Need daily support buddies!

Welcome Buttercup :) I hope the clomid/prog combo gets you a BFP. I'm glad you built up the courage to try again :hugs:

Sher, glad you got that uti checked out and got meds <3 yay for getting the recommendation for the ob/gyn!

Megan, I wouldn't worry too much about the caffeine. Have some, but perhaps don't get jittery. Maybe stick to one a day while TTC?

Khatif, yay for a great vacation! how long is your luteal phase usually?

AFM, I'm on CD9 and surprisingly still very chill about TTC :thumbup: We'll see what happens though when I O and during the TWW. I'll likely drive myself nuts again.

I don't know. This is my first cycle since my implant was removed. Before that it was 14-15 days. I guess it will be now different.
I'm so bad at catching up after I've missed a few days! I'm on my phone and it's playing up.

Promise to be better in my attendance haha. Work has been maniac. We aren't going for the house, we've made a joint decision that it's not for us. My BBT arrived so starting from tomorrow. Excited about that! Still waiting on AF disappearing! X
Thank you ladies. I think my AF will be gone by tomorrow possibly. Yay!

So glad your vacation is going well Khatif!

I'm bummed it's Monday again tomorrow already! This weekend went way to fast! Back to work...bummer.
How is everyone today?

I used my BBT this morning for the first time that wasn't a practice run :haha: can't wait to see a pattern emerging. AF is almost gone!

Temping was a really mind opening experience for me - how could I not know for SO LONG that my body was doing all these secret things??!

I had to switch to vaginal temping and set an alarm to be at exactly the same time every day; otherwise my temperature varies too much.
Plus, vaginal temping was less noisy, because there was a beep of the thermometer under the covers instead of above the covers, so my husband didn't get woken up by it, haha!
Wow I didn't know there's a such thing as checking your temp vaginally. Can I use any type of thermometer, such as disposables or only a digital?

I didn't realize how pricey Preseed was. my FSA covers the opk but not the Preseed, oh well! :) I've been surfing the net and was surprised a lot of women check their cervix for changes in their cm. My doctor said I shouldn't make a habit of it, lol. I'm done with Clomid and on cd11. Earlier this I was felt crampy and bloated and sometimes the cramps felt like they were in my lower back.

Overall I feel okay and hope everyone is doing well and in good spirits! x
I did read about vaginal temping too! I'll stick with oral at the moment and see how it goes. Like the idea of less noisy! DH is up for work at 5am Monday-Friday and he enjoys a lie in at the weekend, don't want to disturb him haha.

I bought preseed to use last cycle and was surprised by how expensive it is! We ended up not using it, will definitely be using it this time! x
Wow I didn't know there's a such thing as vaginal temp. Can I use any type of thermometer, such as disposables or only digital?

I picked up Preseed, omg I didn't realize how pricey it was and FSA doesn't cover it although I would consider it "family planning" but necessary, oh well. Do any of you ladies check your cervix? My doctor said I shouldn't make a habit of it, lol. I'm done with Clomid and this morning I was feeling crampy and loaded and sometimes the cramps felt like they were in my lower back.

You should use a Basal Body Temperature thermometer for vaginal temping, but it is the same kind you'd use for oral (just don't switch back, I guess). I just use the one from one of cheap pregnancy test websites, and wipe it off with antibacterial gel afterwards.

Preseed is super handy, and you don't need much at all. I still have a bunch left, even though I bought it a while ago. I don't think I'm going to continue to use the applicators, though, once I run out - they kind of are a mood killer.

I checked my cervix for a while, but found it really hard to read (even after several cycles) and I think that your risk of infection is higher if you do it every day, so I just don't anymore.
Here is the short fertility friend blurb about vaginal temping:

There is a setting in FF that you select when you switch temping. I don't think it changes anything, except that when you search people's charts you can search by oral or vaginal - just another data point for them I guess.
I have a digital one at home and I'm leaving the whole checking my cervix alone, with my luck I'll end up with an infection:( . I can see where the Preseed applicator thingy would be a mood killer. It was included, but I'm not using it either.

Wow I didn't know there's a such thing as vaginal temp. Can I use any type of thermometer, such as disposables or only digital?

I picked up Preseed, omg I didn't realize how pricey it was and FSA doesn't cover it although I would consider it "family planning" but necessary, oh well. Do any of you ladies check your cervix? My doctor said I shouldn't make a habit of it, lol. I'm done with Clomid and this morning I was feeling crampy and loaded and sometimes the cramps felt like they were in my lower back.

You should use a Basal Body Temperature thermometer for vaginal temping, but it is the same kind you'd use for oral (just don't switch back, I guess). I just use the one from one of cheap pregnancy test websites, and wipe it off with antibacterial gel afterwards.

Preseed is super handy, and you don't need much at all. I still have a bunch left, even though I bought it a while ago. I don't think I'm going to continue to use the applicators, though, once I run out - they kind of are a mood killer.

