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Megan , everything will be alright Hun m sure pretty soon for all of us and we all will be celebrating soon !! Let's stay and remain positive, ups and downs are going to come throughout our life but the best thing is we have such nice people around us who are with us in all the situations !!
Yeah MrsR I agree, it's like why not me? And at the same time of course I'm glad our bodies make sure if the fetus is not healthy that it doesn't keep growing.
It's just all those what ifs that are killing me... what if it was okay, what if it's my body, what if it would have worked out and I was still pregnant... :(

Aw Pearly that's how I felt when yours started as well!
You're right, but I just hope it's gonna work for us this cycle.
We will all get there ladies. :hugs: I'm here for all of you. We can do this!! :thumbup:
Pearl, it sounds like a good plan. I wish you good time. It will be a nice late bday present it would be your cycle. But like you said to enjoy it without stress is that most important.

Maggz, oh girl, I hope so much that you AF stays away.

Thanks Khatif but it's here.. just posted about it probably at the same time you posted this...

fx for you hon!

I am so sorry. Be sad a bit then let it go! We will try to cheer you up and keep positive! /hug
I'm so sorry maggz!:hugs: I love True Blood!! Haha!! Each month even if everything is done perfect, we only have a 20% chance of getting pregnant. Which is ridiculous!! :growlmad: Why is it so hard??? Never seemed that way when we're young and being taught to use protection because you will get pregnant without it. :dohh: I thought we'd get pregnant as soon as we tried because that's how we're taught it works. Makes me wonder how so many people get pregnant when they're not trying to? Obviously things happen, but really? How come we all are having such a hard time? :growlmad: Irritating. :nope: We all need to try to relax and let nature take it's course. I know that's easier said than done, but maybe we can all help eachother to try not to stress about it so much. Obviously we have to time BDing accordingly, but we should try to take all the craziness out of it. Sound good?:thumbup:

I really hate it. I know so many good people whom only wish is a baby and they dont get it. They work hard for it. They are healthy and nice people.
Others on the other side get pregnant easy and some of them shouldn't have kids at all.

Life is so unfair!
Oh, I cannot believe it. I am on CD11 so we should BD now on and I am sick. I feel terrible and I am almost sure that by the evening hours I will have fever...
oh hun :hugs::hugs: may be u can skip today and start from tomm once u feel lot better...its imp to take rest too...and i feel even if u start a day late no harm unless u ov v v early!! take care hun!
I think we all need some hugs today! :hugs: myself included!

Maggz, it's not so easy to 'just get over it', so be kind with yourself. We are here for you xoxoxo

Khatif, when do you ovulate usually?

AFM, I'm feeling pretty negative about this cycle. I'm pretty sure I'm in the TWW, but I am having my doubts that I have a chance at BFP. I have been so stressed out this cycle (work B.S.), crying almost every day driving into work. My hormones are all wacky (had more EWCM last night (?!?!?!?!), so I'm not sure if I even ovulated (although I DID feel ov pains on Monday). I took an OPK today for the heck of it and it is technically negative, but still looks like it's getting close to positive. WTH. I think I am done with OPKs! They are just frustrating me. Wish I could 'just relax' and go with the flow more often in life. Just want to cry today!! :cry:

And I'd really LOVE a skinny caramel macchiato, but they are full of splenda and I wanted to avoid splenda. LOL I'm already pissed I can't have all the foods I want and I'm not even pregnant!!
Khatif I'm so sorry you aren't feel well! :nope: You can tell your honey that you need to BD, but you're just going to lay there. Hahahahahaha!!! Kidding of course, hope you feel better. Lots of rest. :hugs:

starluck I'm so sorry you haven't been real happy lately. :hugs: Work can really be stressful. I hope it calms down for you. I LOVE my vanilla iced lattes in the mornings. I'm horrible!! :coffee: I did cut back when we were TTC and I will again when my AF starts, but I've been drinking them every morning. I'm addicted for sure. :dohh: I feel so bad you feel like crying today. I totally know how that feels. I have days where I could start crying so easily. It's not fun. I'm here for you and hopefully we can help cheer you up. :happydance: Hang in there. :hugs:

As for me I'm confused whether I ovulated about a week ago like I thought, or maybe I am now?? :shrug: The last couple of days my bbs have been sore like they get right around ovulation and I still have been having random EWCM, but not all the time. But last week I had the ovary pains and EWCM, so who knows? My CP is pretty high, firm and slightly opened. So I don't know. :dohh: So with all that said, my AF could start in a week, or two weeks. :growlmad: Annoyed!!
aww hun!!...I so completely feel for you!!....And the worst part is hormones go all wacky the moment we are into ttc....other than this previously never ever i felt any of this thing in my life before..everytime i feel different I just say to myself,...this difference better be for good (pregnant)..if I am pregnant ,.m ready to take all the hormone changes..and so on..but without being pregnant and such changes god thats so hurtful....its like a tease to our body i swear!!
yet we do all we can eat healthy, avoid junk, do exercises...I swear I have never done this much of anything in my life before...and never bothered when m I getting periods and when not...but ever since ttc my whole world is around my body my symptoms...what cd ..I am ..tracking periods...not even for this month but last five months..and here I am again on to see how were my pattern for this like never ending thing....only pregnancy can stop all this drama and I so wish we all get it soon! and get all these hormone changes for the actual reasons i.e pregnancy!!

