Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Not the first time no as he was at work. He walked for him though whèn he got home. Jack keeps waking up at half 5 every morning! Dreading the clocks going back. I'm wondering if he's having a growth spurt or something? We tried to leave him to cru this morning but he didn't settle. So tired!

Of course he is asleep now (on me so I can't move), its alright for some! Although secretly love snuggles...

What are you guys up to for Halloween? Don't think we're doing anything but will carve a pumpkin for trick or treaters
Way to go Jack!!!

Norah pulled herself up to a stand from a sitting position yesterday. I'm convinced she won't crawl and just start walking at some point haha.
MLm I think it would probably be better if Norah went straight to walking as jack has just become lazy with walking as he's so quick with his crawling. I've been trying to get him to walk again today and he's just been dropping to his knees and crawling.

Yay for her pulling herself up!

Jane how is Greg doing at nursery? Has he caught any bugs yet? The manager of jacks nursery said they either catch everything or miss everything. Hope Greg is the latter!
Yey Norah. It's great when they learn something new, they look so pleased with themselves don't they.

Greg is doing really well with nursery thanks bobster. We were told that by going only one day a week it would take him longer to settle in but so far so good. He's had a couple of back to back colds poor little mite so plenty of olbas oil and cuddles.

Greg is the same with waking up about 5am bobster. Does Jack go back to sleep? Sometimes he will have 2oz milk and then sleep until 7am but today he didn't, yawn!

How are you baby neice and nephew Mlm? Is your SIL able to breast feed them both?
Kids are so germy, they seem to get each other sick all the time in day care/nursery. Hopefully it builds up their immune systems for when they are older though!

Thanks for asking Jane, the twins are doing well. Finally went home a few days ago! I guess she's only able to nurse them once a day because they are trying to conserve their energy? She pumps and bottle feeds bm the rest of the time.
Aww glad they got to go home and are doing well. I seriously can not imagine having 2 newborns at the same time! Feeding and caring for one was so stressful in those first few months. I guess you would get used to it pretty quickly though.

So glad Greg has settled in well. It will be great for him in the long run, plus it gives you some time.. I haven't tried to give jack milk to see if he'll go back down. I may try that. How much milk is Greg drinking now Jane? Jack has 1 7oz bottle first thing and about 5oz last thing (started doing half formula half cows milk to wean him off aptamil). Do you babies drink milk from cups or bottles? I still give it in bottles but thinking of swapping to cups. I think he likes the comfort of bottles though as tried to give him milk in his sippy cup a few weeks ago but he spat it out. Is it ok he still has it in a bottle do you think?
How were your weekends everyone?

Wish it wasn't Monday tomorrow! Yawn
Bottles are still fine for a bit longer bobster, like you I gave it in a cup and it trickled everywhere as I think the flow is too fast so he spits it out, he does this with his water too. He's on 3 bottles a day: mid morning, mid afternoon and before bed but maybe only taking 4oz at each time. He's having some whole milk too, but finding it's giving him bad nappy rash so not 100% yet.

How was jack with the clock change? Greg was awake super early Sunday and Monday morning ugh! But Monday night and today he seems to have adjusted...

Can't believe we are coming back around to Christmas already!

Think I'm ovulating, got's just nice to see things are getting back to normal (hopefully).

It's November this weekend Mlm, are you feeling excited to TTC?
Thanks jane for the reassurance abôut bottles. Jacks just dropped his daytime one but is still having the bedtime one and morning. I've started doing half half with formula and cows milk and it seems to be working.want to stop buying formula soon as its so expensive! Are you still using first milk or follow on? I'm sticking with first milk just in case the follow on doesn't agree with him.

Glad to see things are getting back to normal. Are you going to go on contraception or just avoid dtd around that time?

Yes jacks been waking at half 5 most mornings recently and it was half 4 on sunday. So tired all the time and really feel like I need a holiday but all our savings are going towards the house next year. Dreading work all the time as so tired :(
I've tried a sippy cup with Norah a few times, but she is not a fan. We still have time though I think.

