Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Jane I'm sure everything will be fine when you ttc and get pregnant but I understand wanting some reassurance from your gp. Does having one premie baby make a difference to your odds of having another? Try to remember that it's such a low risk of another ectopic happening. You were just very unlucky. Hopefully when you get pregnant they will let you have an early scan to make sure babys in the right place. Are you definitely postponing until aug/sept? Yes my af started yesterday so a 34 day cycle which is what I was previous to jack. Seem to ovulate at the right time every month so literal phase is 14 days. Bet it won't stay so clockwork when we start ttc!

Mack there are so many reasons for abnormal bleeding and most of which are completely harmless. Always a good idea to go to dr though just to check. Good thinking to keep a diary. Are you up to date with smear tests (paps)? Will you still be aiming for April?

I'm nervous too. I am still thinking it going to take a while for us. April is creeping up fast! I think I may postpone until May but we'll see. I think OH would be happy either way. I need to start getting healthy and losing some weight now so in tip top shape for number 2 as feeling quite unhealthy and gross at the moment.

Mlm how are you feeling?
Jane, hugs. Crazy how this all goes. Last month I was certain I couldn't handle another and now I worry I won't be able to give Finn a sibling. I come from a family of 5 so I really do want him to have a brother or sister. They mean so much to me.

Bobster, yes still April. Got a healthy check sometime around Nov? I really can't remember but maybe it has been over a year. I should do that, oh so much fun. :) I always forget to go when I'm not on BC. Thanks for the reminder.

Holidays were awesome, but I've been exhausted. Looking foward to back to normal. We went pricing new things for the house to get ready to sell it. Having a realtor over in a few weeks to discuss what we should fix/replace and going to declutter and move a lot to storage. I'll have a lot to keep me busy the next 3-5 months. I thought about getting strips to make sure I"m still OV with all the spotting, but if I got a positive I'm afraid I'd go for it. And with house selling, moving, buying, it would be brutal. Hopefully it goes smoothly but I imagine we'll be in temp housing renting for a few months in the middle of this.
Wow, a lot of ttc thoughts going on here. I predict more babies late 2015/2016 : ) I truly hope your ttc journeys from here on out are as easy as possible! Although I definitely understand the worry.

Afm, I'm feeling constantly nauseous and am very much looking forward to 2nd trimester! Time flew during the holidays, and now I have Norah's birthday to plan, so hopefully that keeps me busy.

Random thought, but I wonder how Phez is doing? She disappeared from us, must be very busy!
Well I had a tad more spotting yesterday, but it was pink tinged ECM. Since I'm tracking my days in my phone app, it is a few days before I'm to OV so hopefully everything is still working right. It's awful to not even be TTC yet and worried about it. I hope it doesn't stress me out when it's time to start. I am really being conscious of my eating/weight to get into baby shape. I guess that is my resolution. Do you ladies make New Years resolutions?
I used to get some mid-cycle spotting mackjess, I did look it up when TTC #1 and the reason was to do with the egg being released and didn't at all affect ovulation and one place suggested it was a good sign an egg had been released but was ultimately just one of those things that sometimes happen. It's so easy to worry though isn't it.....I'm trying to get in to baby shape too even though I have a while to go. Have you started on the prenatal vitamins? April really isn't far away at all. Is your thyroid ok? I need to get mine checked before we try.

Yey on your prune Mlm. Yuk Mlm, don't envy the nausea especially while juggling work and Norah. Do you think you are showing quicker this time? Have you got a list of names you like from last time or are you starting again with that? Or perhaps it's too early?

What are you planning for Norah's birthday?

I've started applying for jobs, I hate job hunting, it's so demoralising when you hear nothing back...thankfully there is no real pressure to get a job yet and sometimes I think I will just wait until after #2 but also feel my confidence and ambition have really slipped.

How you doing bobster?
Jane thank you! I should go get my thyroid rechecked, it was stable after I had Finn but started bouncing up and down recently. I started to wonder if Wellbutrin had been affecting my meds so I should get it checked in a few months to see how it is that I stopped it. I was also spotting earlier this cycle, and no I spotted later in others, so it's not just around OV unfortunately. But the ecm made me feel better, that hopefully I'm still OV in spite of the spotting.

