Need daily support buddies!

Just dropped by to say huge congrats hairftsher. Welcome to the 9 months of craziness :happydance:
I'm somewhat new to this and looking for a buddy and support and also be supportive!!
Hey buttercup and welcome :hugs:
How long have you been ttc?
Thank you Maggz! We've been trying to conceive for 10 years off and on.
Welcome Buttercup77! Wow, 10 years? :hugs: do you mind if I ask what your story is?

As for me... my AF yesterday was awful! I had horrible cramping and it was super heavy. Seemed like I was having a mc all over again. Thank God today it has chilled out to more of my normal AF flow. I woke up with a bad headache, but I've rested today and it's pretty much gone. I have been a lazy butt today, it had been so nice! Lol!

How's everything going for you Bowmans?

How are you feeling today hairftsher?
Hi Mrs Reineke!

The 1st time I fell pregnant it was quite a surprise. I was 23 y/o and hubby was 30. I was so excited but sadly I miscarried at eight weeks, and the attempted d&c was unsuccessful b/c doctor said I was very small and he didn't want to damage anything. I miscarried on my own:(It was so devastating but I was reassured sometimes this happens and to allow my body to heal and try again in a few months. Well months went by but no BFP. I started to become depressed and gained weight. My gyn at the time down played my concerns by saying, you're so young and she told me stop worrying and it would happen. After another year went by we saw a RE and did two rounds of our IUIs both BFN. I fell pregnant again own my and was ecstatic ...we heard the hb had us pics, but sadly it miscarried again. I just gave up, became angry because I just wanted to be "normal" and figured it would happen again and we didn't need any help..and I gained more weight and later on convinced myself it would be just me and hubby. He is really supportive and I'm so grateful for that! something finally snapped after AF was really late and I was very afraid to find out whether I was pregnant or not - I didn't want mc again and criticize myself all over again but after It was confirmed that I wasn't pregnant. It hurt so bad and I had a melt down - hubby helped Me realize everyone has some sort of challenge and I don't want any regrets after it's too late. And it's not too late. All I've done is wasted years here I am. My RE believes said my day 3 bw looked good and Clomid may be all I need and some progesterone:)

I'm so sorry for your loss. No woman should ever have to go through it!! I hope you feel better soon. My AF was heavy after each mc too.I've been relaxing today too:) I'm on cd9 and have an appointment on Thursday for an us and bw. What's strange is that I'm not feeling any side effects from Clomid.. Maybe it's because Im only on day4 of the meds ..

Anyhoo sorry for the long post but that's pretty much my story. Good luck to you and I hope you get a BFP very soon!!!x

Welcome Buttercup77! Wow, 10 years? :hugs: do you mind if I ask what your story is?

As for me... my AF yesterday was awful! I had horrible cramping and it was super heavy. Seemed like I was having a mc all over again. Thank God today it has chilled out to more of my normal AF flow. I woke up with a bad headache, but I've rested today and it's pretty much gone. I have been a lazy butt today, it had been so nice! Lol!

How's everything going for you Bowmans?

How are you feeling today hairftsher?
Welcome Buttercup77! Wow, 10 years? :hugs: do you mind if I ask what your story is?

As for me... my AF yesterday was awful! I had horrible cramping and it was super heavy. Seemed like I was having a mc all over again. Thank God today it has chilled out to more of my normal AF flow. I woke up with a bad headache, but I've rested today and it's pretty much gone. I have been a lazy butt today, it had been so nice! Lol!

How's everything going for you Bowmans?

How are you feeling today hairftsher?

I'm feeling okay! Had an ER visit last night. I had been having some uti symptoms but since I don't have a family doctor I wanted to get it checked ASAP. Turns out I was right, had a uti so got se medicine and was also referred to a female baby doctor, so I'm super happy about that!!! Should hear on Monday when I get to meet with her. I want my pregnancy to be confirmed now. I had two positive tests and promised myself I wouldn't pee on another. I'm not bleeding so I guess that means there's still a baby in there!
I get to sleep in tomorrow. Sooooo looking forward to that!
Buttercup77 Thank you so much for being so honest. Having a mc is a horrible experience. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I'm so happy you're back to trying again! We're all here for you and will be here through it all! :hugs: Keep positive!

So glad you went to the ER to get checked out hairftsher. It's also great you were referred to a lady doctor! Yay! So approx how far along are you?

