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Need some opinions...MONDAY BETA RESULTS ARE IN!

I've also stalked your threads in the past, and this one!!

Congratulations! You're tests are looking wonderful! :)

Looking forward to your test results on Friday!!

Good luck!
I Can't wait to see what your numbers are on Friday! You must be climbing the walls! Your tests look great...I've never had a line that dark. oh my goodness, oh my goodness,oh my goodness,oh my goodness!
Congrats Beth!! I have been stalking (sorry!) you for a while and I am sooooooooo happy for you!!! Please let us know how you get on tomorrow! I bet your excited and nervous at the same time! By the looks of your progression I'd say your numbers are nice and high! How are you feeling? x

Thanks, I AM nervous and excited! I guess I've let go, and let the excitement come out... I still am getting the levels checked on friday. I am cramping a little, but nothing like last night... a little nausea.. I actually got completely sick yesterday... Who gets excited about puking? THIS GIRL!! LoL! gross I know, but it is a good sign right?
That's how I would feel too, I wouldn't even care if I got sick everyday, if I could just get pregnant that is, lol
I know maureen, I see women complaining about getting big, being sick, and it makes me mad.... So I said a long time ago, I will not complain, and I won't... but I do worry myself to death..
BEAUTIFUL progression! In fact, it looks a lot like mine a week ago. Good stuff hun! So happy for you!
It sure is!!!! I got my BFP 4 days ago and each day my lines keep getting darker which is great, as last month they got lighter each day and after a low number in my hcg it resulted in a chemical so I am on tender hooks as well!

I can't wait to hear how you get on 2moro!! I've made my dr appt for next wed as I'm now only just 4 weeks and I don't want to rush in like i did last week.

I'd love to be sick! I know exactly what you mean!!! I've been exhausted and have felt queasy but not physically sick as yet, but I was only 4 weeks yesterday... So I am hangin out til next week to get my hcg results!!!
Beth I am over the moon you got your real BFP and I know in my heart this is your forever baby!! Can't wait to hear your numbers on Friday!! Congratulations again and you and your bean are in my prayers!! <3
awww BETH congrats!!! So happy to see we both got a BFP around the same time. We have been posting PG tests for soooooo long.... So happy for you!!! StickyDUST!!!!!!!!<3
awww BETH congrats!!! So happy to see we both got a BFP around the same time. We have been posting PG tests for soooooo long.... So happy for you!!! StickyDUST!!!!!!!!<3

OMG! CONGRATS!! I missed your thread!!! Yes, I am starting to really believe that this could be my time! And I sure hope it is, because I want to be bump buddies with everyone on here! LOL!
Haha I know I don't get on for a week and everyone has bfps!
Crazy but so excited
Ok, I have never read an entire post that was 20 pages long because it takes FOREVER but I have to be honest, when I saw you post on someone else's thread that you were preggo, I literally spilled my coffee on myself. I had to go through your posts which really did make feel like an actual stalker and I apologize for that but OMG....I have never wished it for anyone on here more than you and Maureen and I am just unbelievably over the moon for you!! Please Please Please I am begging you not to worry about that number!! I didnt even get a BFP until the night of 18 dpo (on a FRER even!!) so I am sure my levels were nowhere even close to 100 at 14dpo. No one is a textbook case and there are way more exceptions than the rules. Let your hubby pamper you and enjoy this experience love!!! I am so looking forward to hearing about your pregnancy!! You give hope to so many other ladies on here and your positivity to everyone else on here has been touching. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Maureen--your time is coming!!!! Miracles have happened for sooo many ladies on here even when they had given up hope!!! I am nto kidding when I say I pray for you all the time!! (I hope that doesn't seem weird...)

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

P.P.S. I am a nurse and I am sure the nurse didn't mean to be negative, but she shouldn't have told you that it should be a certain number. All she should have said was let's recheck to see if it gets higher. Don't let a nurse who didn't think before she opened her mouth (we have all done it, no disrespect to her!!) make you worry yourself sick!!
LoL! it wouldn't have mattered if she wouldn't have said that.... I'm a worrier, and I'd still be worrying! LOL! The nervous is there, but not as pronounced as it was. I prayed that God stop the cramps to ease my mind, and guess what... They eased up... so THANK GOD! And I couldn't sleep on my belly because it hurt my boobies! AND I had to get up and pee during sleep, because it was painful to lay there and hold it!! yay!!! LOL! I love my symptoms, and I don't mind keeping them for nine months...
aww you guys are gonna make me cry!!!!!! You ladies are awesome and i am so happy for you beth and dfav!!!!! omg this is the best month ever!! congrats to all these new :bfp:'s!!
Awww! ^^ I just wanted to say how sweet that above post was! And well, everyone's on here! Beth, you have such a supportive group of girls and I can only think that it's because you are such a sweetheart and are so supportive in your own right! I never actually posted my tests in this forum, just to a couple other girls on a thread I'm on. But here's my progression. First pic (IC) was on the night of 1/31. Then, the faint BFP on the FRER was the next day at work (in a bathroom stall!!) on 2/1. Then I took a digital I think a couple days after that that said positive. Then, because I was freaking out and all paranoid one day at work (see, I do it too!) I took another one and that's the really dark FRER on 2/7. I haven't tested since. Cause I'm too afraid! Anyway, just thought I'd let you see them! So happy for you again, Beth! Love and hugs!


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Don't be afraid!! We have all had our share of BFN's to agonize over but I would say you for sure got the BFP you wanted!! :) Congrats!!!!!
congrats again ladies!! This is awesome:) keep the bfps coming:)hugs and love to all you wonderful ladies:)
Thanks Ash!! and thanks everyone else, you do calm me down... But as you know, with the things I've been through, I'll always have doubt. I can't believe I have made it to Thursday without knocking down the RE's door to get my bloodwork a day or two early... maybe something inside is telling me I'll be okay this time... I sure hope so... but I know that things can go either way, so I am a little resistant about screaming it from the rooftops. It makes me mad that I won't ever be able to take a test and tell everyone I bump into that I am pregnant... I have to keep in underwraps to protect myself from hurt that I may endure later.... I wish I wasn't negative and positive at the same time... this makes for one crazy pregnant lady...

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