Well going from first day of last period it’s 16th June. That’s 8 days before my DS’s birthday. But I know they’ll amend that at the first scan by a week as I’ve clealy only got pregnant in the last 14 or so days as I’d have got a result on the FRER in CD31 otherwise.
Not really sure what I do now. Last time I made an appointment with the GP who didn’t do much apart from book me in with the midwife at around 8 weeks I think?!?
Do I just call the surgery and request an appointment with the midwife in a few weeks?
Not really sure what I do now. Last time I made an appointment with the GP who didn’t do much apart from book me in with the midwife at around 8 weeks I think?!?
Do I just call the surgery and request an appointment with the midwife in a few weeks?