Never used opk, updated - let the journey begin :)

Hun try not to worry. I was 5-6 weeks pregnant and got the same result. How you feeling, any sickness sore boobs etc?
Hubby is absolutely adamant we're not trying this month. We did the deed last night & he pulled out #-o timing is perfect too Ohh well. After he said we just can't our schedule is too busy next July/August.. Grrr this is after we'd had a little discussion about not putting our lives on hold. So I thought we'd be in for a chance. X
I’m ok, googled it and lots of people saying they arnt that reliable. I don’t really get sore boobs, on my period or when last pregnant. I’m starting to get waves of mild nausea here and there, so it’s starting. Just trying to drink tea and eat stuff before I go off it all again!!
DS is testing my patience, well, I want him to nap but he won’t. I’ve reached the ‘tired’ stage. Fell asleep at 8.45 in front of the tv last night, I just get to the point I can’t keep my eyes open. He’s had me up at 5, 5 and 5.30 the last 3 days, and repeatedly during the night for dummy or because he’s stuck width ways etc, and I’m just tired now. I want him to nap so I can too but he’s just messing about. I just get short tempered. It’s only going to get worse as I get more exhausted and have bad morning sickness as well.
And I wanted to do all this again why??? Lol xx
Ohh bless you I remember that well I'd come home form work and just crash on the sofa. Then be in bed by 9 it's exhausting the early stage then again at the end xx
Hope he starts sleeping better or at least gives you a few good nights x
I know I shouldn’t moan, I’m lucky to be in the position but I’m starting to freak out abit about having a newborn and a two year old and just being soooo tired!!! I’ll just have to remember it’s only a short time, then I get to ‘enjoy’ two kids. (Who’ll probably never sleep and constantly argue!!).
I managed to get half an hour so that’s helped. I hate half term, no baby groups are on and everywhere we’d iduslly go is packed. Can’t muster the enthusiasm to take him out anywhere which just means we both have cabin fever today. DH home just after 4 so not long to go, and he’s in nursery tomorrow!! I hate being excited about that but I’m looking forward to a few hours rest before work!!
Ohh hun, not fun at all. Just packing our stuff up ready for our road trip tomorrow & little weekend away. Should be nice. Am blood knackered, think I need to start getting to bed earlier lol. Been staying up watching different series like Cry & Killing Eve.
Killing eve is awesome! Worth staying up for!

Have fun on your trip. X
Home after our enjoyable break we'll all expect being woken up by the p@ssin Cockerells :x first night 4am on off till 8am last night started at 1.30am but not as constant as the first. Yep we're all shattered hahaha
Can't tell you how super fertile I suspect I have been this month, such a waste grrr. My & hubby did it alot over the period but he pulled out on every occasion. Honestly how he did on Saturday is beyond me.
Am hoping we can try next month rather that waiting till December. We talked yet again lol but let's see when this time next month comes around.
I really hope so

Mind you, this fertile time seems to have come around quick, but I guess its felt long for you, admittedly I’ve had a bit more on my mind. 7 weeks today, nausea kicked in badly enough for me to have got out my seabands already. I’m hoping to keep them hidden at least this week at work and then next Monday I’ve got my 1st midwife appointment. I haven’t decided if I’m going to have an early scan yet, but if I do I’ll probably book it for next week when I’m 8 weeks +, then I guess I’ll have to tell work I think. If my sickness continues to increase at this rate I’m not going to be much use anyway.

I can’t believe cockrells were crowing at 1.30am???? How unpleasant.
Wow 8 weeks next Monday that too has come round quickly. Did you have an early scan last time. Is an early scan for peace of mind hun or have you had bleeding xx

Would you need to tell work so early for your job. Thankfully I was never that sick so could hide my pregnancy until about 14 weeks. Also mainly office desk based so pretty risk free

