Need daily support buddies!

My parents know we're trying and are supportive, we have not told OH's parents because we don't think they would be supportive. So mine would know right away (me and mum are close, I know she would be great if anything happened...difficult as it would be) but I know he doesn't want to tell his parents right away so I suggested leaving it until we get scans. Plus, I have a nice idea of how we could tell them :)

Cycle buddies this time Starluck, haha :)
How are we all today?

I actually forgot to POAS (OPK) yesterday - what is WRONG with me?!?!?! :haha: Kept forgetting to collect the pee then I had friends over last night so was busy with chores and whatever. Will remember today.

Also, I had 2 alcoholic drinks last night, so had to enter it onto FF. Back to work today - 7 days in a row. By my next days off I should be in the TWW! Work and DTD is gonna be a challenge! X
Hey hey, I'm fine, I had a drink last night too - and it was horrible haha (terribly dry chardonnay...). Going to work today and tomorrow just trying to keep busy during the tww!
Hi everyone, I took it easy this month as far as getting all nerve wracked and out of whack like I did last month. That is why I haven't posted in forever. I hope everyone is doing great. I am currently 6dpo. I started a new garden project so the time went by quickly. I wanted to see how everyone else was doing.

I read through everyone's comments and I see that we have some new comers. Welcome all.

I am so sorry to hear that there is such negativity in the family. My family has issues as well, so I am not going to let them know until I feel it in my mind, body, and spirit. They have a tendency to make things all about themselves and do not wish to rejoice in what I love. For instance, I was a lead in an opera last year. My sister, niece, grandmother, grandfather, and SO were in attendance. This was their first time seeing me (as an adult) on the stage. When it ended, my sister told my grandmother she no longer wanted to take pictures, my grandmother said some special statements to others, and when we went to a restaurant she told the manager (b/c I was still in costume), that she had just gone to my recital. I corrected her, and she told me (same difference). Ummmmm no its not at all the same.

All of that to say, surround yourself with positive people uplift you. Be prepared with what you will tell them should they find out through the grapevine (FB Vine), and be honest if they fane hurt. You are now choosing a beautiful existence and you have the rest of your life to paint beautiful landscapes with your decisions. Don't allow someones lump of coal mar your work of art which is you.

Glad to see Mrs. R is on her way to BD
Hey hey, I'm fine, I had a drink last night too - and it was horrible haha (terribly dry chardonnay...). Going to work today and tomorrow just trying to keep busy during the tww!

Maggz - I usually HATE chardonnay; for some reason it takes like rotten bananas to me (I love other wines though). Yesterday a bartender bet me $5 that next time I come in, he can give me a chardonnay that I will love. I guess we will see if I'm out $5 soon or not!! haha
Tuamora :hugs::hugs::hugs: I can completly feel for u ..I really fail to understand why family has to do that..after all they are called family for a reason and they dont stand by that and they should start behaving like one!
anyway. as u say we should be surrounded by people who are positive and thts what matters....and we all are surrounded by so many such people and we are going to start a family soon and a big yayyyy for that!!

for drinks..I too had drinks during my hubbys bday celebrations..I really dont knw if it was wrong to have it around O as I had just few cocktails...but I just hope it has not done anything wrong in there lol

I just couldnt resist as my hubby wanted it!!

so relax guys hav fun!!
Tuamora! I was just thinking of you a few days ago, wondering how you've been. That's true for my family too (including my wedding day) - everything has to be about them (my sister is the worst with this..). It's just too hard for them to be happy for someone else. You're right - got to keep the positive people around you! :hugs:

Hey Loobs :) I was really relaxed today until I took my OPK and still no smiley face - ugh. Come on little eggie - come out to play!

Pearly, I'm sure a few drinks around O didn't do any harm. Plenty of women conceive with quite a few drinks in them!
What cd are you on now starluck??

Tuamora and pearly you're very right, we don't need that negativity! That's why these boards are good too, surround ourselves with people who know what we are going through :)

Pearly, starluck is right about the drinks haha, I wonder how many babies are conceived because the parents are intoxicated hahaha
Right!!!! So many drunken chicks end up pregnant and have no clue what happened that faithful night. LOL
Tuamora! I was just thinking of you a few days ago, wondering how you've been. That's true for my family too (including my wedding day) - everything has to be about them (my sister is the worst with this..). It's just too hard for them to be happy for someone else. You're right - got to keep the positive people around you! :hugs:

Hey Loobs :) I was really relaxed today until I took my OPK and still no smiley face - ugh. Come on little eggie - come out to play!

Pearly, I'm sure a few drinks around O didn't do any harm. Plenty of women conceive with quite a few drinks in them!

Thank you for thinking about me. That makes me feel Goooooooood!!!:happydance:
Tuamora! I was just thinking of you a few days ago, wondering how you've been. That's true for my family too (including my wedding day) - everything has to be about them (my sister is the worst with this..). It's just too hard for them to be happy for someone else. You're right - got to keep the positive people around you! :hugs:

Hey Loobs :) I was really relaxed today until I took my OPK and still no smiley face - ugh. Come on little eggie - come out to play!

Pearly, I'm sure a few drinks around O didn't do any harm. Plenty of women conceive with quite a few drinks in them!

Thank you for thinking about me. That makes me feel Goooooooood!!!:happydance:


What cd are you on now starluck??

