Welcome momma licious!! Glad you joined us!!
I completely understand the stress and frustration that comes along with TTC. I never realized it would be like this. Having a mc was a horrible experience. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. The only good thing that came from it is the fact that we know we can get pregnant, but other than that it was awful and part of me wishes I just would have gotten a BFN and we could move on to the next month.
Khatif like heychrissie said, I would consider looking into a medication that you can take while TTC and pregnancy. They have SO MANY different types of medications for depression these days and there are a lot of women that have to take them during TTC and pregnancy. You need to make sure you're taking care of yourself, so you can take care of baby. I'm on medication for anxiety. I have been since I was 13 years old. After speaking to my doctor, he is having me wean off of one of them, but the other one I can take during pregnancy and he told me it's best that I'm doing well and it's one that is used in pregnancy a lot. The one I'm weaning off of he doesn't want me on, but he told me if I feel like it's causing problems to get off of it that he will just switch it to one that I can safely take during pregnancy. So I would definently see what your options are! I totally get it, trust me.
AFM: CD 20 of a 29/30 day cycle. A bit impatient, but trying to keep my mind off of it as much as possible. My CP is pretty low, kind of between firm and soft and definently closed. My CM is not really much, just a bit there when I check. My bbs still hurt and today I'm having slight achiness in my right ovary area. These are some of the symptoms I had when I found out I was pregnant, but I am NOT going to get my hopes up even though that's REALLY hard! Maybe this always happens to me around this time of my cycle and I just never really paid attention to it before. Hahaha!! See, TTC can drive a lady crazy!! LOL!!

I started the pineapple thing on Sunday, I did that when I did get pregnant, so figured I'd try it again. We'll see. FX!