Need daily support buddies!

now ur good to go yeah wise to start a bit early last time which cd u think u ovulated?
so this time around the same plan right...eod bding a week before u think u ov and around ovulation a lil more frequent ?/

thanks hun I just hope all that pays off!!
Thank you! I hope and pray we all get our BFP's this month!!x

Hii Buttercup77!, I really wish u luck on the clomid cycle hun!! seeing a smiley on digital opks feels so good!.now that opk showed positive i think more frequent bding will be a plus!! fx!! for all of us!!

this time I used first response one digi opk and I saw yes+ with opposed to cb digital or first response analog ones which i used to catch surge only with tmu...around i think its really good I never caught it before with the same brand previously dont knw feel this month is magical..only I hope this magic month brings us the lil bundle f joy we have been waiting for !!
I started bd'ing little early too on cd 11 and eod thereafter. I will continue through next week
I was just in the bathroom at work and saw EWCM :) I noticed it when I wiped and I literally gasped in excitement, LOL! There was another woman in another stall who heard me and I wonder what she's thinking now! :haha:
Hahaha awesome starluck :D
She probably though you were gasping at the size of your nr2 :rofl:
Lmao, Yayy!!:)

I was just in the bathroom at work and saw EWCM :) I noticed it when I wiped and I literally gasped in excitement, LOL! There was another woman in another stall who heard me and I wonder what she's thinking now! :haha:
YAY EWCM!!!! :happydance:

That's the plan Pearly86. If we start on CD10 it may only be a few days before ovulation, but I would rather start early and not miss it just in case. Plus go a bit longer than neccessary probably to cover it if it's late. :thumbup:
Glad your holiday was good Pearly86! I'm just entering CD14 (in 5 mins. Ha) and also get paranoid that we BD too much...but never mind! Staying calm so far. I know the TWW will come along and it'll be a different story, haha.

Good luck everyone :)
Starluck - yay for EWCM! I would love to know what the lady in the other stall is thinking :haha:

First day of OPKing this cycle for me! It will be negative but this signals the next part of my cycle which I'm excited about haha x
Hahaha awesome starluck :D
She probably though you were gasping at the size of your nr2 :rofl:


Glad your holiday was good Pearly86! I'm just entering CD14 (in 5 mins. Ha) and also get paranoid that we BD too much...but never mind! Staying calm so far. I know the TWW will come along and it'll be a different story, haha.

Good luck everyone :)

heychrissie, we are close - I am on CD 14 today :) We are thinking of trying to BD everyday I have EWCM.. we'll see if we make it. I also don't want both of us to get tired and lose steam right before O.

Starluck - yay for EWCM! I would love to know what the lady in the other stall is thinking :haha:

First day of OPKing this cycle for me! It will be negative but this signals the next part of my cycle which I'm excited about haha x

Loobs, yay OPK time!
How is everyone doing today? :coffee:

I'm so happy it's Friday. I was so tired this morning I "slept in" until 6 instead of getting up at 5 to do my yoga practice. It was a good decision :thumbup: I feel much better with that extra hour of sleep today.

Last night DH and I were talking about when we get pregnant when we want to tell family and friends. We both want to tell his family right away (they are so excited for us to have a baby!) but want to wait to tell my family (my family is very negative about everything and hate their lives in general; they treated me terribly on my wedding day and the year leading up to it - long story). Part of me thinks this is "unfair" to tell his family first and wait to tell mine, but most of me thinks this is the best for us. The only risk in doing this is that my husband's brother and my sister are friends on facebook. So if his brother leaks the information on facebook and my sister finds out that way, there could be drama.

We plan to tell my two best friends right away since they already know we are TTC - they are like sisters to me, we tell each other everything!

Have you and your significant other decided when and who you will tell?
We haven't discussed it in any great detail, but I have told him that I'd like to wait until at least 12 weeks to announce it properly. That said, I think we would probably tell our parents. I'll need to tell my boss pretty early, pregnancy needs to be risk assessed at my work. My girl friends were quizzing me just before the wedding, asking when we were planning a family. All they know is that I've stopped BCP and we are "seeing how it goes."

