Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Oh yes what are your plans you two?

How's the packing going mack?
Thanks! We are planning on laying low most of the weekend, but I hope to get out tomorrow night to watch the fireworks with Norah. I think she will like it!
Aww that sounds lovely mlm! I hope she likes them. Has she seen fireworks before?

Jane did you get thunder storms down there in the early hours? We were woken at 3 an with torrential rain and lightening/thunder. Jack slept through it amazingly! Thought he would get scared if he woke up. So hot and muggy today though. Thought it might have cleared the air a bit but no
Enjoy the fireworks Mlm. Wow at 35 weeks the baby is the size of a coconut- I thought it would be much bigger- just shows how much bigger they get in the last 5 weeks!

OMG bobster, it felt like it was right above our house. Probably the loudest thunder I have ever heard. I don't usually get scared but I grabbed out for DH lol. The rain on the window woke Greg briefly but he settled again quickly.

How are you doing, are you 7dpo? When do you think you'll test? Are you feeling better? Think you said you caught something from jack.

I've been so bad at remembering to take my folic acid- I seriously might have to wait another month before we NTNP, not been too healthy at all and been drinking a lot of rose wine in the heat!
I grabbed for OH too. It sounded literally right next to us too! Can you leave your folic acid next to your toothbrush Jane? I wouldn't worry about the wine either. I'm not stopping until I get a BFP as I'm sure the alcohol helps keep me relaxed while ttc. I'm trying not to change my lifestyle at all during this Ttc stage as I let it control so much last time and it did no good. Plenty of people drink during Ttc and their kids are ok. I drink a couple most evenings.

7dpo and feeling a bit hot and bothered. Been more hungry today than usual. Went to an American food festival and ate a big juicy burger and some donuts after. Yum! Not had any symptoms as such.. Keep imagining a tender left boob but think it's because I keep poking it. Also felt a tiny bit of pinching in left ovary although I think I o'd from the right... Maybe I was wrong again? Other than that nothing. Throat better but feeling tired still.

I'm going to test on Tuesday as I will be 10dpo then so feel this would be relatively accurate. Not feeling confident after last month as was very hopeful last cycle.
eeeek bobster, I'll be stalking the thread the next couple of days to see your test result- I'm so excited for you and you have some promising signs! (I know you don't want to get your hopes up though).
well done for holding out in testing :thumbup:
I was weak and tested todayand bfn. Feeling a bit low :(

I hope it doesn't take ages again like last time. I was feeling quite hopeful but not confident at all now as used the same test that I got a shadow line on at 8dpo with Jack. Wish I was stronger and could just wait for af!

Can't wait to never have to Ttc again!
I'm sorry bobster.
We all understand how disheartening a bfn is and I know nothing I say can will make it better but you are still in with a chance until af shows.
My first ever BFP that ended in mc I got it at 8 dpo but with my last two I never had anything until the day AF was due so implantation timing etc is all different.

Please keep your hopes up lovely :flower:
FX for you bobster. it's still early.

I typed a huge response and accidentally went back a page and lost it. Ugh. I hate laptops sometimes! I'll have to catch up later since I'm supposed to be working. :)
Thanks guys. Jane that's reassuring to hear. Did you have cramps with your pregnancies? I've not had hardly any and I'm sure I had then consistently from o to bfp with jack :(

I hate that too mackjess. It always seen to do it for me when I reply on my iPad or iPhone!
Can't wait to hear an update about how all the house stuff is going. You must be so busy!

Feeling so blue today. It's very disappointing seeing bfn. Also jack was really upset when I sent him off to nursery this morning. He was crying and trying to cling onto me which he is usually never like. Then nursery rang to say he'd been bitten by another toddler on his cheek! Hope this doesn't trigger him to start biting again as we seem to be over that stage now. Poor baby :(
oh poor Jack. Maybe he could sense you were down? eeek being bitten- touch wood we seem to be out of that stage too!

