Never used opk, updated - let the journey begin :)

Hi silver lining & welcome,
Your tests look very clear nothing like what I got on my cheap test. Are you looking to try next month, recovery depending. Also are you ttc #1, #2 or possibly #3?
Again welcome & here's to all our journeys x

Thank you for the warm welcome, Bumblebee!
Yes, subject to surgery going well, we will be trying for the first time on my next cycle. This will be for #1, so I am quite terrified. Not about the pregnancy, but about this huge change to our lives that a baby will bring. Both my husband and I are very career oriented. My DH is definitely the one who is wanting the this baby, so I feel obligated to try to give him his joy. I guess being in our mid 30s with great careers and lifestyle, it is a lot to sacrifice, so I’m feeling quite nervous.

How is your journey progressing? Are you still using your OPKs this/next month?

I did a fair bit or research last month before I decided to buy an ovulation kit. I definitely considered cheaper options as you can buy them in bulk and test several times a day, but I just felt that, based on reviews, there was too much uncertainty with self interpretation. I know that digital OPKs are not cheap, but personally for me the cost is justified by taking guesswork out of it and, hence, reducing stress in what is already a stressful situation for me. 8-[
No, I am not using anything at the moment OPK etc. Hubby still isnt 100% sure on what he wants to do but one thing he has said for sure is a baby that’s potentially due July/august next year is a no go. We therefore haven’t tried this month and don’t think it will likely for possible the next 2 month meaning we may try Jan?

I just couldn’t afford paying for the digi O sticks ones one reason being xmas just round the corner. Your right to be nervous as a baby is a life changer, took me a good few months before I started to enjoy being a mum. But here I am wanting to try again, don’t get me wrong I have had waves of thinking do I really want to put myself through it all again but I loved being pregnant, despite the worries it caused and love the time I have with my DD now. Shes amazing and would love her to have a brother or sister. She keeps asking about one so….
Silver lining welcome!! It’s lovely to have you join us. Thanks for the good wishes, morning sickness is not fun but I’m ticking of each day as a day of it I’ll never have to go through again right now.

The tests look really good, I’m sure clearblue digital is much easier than using cheapies. I almost got one myself but couldn’t quite justify the money.

Having a baby will change your life in unimaginable ways, but it’s sooo worth it. You’ll have never experienced love like it.
OMG can you imagine the day. I am glad am not the only one that thinks about these sorts of things.

Crackers & water yummy you poor thing but hey a very good sign & reassuring that little beans doing well x
When you think your going to tell your mum / family /friends

Been such good things on TV recently just finished bodyguard pretty good but so flustrating at times. So after that I need abit of brain dead TV Gordon, Gino & Fred <3

Not sure about family etc. I’m just waiting to get this first midwife appointment done next Monday then I’ll probably tell work. I expect I’ll tell my mum, as I might call on her for extra babysitting if I get bad sickness and just need to sleep! I had work today and a few people asked if I was ok, I must look unwell maybe, and tired!!

We watch bodyguard, I liked it, they’ve left an opening for a second series I think. We’re currently watching season 2 of Ozark on Netflix’s, quite dark but it’s ok.

I’ve got a few ‘one born every minute’ on the planner but DH refuses to watch them with me!! Lol
Bloody ell doing better than I did with my DD hahaha:rofl: my mum knew within a day of me testing. Not sure if I’ll tell her so soon next time round

Gotta love 1 born every minute, I watched it religiously in the run up to having my DD then the my turn and haven’t watched it a much since, wonder why :shock: phaaaaa

My daughter was adamant she wanted to go out trick or treating last night got away with just door answering the door to other boys and girls last year but not this year. My hubby took her to a few down our grove so she was back within 20 mins or so but it more than did her. Straight back tipped out on the rug and digging in. She loved it.

