Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Yey on your onion mlm- They seem to have updated the fruit and veg on there since we last used the ticker.

Vent away bobster that's what we are here for :hugs: I'm already worrying about TTC again too and it's way off for me yet. I feel like me and DH relationship has changed since having Greg, I can't describe how really I just know it's different.

Yes I definitely want to stick to a boy next time around too- I don't know how to do girls :shrug:.

That's great that jack has started talking now bobster, I know you were concerned about it. Greg hasn't improved his vocab but is mimicking a lot of sounds still and talking jibberish. Everything is "uh-oh" at the moment, very cute.
We took him to get weighed this week and the health visitor said that if he isn't walking in 2 months time (when he hits 18 months) then he's going to need physio to help him start.
on the plus side he's doing really well with his spoon feeding and drinking his milk out of a beaker.

DH cousin just had a baby this week and I feel quite jealous. I should have been 6 months gone by now.
Aww jane hugs. It's hard thinking about what would have been. I still think about my mc's all the time. It scares me that it might happen again.

Sounds like Greg is on track and doing really well! Loads of babies don't walk at 18 months so don't worry about it, he'll walk when he's ready. I am glad jacks talking a bit but still not as much as I'd like or as consitent. It will come though. He's got a
D&v at the moment which has spread to me and OH. Bleugh!

I know what you mean about your relationship changing as mine has too. I think it's because we very rarely have any time as a couple anymore. I find it really hard to have energy for making an effort for OH sexually and it think that's affecting us. I also have zero sex drive and we are clashing because he's wanting to dtd and I just can't get in the mood! Hope this changes for May when we ttc. Maybe it's how I feel about myself as well, I still have half a stone to loose and my skin is awful so self esteem is running low.

I think I'd like one of each but would be happy with either. Be cheaper to have a boy and would be lovely to see them play together and go through school together bit a girl would be nice to have a bit more balance .

I just hope whatever it is is healthy and sticky!
I hope one of you has a girl at some point so I'm not the only one 😀
And out of the blue, Greg got up and started walking today! feeling very proud and relieved :flower: :thumbup:

Hope you, OH and Jack are feeling better bobster- at least D&V usually passes quickly.
Great news on the walking jane! Has he developed confidence now?

I'm ok thanks. Looking forward to a trip away for dans 30th in April and af was due the weekend we were away so decided to go on the pill to avoid a period while we're away. I hope it doesn't mess with cycles though!

How are you jane?
He certainly has, no stopping him now!

Are you staying in the UK bobster? eeek you are brave going back on the pill so close to TTC but af timing is such a pain in the arse sometimes!
I have my af and I'm so grumpy. DH has been away with work for weeks and Greg has been waking up 5 or 6 times a night lately :cry:
Oh my Jane. Sounds like his little body is too excited about the walking. I miss the crawling stage because Finn's hands slapped loudly on the wood floors. Now he sneaks up on me and sometimes scares the daylights out of me! lol, it's so fun to watch them delight in their new skills though.

Mlm, how are you feeling? I am getting a bit jealous and nervous. How about you Bobster. TTC soon after you get back?

We are preparing the house to sell. Got new appliances, boxing up lots of stuff for storage. A friend is buying some of our extra furniture for his apartment and picking that up this weekend. I've been busy boxing stuff, planning, etc and haven't been exercising. Also been bad about frozen pizza or takeout while we are busy. I haven't gained any weight which is good but I feel bad for slacking off on the exercise. Very much looking forward to my OB appt in early April to discuss my concerns.
House selling and buying is such a busy and stressful time mackjess I can totally understand the exercise falling by the wayside so don't feel bad. Convenience foods are always my downfall!
I hope your OB puts your mind at ease.

Af is really dragging out this month and only just getting a fuller flow after 4 days of brown...thinking maybe I should go back on the pill just to regulate things and help with my mood, I'm super grouchy for days with af now.

Happy UK Mother's Day bobster :flower: did you have a special day?

Yey on your mango Mlm. How is your bump? Are you feeling lots of kicks now?
A mango already! Wow that's going fast! Can we see a bump pic mlm?

Jane I had an awful weekend, Dan was away and Jack was just a nightmare all weekend. I think he's either coming down with something or getting his final 2 teeth through as its quite out of character. Or maybe he's hitting terrible two's early I don't know. Tantrum central! Did you have a good Mother's Day?

Has your period changed since the ectopic? Are cycles irregular? Every. Ow and the. I have a weird one like yours which starts slow and then becomes heavier so I wouldn't worry too much. I do quite like being on the pill though, it's removed any thoughts about a possible pregnancy which is nice. I think using the withdrawal method you always have niggles of doubt. I'm just hoping after holiday it will resume a nice clockwork cycle but probably not! I've been on it 9 days now and started on cd1 and I'm still spotting brown so this is a very strange cycle. I put it down to my body adapting to the pill though so hopefully it will stop soon.

Mack are you still Ttc in May? Thats my plan although I'm kind of hoping it won't happen until a few months. Hope it doesn't take forever again though, maybe 3 months would be a nice time. I hope you get some answers at your ob appointment. Are you still mid cycle bleeding? I had mid cycle spotting for 2 days last month which was bizarre but I think it was probably to do with ovulation.

Sorry I've been quiet on here recently. Just feeling stressed learning how to handle jacks tantrums. It's draining when you can't hand them to your partner for a break. Jane is Greg better now? Wonder why he was waking so often.. How's the running going? I've not exercised at all recently either, and have been eating bad foods so I can totally relate to how you two are feeling! Might try to start being good again today.
Greg is the same bobster, really pushing the boundaries. He is also becoming quite a bully (pulling hair and biting out of anger- to me and other children). And when I say no to him he goes mental and chucks him self on the floor. I've signed up for a course at the children's centre, it's called about boys course and looks at how to set boundaries and discipline boys. I just want to make sure I am doing it right!

