end :)

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