I checked my cervix for a while, but found it really hard to read (even after several cycles) and I think that your risk of infection is higher if you do it every day, so I just don't anymore.
I've been checking my CP and CM daily for a few months now with no issues. Obviously I wash my hands with soap and water right before I check. I don't check during my AF either obviously...I don't need to know what's it's doing then because I already know. Hahaha!! I found it pretty interesting and helpful for me. But it's different for everyone. I was going to start temping this cycle, but I keep forgetting to check it before I get up each morning. So I decided I would just check my CM and CP along with using my expensive fertility monitor I bought and haven't used because I did get pregnant in June. So I thought I better use it to at least get some of my moneys worth out of it. It will be interesting to see how it works. It checks your saliva starting CD 2 and then you use a vaginal part starting right after your AF ends. I'll start that tomorrow morning. I started the saliva one on CD 2 and I'm now on CD 5. So I want to BD every other day starting on CD 10 and through CD 18 just to make sure we cover the bases. So BD on CD 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 if possible. Praying we can get a sticky one this first cycle after my mc. But I don't want to get my hopes up. :cry:
Hopefully I get a BFP this cycle :) but if we don't I will start checking my temp next cycle. Doctor said if I do check my cervix it's best to do it right after showering. It really is interesting to see how it works. At first I couldn't tell if my cervix was high or low but I definitely know the difference now. I plan to BD every other day too :)

I've been checking my CP and CM daily for a few months now with no issues. Obviously I wash my hands with soap and water right before I check. I don't check during my AF either obviously...I don't need to know what's it's doing then because I already know. Hahaha!! I found it pretty interesting and helpful for me. But it's different for everyone. I was going to start temping this cycle, but I keep forgetting to check it before I get up each morning. So I decided I would just check my CM and CP along with using my expensive fertility monitor I bought and haven't used because I did get pregnant in June. So I thought I better use it to at least get some of my moneys worth out of it. It will be interesting to see how it works. It checks your saliva starting CD 2 and then you use a vaginal part starting right after your AF ends. I'll start that tomorrow morning. I started the saliva one on CD 2 and I'm now on CD 5. So I want to BD every other day starting on CD 10 and through CD 18 just to make sure we cover the bases. So BD on CD 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 if possible. Praying we can get a sticky one this first cycle after my mc. But I don't want to get my hopes up. :cry:
Buttercup, yeah a cycle buddy! I'm on cd10 today :) Hopefully we both get our bfps this cycle!!! I hope the clomid works for you, FX.

Megan, woohoooo I'm excited for you that AF is heading out! The weekends always go too fast. Keep your head up, you will get that sticky baby <3

Yeah Loobs, AF is almost out of here for you too!

Plus, vaginal temping was less noisy, because there was a beep of the thermometer under the covers instead of above the covers, so my husband didn't get woken up by it, haha!

LOL Kallie! One morning after I did my temp (orally) I opened my FF app on my phone to enter it as usual (I get up at 4:45 am to do this and start my day) - my husband was like 'what the hell are you doing?' :haha:

I've been checking my CP and CM pretty regularly too. Like Megan I just wash my hands thoroughly before. I also don't check during AF - I already know what's happening there LOL.

Does anyone get 'test anxiety' before taking an OPK or HPT? I give myself so much anxiety before I try out an OPK or HPT - like I'm a failure or something if it is negative. I was going to start my clearblue digital opks today but the thought of seeing an empty circle (no ovulation yet) made me skip it. LOL, I didn't want to see anything negative!! I don't have any EWCM yet so I figured it would probably be neg. anyway (plus, last cycle I think I O'd on CD18 and I'm only on CD10 today). I might start them on Wednesday if I think I can handle seeing the negative. I am going to try not to be tempted to take a HPT early this cycle ~ going to try my best to wait until the day AF is due. Seeing the stark white negatives is starting to mess w. my mind and it's only cycle 3 TTC.
Another question: what time of the day do you test for ovulation? Thanks!!
I think you should always test first thing in the morning on a pregnancy test and an ovulation test because your urine is the least diluted andI think you'll get a more accurate reading. But some people have said to test in the afternooon. But I drink a lot of liquids throughout the day, so my urine is super diluted. But it doesn't mean if you test in the afternoon you won't get an accurate result. I think it all depends.
Another question: what time of the day do you test for ovulation? Thanks!!

My understanding (after extensive googling :) ) is that it depends on your OPK. The clearblue digital opks for example specifically say you can test with first morning urine (like a pregnancy test), but you can also test at any time of day as long as you have held your urine for approx. 4 hours and have not drank a lot of fluids. Some posters on message boards like this one have said the afternoon is the "best" time to test. So, I would check the instructions that came with your opks :)

As far as CM and CP checking goes (if you count that as testing for ovulation), I check in the morning and/or evening at home when I get close to O.
I was thinking its best to test in the AM too!

I think you should always test first thing in the morning on a pregnancy test and an ovulation test because your urine is the least diluted andI think you'll get a more accurate reading. But some people have said to test in the afternooon. But I drink a lot of liquids throughout the day, so my urine is super diluted. But it doesn't mean if you test in the afternoon you won't get an accurate result. I think it all depends.
I don't even use OPKs because my urine is so dilute - never really registers! Then again, I get the super cheap ones.. so that probably doesn't help. I really want to try the saliva ferning method - have you guys tried that? Like, it must be a little microscope thing or something?

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