What made it easier this month also was going through a small wave of not knowing if am really ready for baby 2 but that has quickly passed again. Don't think anyone is ever fully ready for the shook of a child let alone number 2 xx
Agreed, I might be extra hormonal but I’ve had wobbles since getting pregnant of ‘how the hell am I going to do this?’ And doubting if I’d made the right choice. But it’s done now and the thought that there is another little human growing who I will love as much as my DS is an incredible feeling.
I don’t have to tell work but due to my role it can be dangerous and so I have to weigh up the risks, and I just don’t see myself going much longer than 8 weeks before I tell. I’d like to maybe keep it from coworkers a bit longer if possible but it’s hard, I might be able to a hide it from then an extra week maybe two!
I did have an early scan last time due to bleeding, that was through the NHS. If we chose to have a private scan they are £70-£80! I’d just have one for my peace of mind if I’m telling work etc but I honestly don’t need it. I guess I’d just like that reassurance that all is well. It would also be good to know how far along I am, as from my last period I’m 7 weeks but I think I’m probably no more than 6 really.
Think if/when it happens for us I would most certainly have an early scan. As you, think I’d want it for peace of mind. Like you I had a lot of early bleeding with my DD in fact to the point I was sure I was having a miscarriage again. As it as much redder and (TMI) clots at times with DD, I only had brown spotting with the missed miscarriage. She was seen as a tiny a yoke sac at about 5-6 weeks. This worried me as a baby couldn’t be seen but doctor said it was normal at that stage. Then I was booked in for another at 8 weeks, there she was a little gummy bear with a lovely heartbeat, remember it well. Its honestly amazing the difference a few weeks make to what you see on a scan.

It is such a worrying time the early stages, in fact it`s worrying all the way trough. There’s always something to worry about if their alright in there, the birth, if their breathing when sleeping etc but this might just be me am such a worry wart LOL :oops:
I think that’s it now, we’ll just worry for the rest of our lives! Can you imagine when they learn to drive, or go on their first holiday abroad, or if they join the Forces?!

I’d love an early scan just to check all is well, but it’s the expense, just feel bad, like I’m being self indulgent spending so much when I’ll be having a scan in a few weeks anyway.

Felt so incredibly ill this morning, I got out the crackers and water!! Went over to see my mum and thought I might have to say, but it had gone enough for me to manage a cup of tea and bit of fruitcake so she won’t have suspected anything! She said I looked tired but that’s standard with a 16 month old and changing clocks!! Xx
OMG can you imagine the day. I am glad am not the only one that thinks about these sorts of things.

Crackers & water yummy you poor thing but hey a very good sign & reassuring that little beans doing well x
When you think your going to tell your mum / family /friends

Been such good things on TV recently just finished bodyguard pretty good but so flustrating at times. So after that I need abit of brain dead TV Gordon, Gino & Fred <3
E654C011-F418-4B0A-A7AD-17505CD68773.jpeg Hi Ladies, thought I’d drop a quick post here since I’m just starting my TTC journey :) I read your stories with great interest and would like to say a huge congratulations to BB1982! Very happy for you :D

I’ve just done my first month of ovulation tests. DH are I will not be trying for a baby this month as I have an elective surgery booked early next month under general anaesthetic and we thought it will be best to have it out of the way before we start TTC. But since my periods are not very regular, I decided to get to know my body a bit better and have used OPK this month to track my ovulation. I used Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test, which so far has been great. I used my previous cycle to pinpoint the start date for testing and it worked quite well for me in pinpointing LH surge. I also used another (non-digital) test to confirm ovulation. I think Clearblue is definitely easier to read and takes the guesswork out of the reading those faint lines.

Here are my results for October. The purple tests are not supposed to be interpreted without the digital holder, but basically those marked with “L” gave me a plain circle readour (low fertility), those marked with “H” gave me a flashing smiley face readout (high fertility - estrogen surge) and “P” gave me a non-flashing smiley face (peak fertility - LH surge). Finally, last pink test was just a standar Exacto ovulation test for LH only. So today is first day of LH surge, meaning it’s 24-36 hrs window before ovulation
Hi silver lining & welcome,
Your tests look very clear nothing like what I got on my cheap test. Are you looking to try next month, recovery depending. Also are you ttc #1, #2 or possibly #3?
Again welcome & here's to all our journeys x

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