Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Norah doesn't imitate any sounds really... She replies to everything with "baba" usually. She will imitate gestures though, and if we tell her to "shake shake", she wiggles her little booty likes she's dancing. It's the cutest thing ever! Does Finn like your dog Mack? Norah lovvvves our dog and giggles like crazy at her. She will definitely not be walking by her birthday. Im also having a really hard time with sippy cups still. She just loves her bottle. She's going to the next stage room in day care though, and all the kids use cups there. I can't have her being the only one on a bottle still!
That is cute Mlm. It's lovely how they mimic what we do. Greg likes to pat our back at the moment!
We've been offering Greg a sippy cup from 6 months old for water but it's only recently he's more competent and doesn't dribble it all out of his mouth. I tried putting milk in there but he still wants his bottle- I think the sucking motion is comforting for him. Norah will get there, especially when she see what the other children are using.

I know this is a looooong way off for me but I think I'd like a home birth next time.
A home birth is exactly what I've been thinking about recently jane! How strange! What's made you think you want one? I think I'll probably chicken out when it comes to it!

I'm cd 2 today and only one more af to go until officially ttc! Broody now and feeling ready but I always seem to feel like this when I'm on af and then I go back to being apprehensive so my broodiness must be hormone related. Are you still going to start ttc in summer jane?
P.s I really want to lose at least half a stone by April so hopefully that will keep my mind off ttc a bit! Mack how are you doing? Are you still trying to lose weight before ttc?
One more af bobster eeeek....I think the apprehension about TTC#2 is normal, having one baby already is a big reality check so to knowingly decide to go for it again is a huge deal. What is your apprehension, is it getting a BFP/miscarrying or the practicalities of having 2 children?

No, we won't be shooting for the summer, more likely from October when Greg hits 2. There are a coupe of things I want to do first and losing some weight is on that list. 1 stone down :happydance: but at least want to do one more. I'm also signed up to do a half marathon and I really want to accomplish that this year.
I'm not sure why I started thinking about a home birth bobster, must be feeling broody and lots of pregnant ladies at playgroups must be playing on my mind!
Stupid question. How much is a stone? That's definitely not a US term : ) Jane, a half marathon is super impressive! I'm already thinking that post baby I want to kick my butt into gear and start working out. That is an awesome goal.
Wow good for you jane that's an amaZing goal to aim for! I've just started running again but only short distances so far as I'm so unfit! Are you getting out often? Do you stick to the sane route or mix it up? I do different routes but might start to push myself a bit harder soon.

Sorry mlm yes we always use stones over here. We should really use pounds like everyone else really!

Have you thought of any names yet mlm? It will be lovely for Norah to have a sister so close in age.

Jane I'm apprehensive about mc and falling pregnant as I really am prepared for it to take a while but my main worry is juggling a toddler, baby and work. Plus the newborn stage daunts me as to be honest I was so tired and stressed about doing things right I didn't enjoy it. I only started to enjoy it when he started sleeping at 4 months. Hopefully it will be less stressful second time round though!
I'm only just getting back into running again too bobster and it's so hard building up the mileage, especially with carrying the extra weight and feeling constantly tired (Greg still not sleeping through) and all these colds I keep getting. I manage to get out 3 times a week and worried it's not enough before the half In June but I will stick to my training plan and see what happens....I just feel like I need to accomplish this for me.
I take my hat off to you that you are fitting it in around work and being a mummy.

A couple of parents have said that you are more relaxed second (and third) time around as you know a bit more what to expect. I know what you mean about wanting to do things right at the start and I too feel like this overshadowed me enjoying my new born. Oh good the sleep deprevation is horrible but only temporary (hopefully).

Did you say your were selling your house mackjess? What are you doing about buying one bobster, will you wait a bit longer?
We should have enough deposit together for August so we're not looking until then. If I look on rightmove I see things and get obsessed/impulsive so we've agreed not to look until August when we're in a position to put in offers! York is very expensive so the house prices are ridiculous in all the nice area's so we may have to move out a bit (we live on the edge of the centre at the moment).

