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Need some opinions...MONDAY BETA RESULTS ARE IN!

I am dying for Friday to be here already... maybe I can go thursday instead... I'll check on that tomorrow...
This morning test, this evening test... and tonight test.. getting darker??

Beth-hcg has to start somewhere and as far as I remember your numbers in the past have been 3 and 4 so def 37 is a huge improvement and it says something very good is going on. I am sure all will be A OK!!! :hug: and a ton of sticky dust to you and bean!!love to ya girl your gonna do great:)
those tests look awesome!! muchhhhhhh darker:) and again congrats girl see it will be fine:)
Why is it that some websites list me as 4 wks and other websites list me as 5 wks-both going by my LMP??
They ate definitely getting darker and all in one day!

I'd go with the 4 weeks preggo that Would tally with your results xxxx
Your tests are definitely darker, and the fact that those are all in the span of 24 hours (when FMU is supposed to be the strongest), is a really good indication and sign!!

I know it must be so stressful, but I would really see if you could get in on Thursday. That would already give a good idea of the doubling rate. Also remember, some people have a slow rising HCG and it doesn't have to exactly double. My numbers didn't double at first. What matters is that they rise and the doubling is supposed to be 48 - 72 hours.

Found this online:

* At 14 DPO, the average HCG level is 48 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 17-119 mIU/ml.

* At 15 DPO, the average HCG level is 59 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 17-147 mIU/ml.

* At 16 DPO, the average HCG level is 95 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 33-223 mIU/ml.

* At 17 DPO, the average HCG level is 132 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 17-429 mIU/ml.

* At 18 DPO, the average HCG level is 292 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 70-758 mIU/ml.

* At 19 DPO, the average HCG level is 303 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 111-514 mIU/ml.

* At 20 DPO, the average HCG level is 522 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 135-1690 mIU/ml.

* At 21 DPO, the average HCG level is 1061 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 324-4130 mIU/ml.

* At 22 DPO, the average HCG level is 1287 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 185-3279 mIU/ml.

* At 23 DPO, the average HCG level is 2034 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 506-4660 mIU/ml.

* At 24 DPO, the average HCG level is 2637 mIU/ml, with a typical range of 540-10,000 mIU/ml.

So according to this, anything between 17 and 119 is in normal range. And remember, there is no clear way for you to know that you are exactly 15dpo. Even if you ovulated exactly on time, implantation could've happened any stage.

You are definitely still in there. Prayers are coming your way all day hun!!
Like the other post said it has to start somewhere and you may of caught it before it doubled I would go Thursday if they will let you as if you took it Monday you will see a double by Thursday I send lots of sticky dust and you will get what you need x
Oh and with regards to your question on the sites listing you as either 4 or 5 weeks. This depends on your cycle length. I have a 35 day cycle. So although my Lutheal phase is 13 days, I only ovulate on day 22.

So when I got pregnant, I was 3 weeks pregnant (based on fetal age). In other words, 3 weeks since ovulation. So gestational (if I had a normal 28 day cycle), I would've been pregnant 5 weeks. But because my cycle is one week longer than other women, if I calculate pregnancy on my LMP, the site would say that I am 6 weeks pregnant. So I had to calculate my pregnancy on date of ovulation. This was more accurate.

Hope this makes some sense.
Thank you so much for clearing that up for me... I am sure I ovulated somewhere between the 26 and 31 of January... so I hope that late ovulation is my case. I took another digi this morning, and it still says pregnant... that is a plus..
Congrats on your BFP!!! Yes, the lines are getting darker!!! :happydance: I am hoping and praying that this is a sticky bean and that you will have a H&H 9 months!!!

Hey girl. I 100% agree with what Angel said, and if you are actually 4 weeks it would coincide with your number being 37. I usually O late and therefore it would throw all of my dates off. This month was the only month in the last year that I O'd exactly on CD 14. Weird. I think your lines are DEF getting progressively darker. I really think this is it for you. FX for your appointment Thurs/Fri.

OK, I know this is going to be super difficult, especially with your past, but stop testing! I stopped after about a week of positives because I kind of resigned myself to the fact that if something happens I'd rather find out by seeing the spotting/bleeding then by driving myself crazy with lines. I totally understand if you can't, but just some advice. Maybe take one more the day of the appointment and see what happens. I dunno.

Hugs and kisses and baby dust! Let this one be the sticky one!
I agree with the previous poster hun. Stop testing cause it will drive you nutty. I haven't had as many chemicals as you have but I have suffered a few and a miscarriage of twins and a stillborn. My last pregnancy they thought he was a partial molar and they were so wrong. My tests with hm were up and down and it was due to the fact of how much dye was in the tests. Some were faint and some were super strong. But after suffering so many losses like yourself I tested all the time and it drove me crackers hun. The stress did me no good and I caused unessesary problems through it xxx
LoL! I know, I just can't stand waiting!!! I am so nervous, I need to eat and everytime I try I get sick to my stomach.... maybe that is just a good sign of pregnancy...
I lost alot of weight through being pregnant with Callum. I was sick too and its definately a sign of a strong pregnancy. Its strong hormones making you sick so hopefully you have a very sticky bean :happydance: xxx
I know I totally understand! I'm so glad you're getting excited though, this is your time! FX for you! :dust: :dust:
YAY!!!! Congratulations Beth! I haven't been on BNB in a while but I like to check back every now and then to see how everyone is doing. I just read every page of your post and am SO HAPPY for you! You totally made my day. I will be sending good thoughts your way and hope that everything progresses smoothly for you. I'm not sure if you remember but my first beta was a measly 10 and I was devastated, and I was CONVINCED that it wasn't going to stick, but here I am 30 weeks pregnant so stay positive! Good luck!
OMG! that gives me so much hope! thanks!!

soooooooooooo, I know you smart ladies told me to quit testing, but I'm an addict, and I need something to do until I get my blood test friday.... and here it is, my first fail at "not testing" because I totally tested!

Now this gets me a little excited!

First picture is unedited, second picture the exposure is down a bit.
Top to bottom: yesterday morning-yesterday evening-last night-tonight
DSC_0661.jpg DSC_0661a.jpg

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