Need daily support buddies!

Keeping my fingers crossed you MrsReineke!! 💛
Good morning!

Buttercup77 those are good signs of pregnancy!! I had those same things going on when I got my :bfp:

starluck I think I'm approx 8 DPO.

AFM: Probably too soon to have symptoms of anything, but from what I remember happening when I did get pregnant, those same things are happening. But like I said, maybe they always happen and I just never paid attention to them before. As of today my bbs still hurt, I'm tired, I'm having achiness in my lower right belly around and below my ovary and my CM is creamy. My cervix felt high, pretty firm and closed this morning. I did have really odd dreams when I got pregnant, but I haven't really had those as of now, but I also don't remember when they started either. My AF is due to start in about a week. So we'll see. FX! [-o<

Hoping we all get our :bfp: here really soon!!! :hugs:
Good luck Khatif!! x

How are you girst today?

Heychrissie, is it almost your b-day, right?

I got my + opk this morning. Unfortunately last night we missed the option to BD but tonight we certainly wont miss the changce :)
Buttercup, I'm looking forward to hearing the results of your HPT! I had a really weird dream last night that I was married to someone else and my husband was in a serious relationship with another woman and we were all hanging out as friends (??!!). My husband (ex-husband in my dream) and I were alone for 1 minute and I confessed that I was still in love with him and wanted to get back together. I woke up right when he would have replied - darn!! LOL!!!!

Loobs, I have my FX for you girl! :dust:

Megan, I hope you get your rainbow baby this cycle!! When are you planning to test?

:dust: :dust: :dust: to all you beautiful women!!
Thank you for making me laugh!! I bust out laughing loud after reading your post, my co worker walks in my office and asks if I'm okay! I'm sure that was a weird dream for ya! :)

Buttercup, I'm looking forward to hearing the results of your HPT! I had a really weird dream last night that I was married to someone else and my husband was in a serious relationship with another woman and we were all hanging out as friends (??!!). My husband (ex-husband in my dream) and I were alone for 1 minute and I confessed that I was still in love with him and wanted to get back together. I woke up right when he would have replied - darn!! LOL!!!!

Loobs, I have my FX for you girl! :dust:

Megan, I hope you get your rainbow baby this cycle!! When are you planning to test?

:dust: :dust: :dust: to all you beautiful women!!
I'm going to test probably on the 20th which is 2 days before my AF is due. I'm freaking myself out now because I'm having the same aching pains in my lower belly below my ovary that I had when I got pregnant before and I ended up miscarrying and I'm afraid if I am pregnant again that it's a bad sign. :cry: It's exactly like before along with my other symptoms I'm having. My doctor told me previously that it sounded like round ligament pain, but I read online that that normally doesn't start until the 2nd trimester. Then I read about the corpus luthum cyst and thinking maybe that could be it. I don't know...I'm giving myself anxiety. :nope: Any of the ladies that have gotten their BFP have these types of aches?
Hey ladies

I'd love to join your thread, if you guys will have me. Been lurking for a couple of days trying to read all the posts and Im all caught up :thumbup:

I'm Jay and I'm 23 my OH is 31. We went off bcp about a year and a half ago and we were just NTNP and I fell pregnant at the end of June last year, we were over the moon, sadly it wasn't meant to be we lost the baby at 9wks. They wanted to do a d&c but I didn't want to and opted to let it happen naturally so that my body would get back to normal quicker and we could start trying properly. But I sunk into a bit of a depression but now were back in a good place again and have decided to start trying again :bunny:

I have long irregular cycles and track ovulation with opks and a fertility microscope thing. so I'm just waiting for af to show :coffee: so I can get tracking :happydance: I love this site and am glad to be back!

Welcome Jay900!! Glad you joined us!! :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear about your mc. I just had one in June at 5.5 weeks. It was horrible and I know exactly how you feel. We were told by my doctor to wait one cycle and then we can try again, so I'm now in the TTW and praying we get lucky. I'm about 7 days from my AF and I am having some of the same symptoms I did when I did get pregnant. I'm trying not to think too much into it, even though that's impossible. I'll test on the 20th to see if I get a BFP. FX! [-o< I'm also terrified I'll mc again. It's scary.
Aww I really hope this is your Bfp!! :hugs: But I Defiantly know what you mean about being scared. At first I thought we were gonna ttc straight away but I found I was scared to because what if it happens again, cause I really don't think me or him could go through that again. I wasn't worried about anything the first time, I knew mc's happen but was sorta in the mind set that it wouldn't happen to me. But I know that if I get pregnant again I will be so anxious and analysing every cramp and niggle, and I don't think I'll be able to relax until I am at the stage were I can feel the baby move around every day so I know he/she's okay in there.