I don't think I had much cramping until like 5 weeks onwards- can't say for sure though as I lost my pregnancy journal when Greg broke my ipod :wacko:

My cm is starting to change. I'm day 13 and usually O around day 18 and I'm feeling nervous as to whether I want to go for it, now it is upon us I just don't know if we're ready and really feel like waiting another month but in honesty how much will change in one month?...hmmm guess we'll see

Did you see the photos of princess charlotte's christening? loved the old vintage pram (not practical for everyday use!) I bet she has a bugaboo!
Yes I bet she does! Bugaboo envy!!! I didn't see them as been at work all day but will have a look. They are such a lovely family. Someone at work said I looked like Prince George, didn't really know how to take that lol!

I think you should see how you feel closer the time. Don't put pressure on yourself as there is no rush but you are right about things probably not being any different in a month. I guess the anticipation is there for everyone but it may be worsened with what you've gone through recently. i see it as each cycle people have about a 20% chance anyway so the odds are it won't work out the first month.

I'm glad I started Ttc when I did now. Although I was secretly hoping I would be lucky like mlm on the first cycle!
Just looked at the christening photos- how cute is George?! Such a cute family.

Sorry the bfn brought your mood down Bobster. Still hoping for you though!
Bobster, what an odd thing to say that you look like a two year old prince!
There was a photo of him talking to the queen- it must be so funny as he couldn't possibly understand her significance and probably stands there chatting happily away.

Will you test again?

I'm not so nervous about the medical stuff as I am about coping with two. I find the whole sleep disruption really hard to deal with. Greg isn't regularly sleeping through and adding another one in the mix I don't know how I'll cope. Ultimately though I don't want G to be an only child so we need to get on with it. It won't be like this forever I guess!

How are you doing mlm, you must be looking forward to finishing up at work soon!
It is a very strange thing to say isn't it! Haha! Bizarre.

I can understand your worry because I have it too. Not about the sleep particularly but about how I will manage having to care for jack at the sane time. I found the newborn stage hard anyway with just 1 and if I'm honest I didn't really enjoy that stage. I worry about not being able to bf easily again, about the sleepless nights and feeling alone on maternity leave again. I didn't enjoy it like I thought I would. I started to get used to it after he was 4 months though so I just have to keep that in my head next time.

Hopefully Greg will be more settled at night by the time no.2 comes as you'll have a but of time ttc and then the whole pregnancy. When he's waking up what do you do to settle him back down?

I tested this morning again and bfn so just waiting for af now. Thank god I get free tests from work. I would be bankrupt otherwise! I'm already looking forward to next predicted o at the end of the month :)
Maybe I should order some internet cheapies from amazon as I know I'll be a POAS addict! Have you tried the preg tests from pound land? I know you said the OPKs were good.

It's good to know I wasn't the only one that didn't enjoy the first few months. I think we had a big reality check and shock to the system with the first so with the second it hopefully won't be as bad as we think!
I agree about the newborn stage- it's a lot of work and much harder then I expected! Hopefully it will be easier since I have an idea of what to expect? I'm just hoping this baby sleeps as well as Norah did/does. I don't do well with little to no sleep!
I'm sorry mlm I hope I haven't made you worry. It was a thoughtless post. I'm sure (because everyone says so) that now we know whT to expect we will be much better with no.2. I think part if it is learning how to actually become a mum. I remember stressing and worrying over every tiny thing but in reality we don't need to and will have no time to next time!

I hope all our next babies are good sleepers. I think I've been spoilt with jack so will be totally unprepared for a bad sleeper!
I'm feeling a bit rubbish today. Really thought as we dtd every other day during fertile time we had a good chance this month. Ive argued with OH over something stupid so we've spent the whole evening in different rooms, my face has broken out really badly so I look horrific and I've eaten loads of carbs and high fat food all day. Meh! Hope she shows up on time so it can be over with :(
Your post was fine Bobster, don't be sorry!! I've been saying the same things myself 😀. We are all going to go through that stage again at some point, I'll just have to give you all the horror stories and scare you ladies first haha

I know we can't make you feel better about not getting a bfp yet, ttc is so stressful. I know it took me longer when I was ttc with Norah and I hated it. Although I predict it won't take you nearly as long (if your not already pregnant!). How long did it take with Jack after your mc?

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