Glad things are getting back to normal with you Jane 😀

I am excited to start ttc. I'm praying it isn't difficult and nothing goes wrong. Hoping I can stay relaxed about it! Prob about 2 weeks until we actually start. Eeek!
Yay mlm how exciting! I'm sure it will be easier now you have Norah to distract you. I think it's harder now we know our cycles. Even though we aren't Ttc I am always conscious of ovulation and know exactly when it happens now!
We are on the number 3 milk bobster for 1-2 years, no problems so far with it not disagreeing with him. I agree it's so expensive!

Maybe you and oh can have a night away bobster if your in laws can have jack. I know you are saving but for your own sanity I reckon it would be worth splashing out a little.

We went to a wedding today (DH cousin) and she is 22 weeks pregnant. It made me realise how sad I sometimes feel about losing the embryo in my tube. I was doing really well until today. DH hasn't spoken of it, just asks how I am with healing after the operation. With the first mc he never got sad either. For me it will just take time to heal. We haven't dtd for ages bobster so no need for birth control.

So exciting for you Mlm, a sticky winter bean hopefully. :flower:
I think men sometimes find it difficult to show how they feel as they feel they have to be strong for us. That's what dans like anyway. Sometimes it can seem they aren't sad which is hurtful. I remember feeling like I was the only one who felt sad too. Also by bringing it up he maybe thinks you will get upset, but actually you may want to talk about it?

It's hard for them but I'm sure he has conflicting thoughts as his primary concern would always be you, and the potential risk may have been a bit overwhelming for him. I'm talking from how dan explained it to me after our experience but perhaps it could be similar?

Maybe you should tell him you feel sad and see what he says. I still feel sad about mine too. Think about it all the time and what could have been. Times a healer though and it's still very raw for you. Think now the stress and ordeal of the experience is over it's normal to feel sad and grieve. Try to talk about these feelings though and dont bottle things up as you don't have to go through it alone and hubby will want to support you through the sad times x
Last cycle I had a 28 day cycle with ovulation on day 14! That has never happened before but not been keeping track of cycles since having jack. Wonder if this is the start to nornal cycles or just a fluke? We are using condoms until august and are being very strict. I feel broody but have to contain these thoughts until the time is right for both of us and not just me! Hard!
Jane could you, hubby and Greg take a break together? Maybe some time out would do you good too?

Jacks at dans mums overnight tonight. I miss him so much and feel very on edge without him. Surely it should get easier as he gets older but I actually find it harder now to let him go overnight then I did when he was a tiny dot! Sorry for multiple posts ..

Would love to see some updated pictures of your babes, here is one of Jack
Ah bobster, jack is a little treasure. So much blond hair. How was he after his MMR jab?

Thanks for your words. I ended up asking DH about it and he said he felt sad too and that was what I needed to hear. We also agreed that our family is not complete yet and we will try again in the future when the time is right. We also talked about going away somewhere but for one reason and another now is not such a good time.

That's great about your cycles bobster and well done on being strict, condoms are a real passion killer!

How was jacks night at the grandparents? Did you catch up on much needed sleep?
We've never been overnight without Finn! I am so jealous. haha, my in-laws are great but they have an out of control dog that they think is no big deal. He is a nice pup, but he's very heavy, has sharp nails, and is a total spazz with no discipline and he goes crazy whenever Finn is over there. I'm afraid to have Finn there without me. :(

Sorry you've had a down day Jane. But I'm glad DH was supportive and you had a good talk. Your little family isn't complete, and it's such a great sign you were back to OV already.

and Yay mlm. Get busy! :happydance:

Yes more photos. I love how cute he is bundled up on the swing.

One photo is him being SOO excited about trick or treaters coming up, then being sad his little friends left. =/

Next is him happy the next day. LOL


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Finn is super cute watching his batman friend leaving. How old is he now? I've totally lost track and the ticker stopped at a year. Looks like he's dancing in the happy pic.

I will post an up to date one of Greg soon :flower:
Dang. Typed a response and accidentally hit "back" before I submitted it. Ugh! Too lazy to rewrite 😀

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