Also, as someone who's been a hiring manager don't be so bummed about no callbacks. I know I used to be, but now I know that at least half the time jobs are posted the hiring manager has someone in mind. But for legal reasons or to keep things fair the job still has to get posted. Being on the other side of that helped me out and gave me courage to just apply for everything, and it's how I ended up getting my last promotion and I didn't dream I was qualified when I applied. :) Before that I has submitted over 30 applications for positions I was qualified for, but only had 1 single interview. And when the timing is right I am sure good things will happen for you.

Mlm, you are my inspiration! I hope I can do as well if we are expecting #2 soon. :)

Bobster what's shaking?
Eeeek I'm panicking a little. DH and I dtd Saturday night without protection. It was only day 11 and because of my long cycle I knew I wouldn't ovulate for at least another week and I had no EWCM or anything. The last couple of days I've started to get signs I may be ovulating (A lot of EWCM today and some spots I usually get on my cheeks and twinges). The problem is I'm now on day 15 so it's only been 4 days since we dtd! It feels a bit close for comfort.
Yesterday I went to get the morning after pill as it was just within the time limit but they wouldn't give it to me because of the previous ectopic.
Aaahhh now we just have to wait and see...I'm hoping it will be totally fine, I don't think I've ever ovulated day 14/15 before but there's always a first time!

Just looking at your ticker Mlm, can't believe you are already over 10 weeks.
Jane eek hope eek I can understand the panic. It's so weird that we're all nervous about getting a bfp (apart from mlm of course) now!

The more I think about it the more I'm worried about the whole ttc/pregnancy thing again. I'm worried about getting obsessed as I know I will, worried about mc or other problems and worried about how I'll cope with 2 babies. The whole thing is scaring me!

My ovulation this month is due on the 23rd which is exactly the same as the date I conceived jack. I have thought about how weird it would be to have the same due date again! Maybe having 2 birthdays around the same time would be quite nice. But we're still waiting until April. It's not too long away is it... Panic!
Mackjess try not to worry, I'm sure you are ovulating just fine. Ewcm and a regular cycle are good indications of that. If you weren't ovulating properly your cycles would surely go very long and irregular. Did you say you'd had a pap (smear) and thats all up to date? Some women also have what's called an ectropian on their cervix which can cause bleeding - particularly related to sex usually. It's completely harmless and can be caused by hormonal contraception.

Mlm your pregnancy is flying by so quick! When will you have another scan? Have you got a bump yet? Will you take bump pics again? Not long until second tri now so hang in there :)
Blast! I need to schedule my pap. It was due in November I think? I am going to put a reminder to schedule it in March since that's when I want to ttc again.
This pregnancy is going pretty quick. I will not miss first tri at all once I am out of it! I'm pretty sure 2 kids will be enough for me. Pregnancy is not my favorite. I have a tiny bump, but nothing much yet. I'm having my next scan when I'm 13 weeks, which I'm very much looking forward to!
Good luck Jane. It can happen 4 or 5 days out but it's less likely.

I went from having shorter than normal cycles to at being due to start tomorrow, and I didn't start early and absolutely zero signs she's going to be here. Usually I can tell 3-4 days before. We only did once without protection but it was nowhere near of time so I think I might just be a few days late this time. Not terribly worried but glad I noticed things and started using my phone app again so I can discuss it all with my on in March. Ttc hopefully in April. Omg.

And I'm with you mlm. I was healthy during pregnancy, other than colds and sinuses, but I mean nothing major, my baby was healthy, I was glad it was an uneventful pregnancy and I did cherish those times with Dh was we learned and grew, but I didn't love being pregnant. I tell people I was handed this awesome little guy and my heartburn went away the same day. Lol. I am grateful I was lucky enough to have my own baby, but actually being pregnant is meh. My friend has 3 babies and struggling ttc #4 the last four years. She is heartbroken. Poor thing loved being pregnant and hadn't prepared to not be 4 times like they'd always talked about.
Did af start mackjess? Good you are keeping an eye on things. Had my thyroid blood test on Monday.

