Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Yey on your little plum Mlm. Do you have any feelings/intuition if it's a boy or girl?
Jane, I just remembered, I was talking to a friend who had a premie baby and she said her LO hit almost all of the milestones on time except for walking, which took a bit longer. I would ask anyway though, it doesn't hurt to get the doctors opinion.

I'm thinking girl. We will see at 16 weeks hopefully!
Bobster I just read that initially toddlers are either walkers or talkers!

Greg has just started crawling properly! Up until now he has been doing an army crawl on his stomach.

Will the snow affect you Mlm and mackjess?
No real snow here, thank goodness! I'm looking forward to spring already though : )

We are having Norah's birthday party at our house in a couple of weeks. Somehow we are up to about 50 people, eeeks! I'm not sure how this is going to work out, considering I've barely planned it yet.
Oh man that is a lot of people! I can't even remember what I did for food now for ours. I think there were about 25 people. We had cake and I think I had everyone bring an appetizer. It was a lot of fun and chaos!

had our 18 month appt, Finn is doing stellar on his development, the only 2 year milestone he hadn't hit was jumping. He squats to jump, but then does it kinda one foot at a time. I guess it's a 2 footed jump. He's starting to string babble sentences together, he never really babbled before, and I cannot to find out what this kid has been thinking all these times giving me the eyebrow look. lol

But he only weighed 22lbs 12 oz. He was 23lbs in December when I took him for a walk in. He eats everything, I give him fat with every meal and snack. I wish he could drink dairy, he can eat yogurt and cheeses but can't even drink lactaid. Since he drinks almond milk, he's missing out on fat. The ped wasn't really worried because he's so active, but she wants me to try to get him to gain 1.5lbs by his 2 month check in. That's a lot for him. I cook all his food with olive oil, butter, full fat everything.

Has anyone tried goats milk for LO? That is the only thing I think I can change is swapping out his almond milk since he has that 3 times a day. All he drinks is milk and the occasional juicebox, like at his appt yesterday, bc that is easier to carry along. I never give him sugary things that are all calories and no fat.

Good luck MLM with your party. Please post some pics!

Jane, Finn was ahead on a lot of things til 6 months, then a few weeks/month behind on everything til this appt and he's ahead on everything again. I'm figuring out more and more that babies growing at their own pace is true!

Bobster-I'm nervous and TTC is still months away. Aggggggggg
Grr I just typed a long message and it deleted! So annoying when it does that
Well done Finn, bet you feel like a proud momma.
Not tried goats milk with Greg mackjess. Greg is currently tolerating half cows milk and half water- have you tried that with Finn or is that still too much lactose?
Thanks for your comments about their development it's just hard to sit back and wait especially when it seems everyone else's toddlers are racing ahead. I have a new worry now lol, the nursery are saying he's too clingy and at his age he should be showing more signs of being independent. He's not much of an explorer only when we are at home. At playgroups and nursery he only wants to stay close. Even if I distract him with toys, books etc and move away from him even slightly he goes nuts...

Eeeek that is a lot of people Mlm, the numbers can spiral upwards quickly can't they, bring a dish is the way to go!

When is your 13 week scan Mlm?
What are their reactions to cows milk? I tried whole milk with Norah, but it seemed to bother her stomach and her diapers were terrible! I switched back to formula until her 12 month dr appt.
In the uk they don't recommend you give full fat cows milk until after 12 months. Greg has been ok on it unless he had a gastric flu then he can't tolerate it for a while after. He gets terrible gas and really vile yellow diapers.
We started Finn at 11 months. He seemed to be gassy with regular milk, then the lactaid was fine. Then he was on antibiotics back to back for months, and now regular or lactaid milk gives him horrible diapers. He's still on probiotics, so I'm going to keep those going and try milk again in a few months. He also can't tolerate citrus or grapes like he used to, or tomatoes. He loooooves tomatoes so we can't have them in the house. He sees them on our salad and has fits. His system just seems more sensitive now. But he was on antibiotics again in Dec for a cut on his finger, so he hasn't had much time off them to get back on track.

