Khatiff it was early, I was 10dpo when i took it, today I am 13dpo but, temps took a dive so, it looks like AF may show sometime very soon!
This is first cycle figuring out LP and if AF shows today then my LP will be 12 days and if i look back, there could be a reason we havent been too successful ttc. Although I wasnt temping before this cycle, I was still keeping track of when we BD/symptoms and was taking opks, looks like our BDing was not matching up with my fertile window for most of our cycles; i relied on an O app for one cycle (shows how unknowledgeable I was) and the rest were opks/tracking CM. This and month and April could have been the only 2 months (out of 7) where we could have been close to conceiving. This month we BD at least 3 days leading up to O day. But, also, the first few months ttc my cycles had been 28-30 and these last 3 months they have been 33-35