Nice to meet you Viliyana! Beautiful name!!
Pearly if it makes you feel better I have O Negative blood which is very rare. Only 7% of the population has it. (So of course I do! LOL!) Well with that blood type I can give blood to anyone, but I can only take my own blood type, so I had to get a shot in the hip yesterday since I had a mc because if my babies blood type is positive, which it would be unless in the rare case my husband happens to be O Negative, which I'm sure he isn't, if the babies blood gets into my system my body will see it as foreign and attack it. So when I do get pregnant if I wouldn't have gotten this shot, my body would attack the baby because it's blood type is not the same as mine. So found out that when I do get pregnant I have to have another shot in the hip at 28 weeks and then one with in 72 hours of giving birth. If I didn't do this either I would have a still born or my baby would have mental disabilities. Lovely huh? LOL!! But now that I recieved the shot and know I will need them with every pregnancy, that will not happen. But just another dang hurdle and it doesn't feel great to get stabbed in the hip!