go ahead hun have whatever u like..i seriously feel we should all do what we like at least once of all..the times we are so stressful!!

and dont cry dear....opks turn positve from negative then negative from positive and ur seeing the latter part of it m sure...if u still not sure u keep the bding going on...seriously dont think much about ewcm.!! at the end what matters is frequency of focus on that !!
Thanks Pearly. It is annoying focusing so much on every little feeling we're having with our bodies. I've never paid this much attention to every part of my body before! :dohh: I've learned a lot about myself, but even after doing it for 5 months, it's still totally confusing! :wacko: I hope we all get there here soon as well. Then we can all be complaining about pregnancy stuff! :happydance:
Hahha that part of complaining is always welcome!!...:hugs::hugs:
I would be MORE than happy to be complaining about pregnancy stuff!! :thumbup:
Thanks ladies :flower: :hugs: I stress myself out too much!

Megan, that sounds like me (i.e. EWCM randomly). UGH. I hope we both get it figured out soon.

Pearly, thanks :hugs: my husband is so happy we are BDing much more than we usually do LOL!!!

I can't wait until we're all pregnant and complaining about it :)
I'm sorry you're feeling like that starluck :( It's true, we stress ourselves out too much. My dh asked if I could dial down the crazy (he knows I'm on these forums every day lol) and just chill out about this whole thing. Which is right, but at the same time, if I didn't have you ladies to talk to I don't know where I'd be! In a straitjacket for sure :haha: :wacko:
But like Pearly and MrsR have been saying (and dh :haha: ) we need to relax a little, I think. I just wonder what that happy medium looks like, you know - staying positive, bd'ing and all that at the right time, testing at the right time, but still not getting too into symptoms and every little thing our bodies do. I hope we all find it and can start complaining about pregnancy stuff this cycle!

Khatif, sorry that you're feeling sick :( try to do something that feels comfortable and see if resting during the day is enough to make you wanna dtd tonight ;) If not then just wait a day, you don't necessarily have to bd on ovulation day since the sperm can live for a few days!
So I'm trying to figure out what to do. The place my DH and I rented for our vacation this next week has a hot tub. I know they say to avoid hot tubs while TTC, but we're not TTC until after my AF starts in a week or two, which means we can't start trying for 3 or 4 weeks. So, would using the hot tub in the evenings for 15-20min affect his sperm do you think for when we start trying again??? I'm worried about that. :shrug: What do you ladies think?
I'm sorry you're feeling like that starluck :( It's true, we stress ourselves out too much. My dh asked if I could dial down the crazy (he knows I'm on these forums every day lol) and just chill out about this whole thing. Which is right, but at the same time, if I didn't have you ladies to talk to I don't know where I'd be! In a straitjacket for sure :haha: :wacko:
But like Pearly and MrsR have been saying (and dh :haha: ) we need to relax a little, I think. I just wonder what that happy medium looks like, you know - staying positive, bd'ing and all that at the right time, testing at the right time, but still not getting too into symptoms and every little thing our bodies do. I hope we all find it and can start complaining about pregnancy stuff this cycle!

Khatif, sorry that you're feeling sick :( try to do something that feels comfortable and see if resting during the day is enough to make you wanna dtd tonight ;) If not then just wait a day, you don't necessarily have to bd on ovulation day since the sperm can live for a few days!

This morning my husband actually said to me: "Just relax. I know you won't, but try." LOL!!! :haha:

There is definitely a happy medium ~ just have to get ourselves there :flower:
So I'm trying to figure out what to do. The place my DH and I rented for our vacation this next week has a hot tub. I know they say to avoid hot tubs while TTC, but we're not TTC until after my AF starts in a week or two, which means we can't start trying for 3 or 4 weeks. So, would using the hot tub in the evenings for 15-20min affect his sperm do you think for when we start trying again??? I'm worried about that. :shrug: What do you ladies think?

hmmm i'm not sure! if you want to be on the safe side and not wonder later on "what if" then maybe stay away from the hot tub :( as much as that sucks. try googling and see if you can find general guidelines about it.
I honestly don't think it will do any damage MrsR! I think it's more of a guideline if there are known existing problems, but for someone healthy it's probably just fine :)
Back home we have a big public swimming pool and hot tub culture and we have lots of babies :haha:
Just relax and have fun and enjoy the vacation :hugs:
Thank you maggz and starluck. :hugs: I think I'll just not worry about the hot tub thing. I've Googled it and it says multiple things of course, but it also says that you'd have to expose yourself to the higher temperatures for significant amounts of time to do any damage. It says it may temporarly affect sperm because it won't produce once it gets over 98 degrees, but this is not a permanent thing. I'd hate to tell my hubby he can't enjoy the hot tub on his vacation. :dohh: Maybe I should just chill out and not worry so much like we've been talking about!! I need to take my own advice obviously! LOL!! :dohh: Plus it's not like he takes hot baths or is in a hot tub or sauna ever, so I would think he'd be ok if it were just in the evenings for 20 minutes or so??? Hoping I'm right. :shrug:

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