Bobster! I hate it when that happens. lol
It's weird because he is totally fine with other dairy. Thank god, cheese and yogurt make up a lot of the fat in his snacks and meals since he is hit or miss with meat, bread or pasta that I fatten up with oil and butter.

Doesn't his diet sound terrible? lol
Oh poor little Finn! I wouldn't worry about his weight though as it sounds like he's getting a really good amount of calcium and fat from elsewhere. I don't give Jack cows milk, I give him 2 bottles of follow on formula a day and then he just has juice and water throughout the day by like Finn we give him plenty of cheese and yogurt so I'm not worried about dairy. It would be cheaper to give him cows milk but he just spits it out. I think he's too used to the sweetness of formula but it has all his vitamins in so I don't mind giving him that. You must be really proud that he's meeting all of his milestones, it sounds like he's doing so well!

Mlm I'm sure your party will be brill despite the big numbers. She'll have fun and get loads of fuss and attention, and presents of course! When we had jacks 1st birthday we told people to drop by anytime throughout the day so we had guests staggered a bit. It worked quite well and we didn't have everyone in the house at the same time.

Jane I got even more worried today when I went to visit my friends 10 month old baby. She is already making a 'woof' sound when you ask what dogs do. Jack just stares at me blankly when I ask him what things do! Paranoid that I'm doing something wrong, or not enough to encourage him to speak but I don't know what else I can do! I speak to him and ask him questions all day. We read all the time, I ask him what things are and he just doesn't say a word. But he babbles a lot and chats in his own language. we went to a kids soft play thing in york today called creepy crawlies. He had loads of fun but my lord it was so busy and exhausting! I'm in bed already and it's only 7pm lol
And another thing jacks started doing is when you feed him things which are mixed up like bolognase with pasta, he spits it out to look at it and then feeds it back in with his fingers. Have your lo's got fussy with food yet? He used to be fine but now I have to feed him the different foods separately before he'll eat it mixed up. This isn't with all foods thank god but I have noticed he's a bit fussier these days
Finn changes all the time with food. Loves stuff, then hates hit, then loves it again. Spits it out, eats something else, eats it again.

One thing I did that I think helped Finn was read to him in front of him. I laid on my belly and read a book I knew very well, and looked over the top of the book to make faces and eye contact. He loved me making faces for sure. And I know it's hard to say not to worry. But I do know milestones here usually start at gd date with premies so I think he is right on track. And Finn was quiet, he never babbled at all, and I thought for sure he was going to miss the two word milestone and he started it like a few days before his appt. They certainly catch on more than you realize.
My ultrasound went well today! Baby measures spot on and had a good hb. The ultrasound tech thinks it's a girl, although it's too early to be sure of course.
oh bobster I was replying to you and Jane in the same blurb. lol. I really need to go to bed earlier. :p
Hehe don't worry!

AaHow I'm going through a broody period. There's a few new pregnancies at work recently... 2 more cycles left until Ttc!
Yey Mlm on seeing your little peach, hope your symptoms are easing a bit. When is Norah's party? Will you announce to more people?

I know how you feel bobster about the talking but mine is about the walking, I guess they will excel in some areas and not others but it's so hard not to worry even though plenty of people give reassurances. A lot of what Greg says is incoherent and I know he wouldn't make a woof noise for a dog either. He's pointing at lots of objects and I'm doing my best to teach him. Have you asked your nursery about his learning journey? They can help him develop his speech as well. Greg is starting two half days a week now , one full day was too much for him.

Eeeek April will soon be here and looking forward to your BFP journeys.
Thankfully af has just arrived (a couple of days early but that's ok!) I'm feeling broody but we are not ready and that's ok as I'm enjoying Greg.

Have applied for a coupe more jobs so we'll see what gives with those...

I find soft place places exhausting too, they are so noisy! I think Greg will enjoy then more once he's walking.
Bobster do you have a dog? We do, and Finn made a woowhooo sound, like woofing, for the first time yesterday. He's 18 mos.

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