I had a sleep in today as well - much needed! I've relaxed and caught up on my TV shows. I've done some baking too. Have a few errands to run this afternoon!

starluck!!: hugs to you on that hun!!

my story is lil similar to yours but definitely ill be telling both the parents same time cuz they both are v excited about us having a baby and they keep asking when are we giving them this news..
but ya the similarity that my parents..too were quite rough to me at my wedding as they wanted me to marry their a long story here too.!!

but nevertheless..lots f stuff are quite sorted...but we still have our rough moments here and there..but I really dont want to leave them away at such a wonderful moments of ours cuz i love them a lot!! after all they are parents..they have raised us!!
in my m all relaxed really not thinking much into ttc and want to conc more on myjob now...
so that time passes quickly!!.
DH and I are going to tell my parents first, then his mom, then we will wait to tell our siblings, and everyone else comes after that! His mom might have a tough time keeping the secret, but whatever happens ill roll with it.

Though, I am traveling (to Burning Man) with my friends in a month... Right around when I'll find out if I'm pregnant! I'd have to tell them, because they would know right away that I'm not drinking and guess anyways!!
So my advice on telling the family/friends is to wait until 12 weeks. Reason I say this is because we told our parents and siblings right away and then I lost the baby and I had to tell all of them the horrible news. I wish we would have waited because his mom was crying with joy when we told her we were pregnant, then to turn around and tell her I lost it killed me. :nope: That's my personal advice due to my experience. But it doesn't mean any of you will mc, but when we get pregnant again we're going to wait until I'm 12 weeks along to tell everyone. I will tell my sister as she's my only sibling and we're very close. I would normally tell my Mom too, but she passed away a couple years ago, so I can't do that. :cry:
Hi Starluck!! Happy Friday!

I've been so tired, bd'ing is always awesome but can be exhausting, so I'm looking forward to the weekend:)

We've decided to wait until I'm at least in my 2nd trimester before telling anyone or at least until the notice the changes and ask because it was so hard when I mc'd before.I know my in laws and bf will be a little disappointed because we waited so long to tell them but they will understand. My dad passed away many years ago so he's my angel and knows everything we're going through, and my mom is self absorbed - so I'm not worried, she will get over it. We don't need the negative energy. I will need to let my hr manager know because I have a medical condition that will requires me to be treated by a maternal fetal medicine doctor and due to previous mc's I was told I will be on a reduced work schedule or work from home for a period of time.

How is everyone doing today? :coffee:

I'm so happy it's Friday. I was so tired this morning I "slept in" until 6 instead of getting up at 5 to do my yoga practice. It was a good decision :thumbup: I feel much better with that extra hour of sleep today.

Last night DH and I were talking about when we get pregnant when we want to tell family and friends. We both want to tell his family right away (they are so excited for us to have a baby!) but want to wait to tell my family (my family is very negative about everything and hate their lives in general; they treated me terribly on my wedding day and the year leading up to it - long story). Part of me thinks this is "unfair" to tell his family first and wait to tell mine, but most of me thinks this is the best for us. The only risk in doing this is that my husband's brother and my sister are friends on facebook. So if his brother leaks the information on facebook and my sister finds out that way, there could be drama.

We plan to tell my two best friends right away since they already know we are TTC - they are like sisters to me, we tell each other everything!

Have you and your significant other decided when and who you will tell?
Wow starluck that sounds bad, can't believe they treated you bad on your wedding day - and pearly too! My heart goes out to you guys :hugs:
I say if it's not going to be positive vibes then don't tell anyone unless you need to! No need to bring such negativity to your first sensitive weeks of pregnancy.

Mrs R, I can see how that would have been heartbreaking. I've heard both, some ladies think it's better to have told people cause then they don't have to hide their heartbreak when they mc'd, I'm kinda on the fence. I wouldn't have wanted to have made the announcement on fb or anything but I did feel a little better after talking about it to a few friends, although they didn't know beforehand.

As for me, the weekend is no special time lol as I work at a restaurant so time to get my butt to work tonight!
I don't know who we will tell first. Before I had my mc we had told dh's mom because it was mother's day and she's been asking basically since we met when we're gonna give her a grandbaby. We're not very close so dh told her and then let her know when I mc'd. I've never talked to her about it.
Thinking about it, I honestly don't know! Probably my two sisters first, then my two best friends, then the parents on both sides and then rest of the world. Well - I'm overlooking a very important part! You guys will be the first to know!!
Hmmm now I'm thinking it might be best to wait until I get close to the second trimester for us to start telling anyone.. I'll have to talk to DH again about it and see how he feels. thinking on it more, I'd really enjoy keeping it "our little secret" at least for a while so we can just enjoy it together.

As for my family, they are just miserable in their own lives and have a hard time "dealing" with my happiness. That's why I don't talk to them much, it's always awkward.

And that's so true Maggz, you ladies will be the first to know right after my DH!!! :happydance:

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