What is everyone's knowledge on drinking caffeine while ttc? I LOVE my vanilla iced lattes! I drink one big one in the mornings. I've been bad lately and having a small one in the evenings which I never do. Started on our vacation. I will for sure quit that. But what about my morning one? It's one thing that I love to have each morning. I don't drink, I don't smoke. I just love coffee. Lol! So what's the real scoop with it? Any knowledge?
Thanks for telling us your story buttercup, I'm really sorry about your mc's and I hope you get your sticky baby this cycle!

hairftsher that's good news! Not the uti but your baby doctor :D

MrsR I don't think that amount of caffeine does anything bad while you're ttc but I'd stick to only one cup once you fall pregnant again cause they say more than 300 mg(?) of caffeine a day can cause the baby to be born underweight and even cause some more serious issues. But seriously, we can't stop everything while we're ttc! :)
I think it's fine as long as you're not overdoing it, moderation is key, right? :hugs:
Make the most of tea and coffee now ladies I can't even look at a mug of tea or coffee without it turning my stomach :-(

Cold orange juice and apple juice are my best friends
Good morning,
I have a question about Preseed and cough syrup. Has anyone tried this? Can it really help? I hear that Clomid can make you a little dry (sorry if it's tmi). I wouldn't mind giving it a try. I hear it thins cm. ugh, perhaps I should've done more research beforehand. I feel a little unprepared but trying not to stress too much about it!

Today feeling more bloated and a little cramping - something like AF but when she arrives she's more intense - and today is only cd10

Hope you all are in good spirits and have a great day! Thanks in advance for advice!
Buttercup - Honestly, I think the key is just frequent sex. I am naturally (unfortunately) dry. Everyone talks about ewcm and I'm like. .... Nope. Doesn't happen to me. I don't notice any kind of a change during my cycles. I just kind of winged it.
I don't see what it would hurt though. I doubt trying those things will inhibit you in any way!
Preseed may be helpful to use Buttercup, but it's not a must. It may be more comfortable to have some more lubricant while BDing.

As for me my AF is still here, but I think it may be chilling out a bit. I haven't had anymore cramping, just want it to go away. Lol! I'm really excited to ttc again, but also nervous because I'm scared it's going to take months again to get a BFP and of course scared to go through a mc again.
Preseed may be helpful to use Buttercup, but it's not a must. It may be more comfortable to have some more lubricant while BDing.

As for me my AF is still here, but I think it may be chilling out a bit. I haven't had anymore cramping, just want it to go away. Lol! I'm really excited to ttc again, but also nervous because I'm scared it's going to take months again to get a BFP and of course scared to go through a mc again.

Oh sweets! The chances of you having a miscarriage again are slim! There's no reason to think just because it happened once it will again. I understand your fear though. I thought it would take me months to get pregnant and I still have a hard time believing it's real. every time I pee I'm scared to look at the tissue after I wipe. It's nerve racking! But I believe it will happen for you right away.

Our holiday is very nice so far. Good weather, nice food and the apartment is also nice.

I am at 10 dpo today. My temp dropped a bit this morning but still not under the line. This afternoon when I wiped there was a bit of red blood on the tissue after just two brown dots since then nothing. Sorry for the lots of information. I am not sure what to think now.
Preseed may be helpful to use Buttercup, but it's not a must. It may be more comfortable to have some more lubricant while BDing.

As for me my AF is still here, but I think it may be chilling out a bit. I haven't had anymore cramping, just want it to go away. Lol! I'm really excited to ttc again, but also nervous because I'm scared it's going to take months again to get a BFP and of course scared to go through a mc again.

I cam imagine that you are scared not to go through this all again. Your changes for that is very very low. Just focus on TTC :)
Thanks, Mrs Reineke!
I completely understand, as I have the same fears myself. I'm constantly reminding myself to take it one step at a time.
I hope AF makes her departure soon, so that you can get back ttc:)
Welcome Buttercup :) I hope the clomid/prog combo gets you a BFP. I'm glad you built up the courage to try again :hugs:

Sher, glad you got that uti checked out and got meds <3 yay for getting the recommendation for the ob/gyn!

Megan, I wouldn't worry too much about the caffeine. Have some, but perhaps don't get jittery. Maybe stick to one a day while TTC?

Khatif, yay for a great vacation! how long is your luteal phase usually?

AFM, I'm on CD9 and surprisingly still very chill about TTC :thumbup: We'll see what happens though when I O and during the TWW. I'll likely drive myself nuts again.
Welcome Buttercup77! Wow, 10 years? :hugs: do you mind if I ask what your story is?

As for me... my AF yesterday was awful! I had horrible cramping and it was super heavy. Seemed like I was having a mc all over again. Thank God today it has chilled out to more of my normal AF flow. I woke up with a bad headache, but I've rested today and it's pretty much gone. I have been a lazy butt today, it had been so nice! Lol!

How's everything going for you Bowmans?

How are you feeling today hairftsher?

I'm feeling okay! Had an ER visit last night. I had been having some uti symptoms but since I don't have a family doctor I wanted to get it checked ASAP. Turns out I was right, had a uti so got se medicine and was also referred to a female baby doctor, so I'm super happy about that!!! Should hear on Monday when I get to meet with her. I want my pregnancy to be confirmed now. I had two positive tests and promised myself I wouldn't pee on another. I'm not bleeding so I guess that means there's still a baby in there!
I get to sleep in tomorrow. Sooooo looking forward to that!

Good to hear that you are fine and will havee a doctor soon. Are they going to make echo for you to confirm the pregnancy?

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