Sorry I haven't been on in a couple days. Just busy with a lot of stuff.
Loobs: I'm so sorry to hear that you had shingles!! No fun!! So glad you're feeling better.
Jenny Bean: Welcome and I hope you won't have to wait too long. There are a ton of women having babies in their late 30's early 40's.
Tuamora: You are so sweet!! I really appreciate your kindness. It means a lot. I'm SOOOOO excited you're pregnant. How are you feeling??
Pearly: So happy to hear your hsg turned out good for you!! That's a great sign!!
Bathgirl: Hang in there. I know how frustrating it is to be constantly symptom spotting. It can drive you insane. Try to relax and I'm sending a lot of baby dust your way.
Juliejoy: I'm glad to hear you've gotten your tubal blockage taken care of. Best of luck to you and sending baby dust your way.
Starluck: Congratulations!!! How exciting!! Just because I can't remember, how long have you been trying and have you had any mc's?
AFM: 2nd mc officially ended a few days back. I'm feeling back to normal which is great. Had my last HCG test on Monday and it came back at a 4 so I do not need to have it checked again. I asked my baby doctor if he would check my thyroid and hormone levels to see if any of those are off because if they are they can cause early miscarriage. Well he said he'd test my thyroid, but didn't think it was necessary to test my hormones which pisses me off to put it nicely. So I got my thyroid checked and it came back normal which is great. So I called my regular doctor and he said I could go to my pharmacy and get a salvia hormone testing kit and do it that way. I don't know how accurate that will be, but I read online that it is the best way to check progestorone and estrogen levels which is what I'm most concerned about. I'm so irritated my baby doctor wouldn't just check for me considering I have to pay for it, it's not like he's doing it for free??? AAAHHH!!! Contemplating switching doctors, but maybe another doctor wouldn't do it either because they "typically" don't do any of that sort of testing until after 3 mc's. But I don't want to go through a 3rd mc and then have it tested to find out that's what it is if I can do that now. So I'll go the with saliva test way for now and see what those show. Going to pick it up today. I guess you do it at home and then send it in?? Anyone else ever do it this way or know about this way of checking hormone levels? Who knows. Any advice on getting my doctor to test my hormone levels even though he said no because he didn't think it was necessary at this point? I like my doctor and he has worked with me through both my mc's which is nice, so switching doctors would kind of be a pain in the butt. I don't know what to do?