Moving over from the ttc after loss thread

Good Jane! Are you getting excited about the new job? You should have a busy and exciting time this summer. :)

Yes, plan on BF. I made it to 7 months with Finn and got really sick and had to stop bc of the meds I was on, and the meds also dried me up so I couldn't even try to pump to keep that up. Finn quit gaining weight after I quit BF because he didn't like any formula. And he was way interested in food but not so great at getting it anywhere but all over his face so he had a few months where he was slow on gaining weight. As a mom, you hate that, even though it is normal for many babies as they are wanting food more than milk. I hope if i don't make it a year with baby girl that she'll be less finicky about formula! :)

I hear both of you about getting your body back. I have only gained 6 lbs with this one so far. I don't look prego, I just look fat. :haha: My baby bump has pushed out the little tummy I had left after finn and my boobs have gotten huge, but other than that no changes overall with the body. Makes me really excited I may get in shape faster this time around than it took for me with Finn, almost 2 years. Of course I could still gain more I'm not quite halfway thru, but with the first prego I got big as a house like immediately. :D

Can't wait for you to meet LO either Bobster. So exciting for Jack to have a brother. I won't have a 3rd because I'd be in my 40s, but I wish I could have a chance to give Finn a sister AND a brother.
Yes I'm excited to see them play together. Double trouble! Think we'll have 1 more and then call it a day whether it's a boy or a girl. Can see myself with 3 now, but the third will be imminent as want them close in age. Mack you did so well to bf for 7 months. Did you struggle or did it all come naturally? I can't remember now. I'm really hoping it's easier second time around to get a good latch and avoid painful nipples. I remember the toe curling pain. I've bought in some formula and bottles to take the pressure off this time if I struggle too much as completely different wasn't prepared last time.

I hate that podgy stage at the beginning before your bump looks like a true baby bump. It's a nice stage though before all the tiredness of a big bump kicks in. I can't wait to wear some normal clothes too! Maternity ones are fun at first but the limited wardrobe soon gets boring.

Jane you did say but when is your job starting again?? Where are you now in your cycle? Are you going to ntnp this cycle or will you time bd? When do you plan on taking the clomid?

Mlm how are you and the girls? I met a lady yesterday with 2 girls 18 months apart and they were so cute. I thought about you and your family. She was saying how hard it was but it will so be worth it when they grow up so close to each other.
39 week bump picture!


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What an adorable bump!!! You look great! Thanks for sharing : )

The girls and I are doing good. Audrey so badly wants to be mobile, which I'm sure will add a little more difficulty to my days. I have to say though, I honestly think that my kids are easier than most (at least for now). Norah is so chill most of the time and most of the time will happily sit and color or do a puzzle or whatever. Unless she is having a super sassy day, which happens too. We will see if it gets more challenging once Audrey gets a little older. After the first four months when she was soooo fussy, Audrey is super happy now. My biggest complaint is that DH is gone 12-13 hours a day, so I get very little help : (. I really wish we could at least do family dinners together, but he's home too late for that.
Oh, and I know everyone is different, but I did gain less weight when pregnant with Audrey and it was easier to lose after. I weigh about the same as I did before I got pregnant with Norah now without very much dieting. Just used MyFitness Pal for a bit. I think all the running around with 2 definitely helps : )
Oh that's brilliant! I'm not surprised though as you have long days without any help from hubby. Do you have set activities that you do with the girls to keep them occupied?

It's good that Norah will sit and amuse herself for a while. Jack needs a lot of entertainment. He won't sit and do puzzles and concentrate on something for that long. I wish he would as sometimes it's exhausting. I think he gets on and plays by himself more when he's with OH but with me he wants me to play with him all the time. I have bought him a little sand play table as a present from baby so hopefully that will entertain him for a while when I'm busy with baby.

Hoping the weight comes off quickly with breast feeding. It wasn't too bad last time although i did eat more sugary foods in the early weeks due to tiredness.
Bobster you and your watermelon look beautiful. And you're carrying out the front which looks like the weight is confined to one area. I definitely carried more in the hips and boobs making me look fat all over. Love the solid wood door too :flower:

Bobster how does DH feel about having 3? I don't think I'll be be having three- I'm getting on a bit age wise and it takes me too long to conceive.

Ah I sympathise Mlm, my DH has a long work day/commute too but he can work from home a couple of days a week and that helps. Lucky that your girls are occupied easily.
Sounds like Audrey wants to be on her feet chasing her big sis around.

Bobster, plenty of books and boys course/people have told me that boys have a shorter attention span than girls. Not much will hold Greg's attention for long- only the TV but I don't like using that for too long each day.

