my first baby buy :)

im okay atm i get uncomfy if sit certain way my ribs hurt and watching me get of the sofa is prob hillerous lol . yeah dont test till they say hun i know its hard but you dont want get a false result cos testn early i got a negative test and litrelly couple days late i got positive and that was both using first response tests x
I think you can request a S&S ? I think they'd rather do that that induce you ? I asked for my S&S, and had it 4 days before my DD. Not that it did anything for me. ye they leave you 10 days here. I only got induced because of my blood pressure. I read in my note the other night that I had protein in my urine so along with my bp and headaches I prob was heading for preclampsia anyways so good job I was induced :) Keep us up to date hun, can't wait to see photos :) enjoy as much as you can :)

Ye best to wait hun, how are you feeling? When do you go back to work? A week a Saturday did you say?

I don't think it's my weekend to work when I go back I can't remember im forgetting which day we are ha but I think I might be back Monday.
I can't wait to test but Ive not been tempted yet x
yeah i asked the mw was a diff one to one im ment to see but iv seen some one diff most tims lol she said they would book it in at hos but im hopin she got that wrong seems silly go hos for a sweep my mate had one and went in to labour next day so i guess it depends x
I had a sweep at the hospital at my check up, it's a quick procedure. I didn't know they did them at home, I wonder why if you were going to a check up. But ye it does seem silly to send you to the hospital for one.

My midwife (I saw the same one she was lovely) told me to take my hospital things just I case my waters broke after the sweep as I had strep b and would have had to have been admitted for antibiotics and because I'm allergic to penicillin I needed it through a drip that lasted 24 hours, not the tablets every few hours. Hope the sweep works if you need one!!

Aww my Isla bear sat for a few seconds yesterday with a toy, I encouraged her a few times and we did today too. I think she'll be sitting pretty soon, crawling too. She's crazy, she goes backwards and turned 90 degrees lol. She's a very cleverer cookie.

Up to much over the weekend ladies?

Today we just had lots of playtime and now me and hubby are watching a film and had chippy for tea. Tomorrow we're going to walk to the beach (10 minutes walk away) and take Isla to see the sea :) see what she makes of it.

aww how cute there so funny when they go backwards lol! if i have it done at hos i dont know if il need to take my bags with me will ask mw on wed i think :)
I think my midwife said that just to be safe, as I live half an hour away from the hospital, I left them in the car didn't take them in with me.

Ah talking about all this with you makes me excited to don't again lol.

Have you been trying anything? I did bouncing on the ball, evening primrose inserted (sorry tmi) sex, raspberry leaf tablets, walking I think that's it. But I get the whole bubs comes when they're ready.

I tired Isla's 3-6 month skirts and trousers on today and they're huge, they fall down to her ankles !! Jeez she's a while off nfitting into them, she can wear the dresses, they're big but she can get away with them, t shirts are big in the neck and body. . I weighed her Thursday she's 14lbs3oz which puts her I between the 25th and 50th percentile and she's 65cm long which puts her at the 75th percentile.

The babies that were here Tuesday are all poorly "/ Bentley has croup, Maddison has an ear infection and conjunctivitis and Sienna has a cold. Isla was a bit quiet today and sleepy but hoping its her teeth and nothing else.

Yeah my SIL had 2 sweeps which her last 2 babies at home. So did a few friends. Different places do if different I suppose.

It's lovely when they learn to do new things. Eliza understands fish and is trying her hardest to repeat it as she loves looking at laws marine tank and she loves our cats an is trying to say that. So sweet. It's weird how all of a sudden they learn something and then they do it all the time.

I just bought some 2nd hand toys from a lady off Facebook so went to pick them up, all musical things, she'll love making noise with those.
Then we going food shopping and home to chill.
It's very warm today so might have a BBQ.
Ye I guess they do.

How cute :) I love this stage Isla is at, so fun :) she'll be starting swimming lessons in a few weeks :) exciting!!

It's good when you can get decent things second hand, not a lot of that here I find. We bought Isla that luv u zoo jumperoo a few weeks about for $200 ($250 in shops) and I've just see one on gumtree, 3 months old $70 ! Ah well.

Sounds lovely :) enjoy Hun.