My cycle is a strange one this month, I've had EWCM for about a week so god knows when or if I actually ovulated. I'm feeling so broody at the moment but I would totally freak out if I got a BFP right now, it's a confusing bunch of feelings but I know deep down the time is just not right.

I loved being pregnant but I think it will be different next time with Greg to look after and although I loved bring preggers I think only one more baby is on the cards for us realistically.

Have you got snow bobster?

Not long until your scan Mlm, so excited for you.

I've just started reading fifty shades of grey lol, i find it captivating!
Mlm can't believe you are nearing the end of the first trimester already! How quickly is it going! Are you feeling sick or generally ok? Bet your teeny bump is cute!

Mackjess I'll be right there with you in April. I'm hoping to aim for a BFp by October which gives us 6 months.

Jane you must be having strong ovulation as I had ewcm for about a week when Jack was made. Have you resisted dtd?

Jacks getting a few bigger teeth through at the moment and has a bit of a cough bless him. He's still not saying any clear words either which is worrying me.. He has understanding of what things are though as he follows commands and points to things in books. Any tips to try and encourage first words more? I knew he'd be a bit delayed as he seemed to grunt a lot when he was little while other babies were babbling lol!
P.s. He loved the snow! Did Greg like it Jane?
Greg is the same with the speech bobster. No real clear words except mumma, dadda and no. He tries to sing with me and imitate the noises and babbles a lot and points at things but its all quite incoherent at the moment. Greg also has big teeth coming in, it's the front molars on the top and the bottom and all 4 are about half way through so he is suffering too.

How is Jack doing with spoon feeding? we are making progress but he's not totally independent with it and after a couple of good mouthfuls he gets lazy and I have to feed him or he uses his fingers. We are still not on a beaker for milk but we'll get there. He's less dribbly with the water now.

He is STILL not walking. It's so frustrating because he will walk between us but is just lacking in confidence to do it on his own. Everyone keeps saying he'll do it when he's ready which is true but his delay is beginning to worry me.

no snow down here bobster :cry:
Oh jane sorry to hear you are also worrying! Everyone keeps telling me not to worry too as he'll be fine and I'm sure he will be but I can't help but worry so I know how you feel!

Sounds like Greg is close to walking as jack did the same before he walked for a good while. It is a confidence thing often as it's such a big thing to let go and walk independently. Try and enjoy your time while he's less mobile for the moment! It sounds like Greg is saying more than jack. Jack doesn't even call us mama and dada :( he knows who we are but never calls for us using our names. I really am worried and don't know whether to tell the HV. I might ring for advice.

With feeding he's good at doing things like porridge on his own but things like pasta he gets frustrated with and like Greg ends up using his fingers. Sometimes I feel quilty for that as well as I sometimes am short of time so just spoon feed him myself so it's quicker and less messy. I try to let him do it at least once a day though. I'm finding life so busy and such a juggling act at the moment. On my days off I have chores to do and feel bad for not playing with jack as much as I want to and then I'm at work the rest of the time. I think when they are ill it's just. Million times harder and it's getting to me a bit. Jack still has bottles of milk too, haven't tried the cup again as he likes the comfort of the bottle and it's only one at bedtime and one first thing so I think I'll let him decide when he wants to give it up .
Norah isn't even standing on her own without holding on to something, and no steps unless she's scooting along furniture or holding our hands. I think we have a while until she is walking.

She is only drinking out of bottles right now. I have given her a sippy cup, but she doesn't really get it, and I haven't been good about consistently trying it. I'm guessing 1 year is probably too old to have bottles all day though. It's so hard with your first child when you don't know how everything goes!
I hear you about the work thing bobster. It's very hard to be a working mom and still make sure you get the chores done and of course spend time with your kid. I've been feeling guilty because I'm so tired that I just don't feel like playing with her sometimes. Hopefully 2nd tri brings me an energy boost.
It's been almost two months since he took his first steps alone and many months since he's been walking with one or two hands holding his. DH wants me to talk to the HV as he now seems to be regressing. When I take him to get weighed next Saturday I'll ask them....some Hv's are so crap though, just a matter of opinion most of it and depends which one I ask.

I do understand your worry bobster :hugs: I guess it's normal for them to develop slower in at least one area? I just can't help but go to play group and it highlights how delayed he is.

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