Jane, you got such a shitty raw deal. There is just no other way to put it. I am so sorry and hope you are ok when things to make you feel bad. I know it may be scary they removed that tube, but maybe it was narrow or bendy and may have happened on that side again. There's a reason Nature gave us two and your body is proving that by settling in to cycles again. My best friend since hs and my sister got prego with one tube or one ovary, without trying or much extra effort such as tracking cycles. I am so sure you will have another when you are ready.
Mlm! Still so excited. It's good they are close. It will be a tired blur for awhile but so much fun they are so close in age.
Bobster my cycles are making me crazy. And I'm distraught because we only have a handful left before we ttc.
Before I was prego, I had the perfect 28 day cycle for years. I quit taking bc for about 4 years before ttc, and seriously you could set a calendar to it. I started taking the mini pill while I was bf, I didn't want to never get my period and unknowingly get prego. I quit taking it in March after I was done bf so I would get my periods and cycle back to normal. The first 4 cycles were 25/26 days, I didn't think that was bad. Then I got back to my perfect 28 day cycles and was relieved the last few months. Today I had some pink spotting, but we dtd so no biggie. I full on started AF today, 5 days early. So freaked out. I don't want irregularity issues 4 months before we ttc again! I finally got cramps and stuff after, but usually I have pms symptoms and cramps a few days before af. It's just so so scary when your cycle changes when you are 37. I hope I didn't miss my window.