Man, funny how the stomach flu goes around everywhere! The Thursday before last Finn came home with it, then last Thursday he came home with a fever and we all got colds after just getting over the flu! Jane, I had to switch to almond milk for a bit with Finn. I think it tastes horrible and felt bad, but he grabbed it and drank it down! He is just getting over a terrible diaper rash after 2 weeks of bad diapers, so I think we will all be back to normal by Monday.
I had taken last Monday off to get stuff done, and I was home with the flu. I am so behind on Xmas stuff and just dropping our photo cards in the mail!!
Everyone else ready for xmas? Feeling better mlm? It is so exhausting to have the flu when pregnant. I don't think I have ever been as worn out as then.
And yikes bobster, 3 more months. It is scary. I have kinda talked myself into 4 months. And sometimes not at all. Finn has had trouble sleeping since he's been sick so much. He feels OK now I think but he was used to being up from a tummy or stuffy nose issue. so he likes the attention. After he was awake for over an hour at 1am last night I couldn't fall back asleep. I kept thinking maybe I can't handle a 2nd, and what is so bad about having an only child? Maybe I'll snap out of it soon.