His bday is in July. I don't like it. I had a hard time when I started saying 20 months. You quit saying months after they turn 2, and it's just 2 years,
How did this happen??
We are hoping to have the house on the market by Mid May. I have my OB appt tomorrow and want to ask about PCOS or metabolic syndrome. I'm active, I never sit, I play bball, take finn on walks and do dance parties with him. I only sit when I'm folding laundry. I'm a low volume eater, always have been, have problems getting enough calories in usually. This actually makes it harder and slows my metabolism down. I need to do better to eat enough and make sure it's 1200-1400 calories of good stuff, not 1,000 calories of leftover finn food and chips. heh. I'm hoping I weigh enough now my tests won't be inconclusive. I know it's weird to want to have something wrong, but if they do say it this time, maybe I'll get metformin or something to help. I weigh about 15lbs more than before I was prego.
Bobster, how is your cycle now. Calmed down I hope?
How are you Jane? I am really not feeling well. Lethargic and weighing too much so I may put TTC off til summer. I'll be 38 in August, I don't think trying then is waiting too long. Not sure what difference a few months would make and I feel so low energy right now I don't think I'd survive being pregnant with a toddler.
MLM, wow it's flying by. How is sweet Norah?
Hope everyone had a happy easter.