You guys crack me up!!! LOL!!!

Well I've taken a total of 3 tests already and here they are!!
So I literally tried to RELAX this cycle and not get myself all stressed out. I didn't use any OPK's and all I tracked was my CM and CP along with my normal achy feelings I get in my ovaries around the time of ovulation. I knew approx. when it would be so DH and I had sex every other day the whole week before then and then a couple times after I figured I ovulated. I did eat pineapple, but didn't really eat the core because I thought that sounded silly. LOL!!!

I think me relaxing definitely helped. I was really good, I tried to not Google anything and when I felt myself getting all uptight about it I would stop and take deep breaths and relax again. I did some yoga, that is relaxing as well. Then when I got to where my AF was due to start I got anxious, but I did good considering I'm the biggest worry wart ever!!!