Oh man that is a lot of people! I can't even remember what I did for food now for ours. I think there were about 25 people. We had cake and I think I had everyone bring an appetizer. It was a lot of fun and chaos!
had our 18 month appt, Finn is doing stellar on his development, the only 2 year milestone he hadn't hit was jumping. He squats to jump, but then does it kinda one foot at a time. I guess it's a 2 footed jump. He's starting to string babble sentences together, he never really babbled before, and I cannot to find out what this kid has been thinking all these times giving me the eyebrow look. lol
But he only weighed 22lbs 12 oz. He was 23lbs in December when I took him for a walk in. He eats everything, I give him fat with every meal and snack. I wish he could drink dairy, he can eat yogurt and cheeses but can't even drink lactaid. Since he drinks almond milk, he's missing out on fat. The ped wasn't really worried because he's so active, but she wants me to try to get him to gain 1.5lbs by his 2 month check in. That's a lot for him. I cook all his food with olive oil, butter, full fat everything.
Has anyone tried goats milk for LO? That is the only thing I think I can change is swapping out his almond milk since he has that 3 times a day. All he drinks is milk and the occasional juicebox, like at his appt yesterday, bc that is easier to carry along. I never give him sugary things that are all calories and no fat.
Good luck MLM with your party. Please post some pics!
Jane, Finn was ahead on a lot of things til 6 months, then a few weeks/month behind on everything til this appt and he's ahead on everything again. I'm figuring out more and more that babies growing at their own pace is true!
Bobster-I'm nervous and TTC is still months away. Aggggggggg