Fingers crossed for everyone :) BFPs all round :thumbup:

I'm going to test probably on the 20th which is 2 days before my AF is due. I'm freaking myself out now because I'm having the same aching pains in my lower belly below my ovary that I had when I got pregnant before and I ended up miscarrying and I'm afraid if I am pregnant again that it's a bad sign. :cry: It's exactly like before along with my other symptoms I'm having. My doctor told me previously that it sounded like round ligament pain, but I read online that that normally doesn't start until the 2nd trimester. Then I read about the corpus luthum cyst and thinking maybe that could be it. I don't know...I'm giving myself anxiety. :nope: Any of the ladies that have gotten their BFP have these types of aches?

Your fear is very natural. Keep in my mind that every pregnancy is different. You can have the same symptoms without having the same meaning. So give yourself a bit more time to see what will happen. It may help to relax..

It was certainly not round ligament pain, your pregnancy was too early for that.
I dont really know what corpus luthum cyst is but I will look it up.
Welcome Jay900!! Glad you joined us!

Well, my temp dropped today so after having a + OPK yesterday, I would say O is today. We did BD last night and I will try to do it today (if DH is at home in time) but our chances are less good this month due wrongly timed intercourse. Sorry for tmi :)
Welcome Jay! :wave:

MrsR - Sorry you're feeling anxious :hugs: hope this turns into a sticky BFP for you x
:hugs: Megan :hugs: I have a lot of anxiety (I am actually starting to think I have a generalized anxiety disorder). I don't have much advice except to say that yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques do really help me. But I think I am going to seek out cognitive behavioral therapy too. I pray you get your sticky BFP and that you don't worry too much :hugs:

Welcome Jay900! I'm sorry to hear about your mc. It's great to hear you are ready to try again!

Your chart is still looking good Loobs :thumbup: :dust:

AFM, I'm not doing well this morning :cry:

AF got me this morning. I knew as soon as I took my temp at 5 am and saw it was low again. I felt like AF was coming, went to the bathroom and there she was :cry: I would be able to feel OK about getting AF if my luteal phase was at least decent, but it is only 6 days. Damn, now I'm crying at work. Anything below 10 days is considered "serious" and I'm almost at half that.... I had an intuition that TTC would take us a long time and now I think that is being proven right :(

I cried for an hour until 6 am when I finally had to start getting ready for work. DH just held me and kept telling me everything is going to be okay and he has faith we will have a baby. I just want to see him with a baby in his arms so bad :cry:

I'm going to call my OB/GYN and see if there is anything we can do now, although I kinda doubt they will help at this point. I'll keep taking the vitex mixture I've been taking, b6, b12, omega 3s, folic acid, and my multivitamin. And I think I'm going to see a cognitive behavior therapist about my anxiety; there has to be more to life than this way of feeling. Some days I feel pretty good and other days it is just overwhelming.
:hugs: Megan :hugs: I have a lot of anxiety (I am actually starting to think I have a generalized anxiety disorder). I don't have much advice except to say that yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques do really help me. But I think I am going to seek out cognitive behavioral therapy too. I pray you get your sticky BFP and that you don't worry too much :hugs:

Welcome Jay900! I'm sorry to hear about your mc. It's great to hear you are ready to try again!

Your chart is still looking good Loobs :thumbup: :dust:

AFM, I'm not doing well this morning :cry:

AF got me this morning. I knew as soon as I took my temp at 5 am and saw it was low again. I felt like AF was coming, went to the bathroom and there she was :cry: I would be able to feel OK about getting AF if my luteal phase was at least decent, but it is only 6 days. Damn, now I'm crying at work. Anything below 10 days is considered "serious" and I'm almost at half that.... I had an intuition that TTC would take us a long time and now I think that is being proven right :(

I cried for an hour until 6 am when I finally had to start getting ready for work. DH just held me and kept telling me everything is going to be okay and he has faith we will have a baby. I just want to see him with a baby in his arms so bad :cry:

I'm going to call my OB/GYN and see if there is anything we can do now, although I kinda doubt they will help at this point. I'll keep taking the vitex mixture I've been taking, b6, b12, omega 3s, folic acid, and my multivitamin. And I think I'm going to see a cognitive behavior therapist about my anxiety; there has to be more to life than this way of feeling. Some days I feel pretty good and other days it is just overwhelming.