Eeek back to work in 10 days time! No we've got the clomid date in the diary I feel like I can put ttc to the back of my mind for a while.
10 days! Wow bet it will feel strange. will be good though Jane. It's good having your own professional identity and being able to switch off from mummy duties for a part of your day. I remember being really sad for the first few weeks of going back to work and leaving him but soon adapted and I think it's done him good being apart as our days together now are more special. You'll probably find it a bit of a break once you've gone past that awful settling in period :)

Thanks for comment on bump. I have gained weight on legs, bum and arms though. Feel huge all over but hopefull to lose it quickly with bf. Started hand expressing yesterday and managed to get some colostrum so hopeful that bf might be easier this time. Last time I struggled to get anything out after he was born and worried so much that there wasn't any in there so it's given me a bit of confidence.

Jane OH doesn't know we're having 3 yet. I'm going to suggest it once we're over the sleepless nights phase so he's lulled into a false sense of security. Not sure how that will go and think it may take a bit of persuasion but I really can see us with 3 and if we have another boy I know he was meant to be and they'll hopefully grow up close to each other. I wouldn't try for a 4th if we have another boy as financially couldn't afford 4 plus I think it would probably send me into an early grave :)
Haha Bobster- love your comment that OH doesn't know you're having 3 yet. I'm kind of doing the same thing. I've mentioned it before that I want 3, but have left it alone for quite a while now. I'm planning on bringing it up again when Audrey turns 1. By that point, he should be on board too : )
Hehe I love that you are both waiting to tell your dh's of your #3 plans once you've gotten over the new baby stage. Good plan!

Are you feeling movements now Mack?
Awe lovely bump!! No Jane, no movements yet. Very anxious for my scan Thursday. Feeling quite blue and wondering if I have a sinus infection. My main symptom is usually tired bc I'm always somewhat congested with allergies, but it's hard to tell when prego!!

Mlm your girls are going to be thick as thieves growing up! So sweet.
Feel better soon mack and hope the scan goes well on Thursday.

How you feeling bobster? Getting impatient?
Very impatient thanks for checking in Jane.

Got midwife this morning so we'll see what they say. Don't think I want a sweep as heard they are uncomfortable and often don't do anything. Got an awful cold which is hopefully on its way out but kind of scared to go through labour as its wiped me out and my throat is sore so can imagine it being 10x harder not being able I vocalise the pain haha! I bet my other half is thinkin thank god! Jacks got it too but he doesn't seem to have been as ill as me. Hoping we don't pass it onto our littlest man when he arrives..

How are you feeling about the job start date Jane? Are you nervous? How is little Greg?
Just to give you my own experience bobster, I had a sweep with Audrey. It was hardly more than a regular exam as far as being uncomfortable. And Audrey was born 8 hours later 😀 Not trying to sway you either way, just wanted to share my experience!
Oh bobster I hope you get over your cold fast. Colds while prego are just miserable, and I'm sure especially as far along as you are! Good luck with your appt today.
Hope your midwife appt went well and that you feel better bobster.

Good luck with your scan today Mack, hope your little one cooperates nicely!
Thank you! I didn't sleep at all last night as I'm pretty anxious about it. Hope all is well in there.

Bobster, I feel like I'm on the royal baby watch! :D
Did you have the sweep done bobster?

How was the scan Mack? Hopefully no reason to be anxious at all.

Yes feeling nervous bobster- thanks for remembering. The weather has been lovely this week so lots of playdates with Greg and toddler friends in the sun :thumbup:
Scan went well. Baby is still a girl and she is healthy and perfect. There's a little concern about the umbilical cord possibly being attached to the front of the placenta and not coming out of the middle, but they couldn't get a clear shot of it. So good news is I get to get scanned every 4 weeks. If it turns out it isn't attached where they like it to be, they want me to go to the hospital if I have any contraction and not labor at home. But, we already knew this was a C section baby so I should have that scheduled about a week early to avoid labor and I would've gone in right away anyway if it did start. Luckily not much of a change of plans for me, and I get to see little miss more often. Ob said this happens occasionally and they'll get a clear shot later of the cord and see it's fine. I had to get scanned a lot with Finn bc I had high normal fluid levels, and it was all good with him. He was just a big boy with healthy kidneys. I think I'd be worried if this was my first, but I have history with a great ob who is overly cautious so feeling reassured.

Glad I have the doppler to keep an eye on the heartbeat. If I do have a cord issues they check heart rate and growth often to make sure enough blood is getting thru. Which blood flow was great and I can check hb myself. I think otherwise I would be more worried but doing pretty good. . I'll go weekly if issue is still present at 36 weeks.
Arthur James born 21st April weighing 8lb 6oz!

Beautiful and very much in love. He came in a mostly water birth with no complications and is so far very good and feeding well. Jack seems to be enjoying having him here and keeps kissing his head a lot!


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