I'm fed up of winter now !!! And we just got our electricity bill through ... $900 (almost £600) and that's for 3 months. We've been using the heaters all day and night though :( damn it. And prices have gone up here. It's bloody ridiculous. And they give you 17 days to pay.

Thanks Hun, hoping she doesn't catch croup as Bentley gave Isla kisses on Tuesday xxx
The houses over there are not brick builds like ours are they as they go up so quickly. So ul find the heat prob escapes through a lot.
17 days is not a lot, what of you can't afford it?

Why do you think the Auses don't sell there stuff?
Ye the houses aren't built to the standard of the UK at all. There's no instillation or anything, single glazing, external door the same as the interal doors ... Ridiculous !!!

They do sell their things but I've found lot of it is tat, not worth it. And I'm not just being a snob. You have to find the right people to buy from if you get me.

Really that's weird about the doors?

Your dad a builder? Are they going to build there own house out there or buy 1?

I know what you mean about some 2nd hand stuff as some people do not look after there stuff at all x
My mum and dad will build at some point. Ye he's a builder. I think we're going to build too, build it right lol. A normal size bath, instillation etc lol.

My little bubba has been coughing a bit today and just been coughing in her sleep, they say croup is like a bark. Will keep an eye on her during the might as that's when it apparently starts. Hoping she's not :( did I tell you she had to go on lactose free formula?

How you feeling Hun??

Yea you did say and why is that? Isla allergic to milk?
Oh bless her, not nice hearing them coughing, hope she sleeps through it and doesn't turn to croup!

When are you mum N dad getting there? X

I started to feel sick earlier but ok now x
She went on it as she had diarrhea for 2 weeks , 2-3 times a day. Before that she went once every two days. So she had a stool sample and came back normal but I wasn't happy so took her back to the doctors as I knew it wasn't normal for her. So. We got told the diarrhea would have damaged some follicle thingys and if she kept having diarrhea they'd become per entry damaged and wouldn't heal meaning she'd become lactose intolerant so we had to put her on de-lact formula to stop the diarrhea, we kept her on it for 4 weeks and she's been fully on normal formula 3 days now and she seems ok. So glad she isn't lactose intolerant.

She had a bit of a whine about 20 minutes ago but settled again. Thanks hun.

My mum and dad ....... Longgggg story :( basically they now have no visa application. After 27 months and £12,000 their business class visa had to be withdrawn as they couldn't sell their house and provide the $750,000 bonds by the date they were given. So I was sponsoring them, got all the info from immigration after ringing so so many times and confirming the info was correct, they knew every detail and said we could apply early with proof of contracts etc and a letter stating why I feel I am 'settled' (8 weeks before my 2 years here) so we did, mum and dad paid $3,000 for the dick head (sorry) of a case officer refuse to accept it because we are 5 weeks before the 13th September the 2 years I've been here. so a waste of money, form filling etc. so I'm fighting with this woman now to give me an answer when we can reapply but she's being a stubborn bitch but I'm not going to back down. I have to provide Ste's work contracts to show we came here with intentions of staying permenantly because we entered on a Working holiday visa. We only did that as it was the only visa we could get to start the job 4 weeks after it was offered. So I'm now waiting on letter from Ste's work to state they offered a two year contract and asked ste to start within 4 weeks and we were on a permenant residents tax rate so that in itself should show her. So see what she comes back with. I feel so sorry for my mum and dad :( all they want is to get he and get on with their lives and be with us and Isla. If we can't apply til after nov my brother will need his own visa too as he'll have finished college and won't be a defendant. Just all depends on her and the date she says, if she says, we can apply.

Have you been looking out for symptoms?

God that sounds complicated!! And some people are jobs worthy aren't they.
Australia love there country and don't let immigrants into it like we do so they do things right but very frustrating if your genuinely wanting to stay out there.
It's terrible there just wasting money. Would they have to pay that again when they apply?
It's hard to sell houses now especially if there a lot of money. People can't get the mortgages.
I take it its still up for sale? Have they had much interest?

Is Isla classed as Australian now? X
that sounds a nightmare cheryl hope it gets sorted asap for you :) how you feeling hayley? my first symptom was sore boobs and i had mild cramps like period cramps :) x

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