Bonfire night party for us on Saturday. Love this time of year with all the little things on for kids. Then CHRISTMAS :xmas12:ohhhh yess now I bloody love Christmas. Not the presents just the whole eating being with family drinking etc and this year hopefully a hell of a lot of BD. All still looking on track for the big O to fall on Xmas day. Depending on if AF is on time this month & next and not late/early. Whoopy
have a great bonfire night party! My DS is scared of them so I'm staying in with him, and my DH is taking DD :)
Yeah, I love this time of year too. I’m not going to any bonfire events but we saw some fireworks during half term so that was nice.
All I keep thinking is hopefully by Christmas I won’t feel sick anymore! It’s so hard feeling so sick and sooo tired, work and my DS who has me up at least a couple of times a night and gets up at 5am. Feeling really run down tonight and I’m working all weekend so I’m in bed now and going to try to get some rest. Rock and roll on a Friday night. Probably not the kind of early night my DH was planning, as if I’ve got the energy for that!!!! Poor chap.
Fingers crossed you'll start feeling better soon
Thanks, today was the worst so far, literally on the verge of vomiting numerous times but held it in (I have a fear of being sick so tend to breathe through until the urge passes). Had to tell my manager, and left work early. Can’t imagine I’ll be in tomorrow. Can’t take the next month off so no idea how I’m going to manage as this is only gonna get worse!
Ohh gosh you poor thing. Being sick is horrible. Is it manageable at times hun or is it constantly a sticky feeling. Are you still able to eat/drink. I've heard anything ginger like biscuits, tea, ginger ale all help. Also peppermint tea helps me sometimes when I feel abit off.
If it gets worse then maybe see your pharmacist or GP if their able to offer advice. X
No it’s constant. I’ve been sick twice today, all I’ve eaten is a piece of toast, done melon & grapes, a few crackers and one potato waffle! And probably about 1 & 1/2 pints of water all day. I’ve just been on the sofa while DH looked after our son all day. How the hell am I going to do this for another month or more? I was crying this afternoon just because my son deserves better, I couldn’t play with him. I’m looking after him tomorrow on my own all day, I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to manage. I’ve got my 1st midwife appointment too. I honestly have never in my whole life been signed off sick but I think it’s my only option right now, I cannot even begin to say how ill I feel. I’m only 8 weeks???? Probably actually 7 as we know I ovulated late. I’m going to bed now, already dreading tomorrow. My son deserves so much better.
I hope you had a lovely weekend with family watching the fireworks. Has your DD eaten all her sweeties yet? Xx
Hun please don't beat yourself up about something that's out of your control. Your sick due to being pregnant & it will pass.your not a bad mother because your body is telling you to rest. I really feel for you hun. Sometimes we're our own worst enemies with not doing enough, doing too much, over thinking, not thinking enough.
Maybe talk with the midwife tomorrow about your feelings etc. Talking really does help & we're here for you. Tomorrows a new day & you may feel a little brighter for parts of it x
Good luck today hun hope your feeling a little brighter xx
Hi ladies,

Thanks for always being so supportive. Yes, I’m a bit better today. I managed to get my DS out to the park and a short walk this morning, went a little downhill this afternoon. This evening I still have the nausea but it’s not ‘unbearable’ like the last two days. Midwife apt went fine, scan booked for 4th Dec. I’m glad I’ve got paper notes, I’ve read on here some areas are doing online notes on an app or something. I prefer something I can hold!!
Supposed to be in work again tomorrow but not sure I’ll go. Still think I should maybe speak to my gp. I told the midwife how awful I’d been and she said I can always get medication to help, but both me and DH don’t like the idea of medication during pregnancy. I just imagine it being really awkward, do I ask to be signed off? Or do I just say how I feel and see what they offer? Xx
4th December OMG exciting. I'd love that can announce it properly to all the family with a scan pic ekkk. Why does everything have to get so technical. Good old pen & paper x
All mums have been there beating themselves up over something they can't change or isn't their fault. So glad you've had a better day, I was praying for a better day for you when I got up this morning.
Can totally understand you not wanting any meds I'd be the same. My thoughts are because of the 60s thalidomide tablets. However I would never judge anyone who wanted to take something as I understand for some it's a necessity. I'd talk with your GP tell him/her how your feeling, you don't want to take medication but feel you'd benifit for abit of time at home. However I believe you can self cert for upto a week x
Yes, I had Sunday off so although tomorrow would only be two days of missed work by the time I actually return for my next shift I’ll already be up to 4 days off, think our work is more than 5 days you need a doctors note, so guess I need to try and get an appointment pretty soon. I’m just crap at stating my case in person, I just tend to play everything down and try not to make a fuss, but I think I just need a few weeks off. Although today was a better day, it’s still been hard and I just don’t know what I’ll feel like tomorrow or the next day. I was never as bad the entire time with my DS as I was this weekend!
If I’m honest, I also don’t think I’ve really bonded yet with baby. I don’t really think about him/her in there. At this point with DS I laid there, hand on belly, dreaming of what was inside. Names, everything I wanted to buy etc. This time I don’t feel any of that. Maybe that’s normal when it’s not your first? I certainly have less (ie zero) time for daydreaming!! It’s like despite this horrific ms that I don’t feel pregnant. Weird huh. My son is my whole world, and I haven’t made room for this new one yet. Xx

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