I've booked in with my GP to go back on the pill, like you said bobster, I don't like having accidents! And the worry that brings. I think there are certain ones I can't have now I've had the ectopic. Can't see her until April though but that's ok. Full flow finally started :thumbup: I think they are mostly the same as pre ectopic.

Mother's Day was a bit rubbish, DH was doing a running and bike race and we are both exhausted so wasn't a special day but I did get a nice present although I really just wanted to spend time just the 3 of us.

Greg is still waking a lot, like Jack I think it's teething as well, not many teeth left to come in but I think it's very painful for him. I've started giving nurofen rather than calpol and we had a better night, just up once.

Which pill are you on bobster? I'm yet to find one I really like.

What have you decided about house hunting and getting married bobster?
Oh Jane what a good idea to go to the boys course! I wonder if these fits of temper are more common in boys? I wish there was something like that here but not heard of anything. You will have to tell me what you learn. Jack sounds exactly the same, he flings himself on the floor too. Looks like he's praying lol. It's just so confusing knowing what to do. I'm taking the approach of ignoring mostly but saying no when he's really pushing me. It's hard as they are still so young but definitely trying to push the boundaries.

Your Mother's Day sounded as good as mine! ��

I'm taking the standard combined one which was called microgynon but now has a new name. It's fine so far. I just don't know if I'm making a mistake going on it this close to Ttc. Still not sure whether to have my withdrawal bleed the week before or to,eave it until after the weekend away.

Well we will be in a position to buy this August as that's when we have access to our deposit (they're in shares with dans work). The wedding planning is going to be postponed until 2017 now as we were thinking about August 2016 but Dan quite rightly said I would either be pregnant or have a new baby so it wouldn't be ideal to do it then. Feel like we are forever waiting at the moment. I'm more excited about buying a house than the wedding as its annoying renting and not being able to do anything to it.

What will you do when you have the next baby? Do you live in a 2 or 3 bed?
Do you let Greg watch much tv? Sometimes when I'm feeling tired I just put cartoons on. I do feel guilty for it but it lets me have a break (like now!)
Also at the moment because of jacks tempers I dread taking him too far in the pram so recently pretty much every day we've just gone to the local park. Feel like I've not taken him anywhere else recently the poor boy.

What kind of days out do you do with Greg? We took Jack to a farm fairly recently and to the coast but not sure where else is good for young tots.
Don't feel guilty about the TV bobster. It doesn't sound like you have him in front of it 24/7. We put it on for the odd thing, mainly 'in the night garden'. Also if the day is really dragging I put Neighbours on at lunch time and we play in front of it- I know that will sound bad but it's only for 30 mins and I'm not ignoring him but I just need something for me.

We go to the local parks a lot too and sometimes soft play centres and farms but the cost does add up especially when maybe he only wants to be there for an hour! We do a lot of classes/playgroups spread throughout the week so I think he's getting a good amount of stimulation even if we don't do much at the weekend. He does love going to Morrisons! lol.
Once Greg finally lets me put him in the buggy he is usually ok for a time but I dread if I need to take him out as I know he won't go back in!

Sounds like you have some good and exciting plans bobster. Is your current rental place a house?
We live in a small 3 bed but the upstairs layout is not great, I think we could just about manage for a time if we have #2 here but DH needs to work from home more and more and we really need a 4th bedroom for a study. We need a garage too for DH motorbike as we rent a council garage round the corner and I know DH wants a man cave! parking here is awful too, often don't get a space on our road so off street parking is a must next time- we really compromised on too much when we bought this place but it was only the two of us then. So in some ways it is good you have had to wait as you can buy exactly for your needs right now (and for #2). We didn't have the foresight when we were buying before we had Greg.

I know this will sound bad when so many people struggle to conceive but if Greg's sleeping problems and behaviour keep carrying on, we won't be trying for #2!
The more I think about going back on the pill the more I think it's a good decision for me.

Are you juggling work and Jack ok now? I don't honestly know how I would cope working as well but part of me needs a break from Greg.
Happy belated Mother's Day UK ladies!

Everyone sounds so busy with their lives and kiddos, wow. My DH is out of town for work, and I'm finding it very tiring doing everything on my own. Norah is a pretty easy kid for the most part, but there is still a lot to do. Although she throws a fit every time I change her diaper or her clothes, quite dramatic with flinging her body backwards. She's also so crabby when she's tired. Thankfully she's been sleeping well though, so that helps.

I'd share a bump pic, but it's really nothing too big yet. I have a long torso and wide hips, my babies have a lot of room to hide in there : ) I'm absolutely stumped for a girls name, any suggestions??
Greg used to be easy too Mlm! Lol. Maybe it is a boy thing though. You are so lucky that Norah sleeps through, I am jealous.

I like Amelia, Jessica and Sophie- they are not very creative though, sorry!
I keep coming accross a lot of babies called Isabella and variations of that.
Elsa is pretty but very common now- thanks Disney!
No we hardly ever dtd either jane, but jack sleeps so I can't blame him! Thinking I need to step it up so that come may he doesn't think I'm using him for his spermatozoa (which I clearly will be lol). I think daily life is just messing with my sex drive.

Since starting the pill I have been bleeding for 2 weeks solidly! Heck.

Girls names I like are Hannah, madeline, Megan and Sophie
Maybe I should have said Norah is easy "for now" Jane : ) I know all kids go through their phases!

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