Tuamora and pearly you're very right, we don't need that negativity! That's why these boards are good too, surround ourselves with people who know what we are going through :)

Pearly, starluck is right about the drinks haha, I wonder how many babies are conceived because the parents are intoxicated hahaha

Today is CD16. Last cycle I *think* I ovulated on CD18. So I would expect to see a positive OPK soon (you ovulate 24-48 hours after getting a positive). I'm just impatient :) The good news is I've been having EWCM for a few days, so it looks like my body is preparing nicely :thumbup: I checked my cervical position today and it is high, open, and soft :happydance: O is definitely coming!
Aw I enjoyed reading when you'd tell people. I originally planned to wait until 12 weeks and then i realized for as long as I can remember I wanted to be prenant. This is the single most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and when I really Sat down and thought about it, it seemed absolutely ridiculous to keep it to myself. If this life inside me should end before I meet him/her, then I would be heartbroken. However, their life would surely be worth celebrating and that is what we're doing. I also considered how I would feel if I did mc and I would want to grief openly and having told people I was pregnant would make a great support system.
But people deal with things differently! My DH wanted to wait 12 weeks but.... My body, my rules. This baby is worth celebrating even if there is a negative outcome. :)
Sounds promising starluck!! Better get in all that bd :D :sex:

hairftsher yeah it's really different for everybody - like how different relationships people have with their families, I wouldn't wanna tell anyone who's not gonna be happy for us.
I was glad I hadn't told more people when I had the mc but I did tell a few people afterwards. I wouldn't have handled having people ask how it's going and maybe forgetting to tell someone and them not finding out until way later. But I'm a pretty private person, sounds like you're a lot more open :)
How's everything going though??
Hello! I had a busy weekend and didn't get the chance to get on and see how everyone was doing. I'm so sorry to hear that a few of you have family members who are not very supportive or loving towards you. That makes me sad. :cry: It shouldn't be like that and I'm sorry for a few of you it is. :hugs: I totally agree you need to stay positive and if those certain people aren't supportive or there for you, then that is their loss. My DH and I BD'd yesterday and we will every other day until next weekend to cover all of our bases. I think I will probably ovulate around mid-week if my cycle is normal, so we'll be covering on either side incase I do O early or late. :thumbup: My CP as of yesterday was high, firm and partcially opened, so I think it's getting there. I haven't had any EWCM yet or ovulation pains which I normally get, so we'll see how it goes. FX we can get pregnant right away, but I'm not getting my hopes up because with the odds of getting pregnant each month only being 20% if all is done correctly, that most likely won't happen. But I really want to focus on staying positive and relaxing. I did buy a pineapple, so I'll do that again. I'm not doing anything else besides BDing every other day and checking my CP and CM daily. So hoping for the best. I'm on CD 12.
Mrs R ur doing all the right thing dont worry hun m sure ull be pregnant again this I got to knw my cousin sil is pregnant she also m/c last year end of nov..but got her periods after 4 months and right after she fell prego she is 4 months now..n everything is going great for now u knw u can get pregnant easily no confusion of clear tubes or not so dont wory just follow the same thing and m sure u will hun!

also i have three f my friends who are pregnant now like within a weeks time frame I got to knw there are 4 people who are close to me are expecting ...I just hope the 5th one is happy as I am for them m getting really sad for myself :(:(:(:(
Oh Pearly I'm sorry I know how hard it is :( One of my close friends is having a baby this month - we were gonna be bump buddies! Let's just hope we're next!!

fx for you MrsR

Still waiting to O here! Still no positive OPK, nowhere near positive in fact.

My colleague came into work yesterday to visit with her baby girl - so broody!!! x
Keeping my fingers crossed for you!! Stay positive:)

Hello! I had a busy weekend and didn't get the chance to get on and see how everyone was doing. I'm so sorry to hear that a few of you have family members who are not very supportive or loving towards you. That makes me sad. :cry: It shouldn't be like that and I'm sorry for a few of you it is. :hugs: I totally agree you need to stay positive and if those certain people aren't supportive or there for you, then that is their loss. My DH and I BD'd yesterday and we will every other day until next weekend to cover all of our bases. I think I will probably ovulate around mid-week if my cycle is normal, so we'll be covering on either side incase I do O early or late. :thumbup: My CP as of yesterday was high, firm and partcially opened, so I think it's getting there. I haven't had any EWCM yet or ovulation pains which I normally get, so we'll see how it goes. FX we can get pregnant right away, but I'm not getting my hopes up because with the odds of getting pregnant each month only being 20% if all is done correctly, that most likely won't happen. But I really want to focus on staying positive and relaxing. I did buy a pineapple, so I'll do that again. I'm not doing anything else besides BDing every other day and checking my CP and CM daily. So hoping for the best. I'm on CD 12.
I have three (male) coworkers who have had/are having babies this year! A cute little girl and a cute baby boy were born, and the last one (due right away) is a surprise.

I'm SO happy for them, but at the same time very jealous. I really want to be the next pregnant woman in the office, though I am pretty sure I'm not the only one that is trying.

How do you guys deal with coworkers and their babies and/or bumps?
loobs keeping fx for u hun so u ov soon!..what cd aree u ??

@Kallie..m not doing any job right now..but got lots f friends around who already are pregnant ..wish that i join them soon!!..i knw its so tough to be around ppl who are preg..we definitely feel good for them but at the same time wish for ourselves to be the one soon!!...getting jealous is really normal..

Maggz thanks hun!! :hugs ...what dpo did u reach ?? we both having the same cycle days wishing become bump buddies too

starluck ..did u get positve opk hun?? fx for u as well

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