Not sure how you can go about it but, i think at least letting them know you have been charting and the fact you know your LP is 6 days may help because I read anything under 10 is not enough time for conception....
yea, the piercing pains i think i may have had in past cycles but the cramping, never! So let's hope it a good sign!
And that opk is definite +!!! My Wondfo opk showed positive and and next day temp went up and yours did too!!! I think you Oed but, give a few days and we will see (some people rev up to O a few times before they O?????), so keep taking opk just in case). Did you take temp later than normal on CD 12 where you got same temp as O date?
yea, the piercing pains i think i may have had in past cycles but the cramping, never! So let's hope it a good sign!
And that opk is definite +!!! My Wondfo opk showed positive and and next day temp went up and yours did too!!! I think you Oed but, give a few days and we will see (some people rev up to O a few times before they O?????), so keep taking opk just in case). Did you take temp later than normal on CD 12 where you got same temp as O date?
I take my temp always the same time, but Monday evening I have drank some glasses wine and I slept bad that was the day when I heard my Granny died. But I am not sure if that was the reason for the temp change.
Cdelmar, you were right! I even got a crosslineYaY.
How are you girls this morning?
Next week I am going home to visit my family and i have made some appointment with friends. Well, I am sure they expect me to drink some wine with them. I have to think about how can I avoid that. :S