I am very very sorry. I hardly know what to say. I would love to hug you and cry with you but I am far far away. Cry as much as you need.

Call your doctor to speak with him and I hope he will help you.
Look for help about your mental issue is also good things.
ohhh starluck I am really shocked to see u just got ur AF ..yesterday I was really thinking about u I swear we put so much of effort throughout our cycle and then finally it ends into that darn witch its so unfair to us!
but good part is hun u getting to knw your cycle very early and u can seek doc soon just show ur ob/gyn ur chart may be that will help my lp is 8 days too m really sad about that as my ob/gyn doesnt take that into consideration at all ..
but M also going to give one more month which is this one and then go for ob/gyn
ill be taking b6 too as b12 is what m taking already due to my deficiency

anyway I can completely relate to what u feeling as I am in the same boat short lp and no baby yet but nothing to say that things does happen u just started trying and u really should not lose hope and when ill go to my doc Ill definitely keep u updated on what she says about my lp and if that is the reason for no baby yet!!

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: stay strong hun! we are all together in this n m sure we will achieve it !!
Khatif, if there is a temp drop still keep the bding on!!...u still have chance until there is a rise and this chance counts a lot so just keep it on!! good luck hun
loobs Fx for u dear!!

Megan:hugs::hugs::hugs: lots f hugs to u I knw ur feeling so down but remember if ur getting the signs of pregnancy than just stay positive that its a pregnancy sign rather than thinking its a m/c...u should really not think into a m/c part hun remain happy and test a lil bit early so if u get positive u can go to doc immediately to make sure things are ok

so dont worry hun! lets stay positive that whatever it be which m sure its gonna be positive and baby is gonna stick :hugs::hugs::hugs:
StarLuck, I'm so sorry Hun!! This whole process can be so hard, unfair and completely draining but know that you are not alone. One good thing is you have a supportive spouse and that means a lot! I'm truly thankful for my DH. AF is a wicked witch and she's on my back too! I tested this morning and got a big fat NO. So I l know she'll be here any day now. 😕

If you want to vent I'm always here and feel free to PM me!! XO . I hope and pray that you are in better spirits soon, and of course, that you a BFP soon!! (((HUGSS)))

:hugs: Megan :hugs: I have a lot of anxiety (I am actually starting to think I have a generalized anxiety disorder). I don't have much advice except to say that yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques do really help me. But I think I am going to seek out cognitive behavioral therapy too. I pray you get your sticky BFP and that you don't worry too much :hugs:

Welcome Jay900! I'm sorry to hear about your mc. It's great to hear you are ready to try again!

Your chart is still looking good Loobs :thumbup: :dust:

AFM, I'm not doing well this morning :cry:

AF got me this morning. I knew as soon as I took my temp at 5 am and saw it was low again. I felt like AF was coming, went to the bathroom and there she was :cry: I would be able to feel OK about getting AF if my luteal phase was at least decent, but it is only 6 days. Damn, now I'm crying at work. Anything below 10 days is considered "serious" and I'm almost at half that.... I had an intuition that TTC would take us a long time and now I think that is being proven right :(

I cried for an hour until 6 am when I finally had to start getting ready for work. DH just held me and kept telling me everything is going to be okay and he has faith we will have a baby. I just want to see him with a baby in his arms so bad :cry:

I'm going to call my OB/GYN and see if there is anything we can do now, although I kinda doubt they will help at this point. I'll keep taking the vitex mixture I've been taking, b6, b12, omega 3s, folic acid, and my multivitamin. And I think I'm going to see a cognitive behavior therapist about my anxiety; there has to be more to life than this way of feeling. Some days I feel pretty good and other days it is just overwhelming.
Well darling, I really feel like I'm out. I tested and got a big fat the waiting began to start my new cycle!

My friend invited me to this 5k Insane Inflatable color race which looks really fun. At first I was reluctant to join because I wasn't sure if I was pregnant but I've decided to join and to take my mind off things and burn off some frustrations. I hope I survive this😁

Buttercup, I'm looking forward to hearing the results of your HPT! I had a really weird dream last night that I was married to someone else and my husband was in a serious relationship with another woman and we were all hanging out as friends (??!!). My husband (ex-husband in my dream) and I were alone for 1 minute and I confessed that I was still in love with him and wanted to get back together. I woke up right when he would have replied - darn!! LOL!!!!

Loobs, I have my FX for you girl! :dust:

Megan, I hope you get your rainbow baby this cycle!! When are you planning to test?

:dust: :dust: :dust: to all you beautiful women!!

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