Well I've worked out that it will actually be May now when we'll be Ttc as my ovulation is right at the end of March so Iwont ovulate in April at all! This is how obsessed I already am... I worked out that if we conceived on 3rd may (predicted from cycles) baby will be due in January... My birthday is jan and it's so rubbish as its such a drab month! So now I'm wondering if June might be better.... But then it's unlikely to be so straight forward! Gar hate how obsessive I am!!
damn it Greg just woke up...was about to type a nice reply..

Long story short (before he starts going nuts) was going to say that when you and OH are ready bobster don't over think it. As you say getting the BFP may not be straightforward and then you'll kick yourself waiting for the perfect time. :hugs:

I'm kinda obsessed looking at pics of pregnant Kate Middleton! love her clothes style.
damn it Greg just woke up...was about to type a nice reply..

Long story short (before he starts going nuts) was going to say that when you and OH are ready bobster don't over think it. As you say getting the BFP may not be straightforward and then you'll kick yourself waiting for the perfect time. :hugs:

I'm kinda obsessed looking at pics of pregnant Kate Middleton! love her clothes style.

Hope you didn't find my post too harsh bobster.x

I'm sitting here thinking I really want to get pregnant :dohh:
Of course I don't Jane :) I need a slap sometimes. I just get myself worked up but can't seem to relax about it. Need to get a grip!

I love Kate middletons style too. She always looks so effortlessly glam doesn't she?

Are you feeling broody? Maybe you should Ttc with me and mack in April/May and share the madness with us! ;) although I know you want to focus on your half a marathon. How's the running going? I'm enjoying it but haven't been as often as I would like due to time. I went out at half 7 on Sunday morning though and felt great afterwards! I too am feeling like I want to be pregnant at the moment. I was thinking earlier about how weird it will be to have another little newborn to squish and wondering whether it will be like Jack or completely different. Can't wait!

How's mlm and mackjess?
Cd 13 today and got brown discharge/light bleeding. Typical that cycles go wonky just before ttc! Not due to ovulate until cd 20 and no ewcm yet so it can't be because of that and have been feeling emotional like pms. Wonder what's going on?!

How's everyone else?
I'm excited you guys are thinking about ttc. I will be here to cheer you all on : )

I'm feeling better now. Not nearly as sick, although I'm still exhausted. I find out the gender next Thursday, woo hoo! This pregnancy is going pretty quickly. I'm looking forward to feeling baby movements and to getting a bigger belly. Right now I still just look like I'm getting a chubby gut!
mlm it is cruising by.

I am going to my ob in a few weeks. I want to talk to her more about possibly having pcos. I was borderline for it on tests years ago, and im older and weigh more. Ive struggled to lose weight even tho my thyroid has checked out fine and my cycles have been odd. I barely had my period for 2 days. I did by some ov strips so im hoping that will reassure me.

I'm still struggling since I quit taking wellbutrin with having focus and motivation, but I didnt think the wellbutrin helped. Being scared about not being able to have a baby has been a kick in thepants the last weeks on my diet and exercise. Im hoping if that improves my sleep and well being will be better. I dont want to try new meds so close to ttc.

Feeling overwhelmed atm with house stuff. Just a lot to clean and organize so we can list ours. Not sure when I'll find time in the day so trying to get more organized too.
There are just not enough hours in the day and I feel like a total fraud saying that to you ladies as I'm not working but cannot imagine if I was how I would get things done. Well done on getting out running bobster, to go early is best I hate having it hang over me when come the evening I want to watch TV and eat cake! The running is going ok but I have ALOT of work to do if I'm going to complete the half...not fussed about time just want to get round the course.

Mackjess we are quite similar with the borderline PCOS, hypothyroid and the antidepressants. I've not been on mine since the start of this year but I'm having trouble with motivation for weight loss too, even getting out for a run is a really big deal. Over the years I've tried many different types of meds before I found one that helped but I can understand not wanting to do that so close to TTC. I hope your doc can give you some answers about your cycle. Can you take a few days off work and keep FInn in nursery so you can get some stuff organised?

So excited to hear what the sex is Mlm and pleased you are feeling better. Is Norah giving your tummy cuddles?

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