Welcome Buttercup77! Wow, 10 years? do you mind if I ask what your story is?
As for me... my AF yesterday was awful! I had horrible cramping and it was super heavy. Seemed like I was having a mc all over again. Thank God today it has chilled out to more of my normal AF flow. I woke up with a bad headache, but I've rested today and it's pretty much gone. I have been a lazy butt today, it had been so nice! Lol!
How's everything going for you Bowmans?
How are you feeling today hairftsher?
Welcome Buttercup77! Wow, 10 years? do you mind if I ask what your story is?
As for me... my AF yesterday was awful! I had horrible cramping and it was super heavy. Seemed like I was having a mc all over again. Thank God today it has chilled out to more of my normal AF flow. I woke up with a bad headache, but I've rested today and it's pretty much gone. I have been a lazy butt today, it had been so nice! Lol!
How's everything going for you Bowmans?
How are you feeling today hairftsher?
Preseed may be helpful to use Buttercup, but it's not a must. It may be more comfortable to have some more lubricant while BDing.
As for me my AF is still here, but I think it may be chilling out a bit. I haven't had anymore cramping, just want it to go away. Lol! I'm really excited to ttc again, but also nervous because I'm scared it's going to take months again to get a BFP and of course scared to go through a mc again.
Preseed may be helpful to use Buttercup, but it's not a must. It may be more comfortable to have some more lubricant while BDing.
As for me my AF is still here, but I think it may be chilling out a bit. I haven't had anymore cramping, just want it to go away. Lol! I'm really excited to ttc again, but also nervous because I'm scared it's going to take months again to get a BFP and of course scared to go through a mc again.
Welcome Buttercup77! Wow, 10 years? do you mind if I ask what your story is?
As for me... my AF yesterday was awful! I had horrible cramping and it was super heavy. Seemed like I was having a mc all over again. Thank God today it has chilled out to more of my normal AF flow. I woke up with a bad headache, but I've rested today and it's pretty much gone. I have been a lazy butt today, it had been so nice! Lol!
How's everything going for you Bowmans?
How are you feeling today hairftsher?
I'm feeling okay! Had an ER visit last night. I had been having some uti symptoms but since I don't have a family doctor I wanted to get it checked ASAP. Turns out I was right, had a uti so got se medicine and was also referred to a female baby doctor, so I'm super happy about that!!! Should hear on Monday when I get to meet with her. I want my pregnancy to be confirmed now. I had two positive tests and promised myself I wouldn't pee on another. I'm not bleeding so I guess that means there's still a baby in there!
I get to sleep in tomorrow. Sooooo looking forward to that!