Never used opk, updated - let the journey begin :)

Hi!! I wrote a reply?!? It’s not appeared. At least I thought I did??? So weird.
Anyway, your lines look good. I know your LH hormone can fluctuate leading up to ovulation, so you need to get that test line as dark or darker than the control line for a peak. It does look like it is in your photo, but you should expect to see a drop the day after. I’m guessing you are just testing once a day right now, what time of day?
Well, you’ll likely be in your very first two week wait now anyway. You’ll be symptom spotting and second guessing every pain, twinge and sensation now until you know. I’ve always found internet cheapie pregnancy tests are good if you plan on testing early. I always used them and then confirmed it with a branded one (always favoured first response early result myself!).
Hi BB,
weird, I didn't see a reply before this one... maybe it didnt' get loaded properly??

anyways, glad you are doing well...

SO here's an updated pic of my track... I am on CD16 today... I don't think I am in my TWW just yet.... my App says I'll Ovulate tomorrow CD17 and by the symptoms that seems accurate... my lower left side has been painful since yesterday.. plus, the tests haven't peeked either... I am thinking it might peek today..
I only test once a day around 6pm. THat's when I get home from work... Maybe I should test twice today since I am working from home as not to miss the peek. it's weird on some of them even my test line is not dark.. couldn it be if that my pee is too diluted?? I do drink a lot of water through out the day... is there such thing as too much water to dilute too much??
We only BD'd 3 times so far but plan to do it tonight and Sunday..

As for testing for BFP's, I am determined to hold off until the 24th.. I don't know what DPO I'll be but that'll be 4 weeks.... enough to give me something... I am all out of these IC pregnancy tests... I was so tempted to order some more last week, but then decided not to put my self through the insanity.... if it happens it happens.... I do have 2 of the dollar store cheapies which I can start with and get some FRER if need be....

Really hoping this is the month, if not, next month would take the Due date to just around both my DS's birthdays.... they are only 2 weeks apart... so might take a couple of months break and try again.... I am not on the young side, and having decided later we want a 3rd, I am on the clock for this to happen soon..... [-o<

HOw are you feeling BB and how's DS and DD??

JAM, how's your bump coming along??

Just sat in DS’s room watching him now he’s fallen asleep. Absolutely hellish day, DD woke at 4 for a feed, she usually goes straight back to sleep but not today. She giggled and squirmed and kicked away merrily. Anyway, at 5.20 I heard my DS wake. DH brought him downstairs to where I was and dumped him with me and scurried back to bed. At 5.30 DD finally went back to sleep but then I had to look after DS. Because of this we have all been tired and very very grumpy today. Had zero patience with DS, is behaviour was not great. I got him to nap but woke him after an hour (he should bloody well sleep at night!!!) and he had an almighty melt down. Anyway, it’s been an evening full of whinging and tantrums but he’s asleep now and so my beautiful angel once more. And it means I can go to bed too!!!!!! Yeay.

ref the diluted urine, I don’t know for LH. I know it can affect pregnancy tests though. Your control line should always be dark though. Xx
Aww I’m sorry you had such a rough day... hopefully you can get some proper sleep tonight....
it is very much unpredictable with little ones ... atleast you don’t have to go to work after a sleepless night... how long is your maternity leave where you are??

I think my O still definitely on the way.... I’ve been having crazy cramps all day on the left side also I decided test twice a day and this morning test was definitely dark... expecting to peek in the evening... I have a dinner planned with some friends... if DH is sleeping when I get home, will be waking him up for some BD...:lol:
Get about 5 months full pay from my employer and then what’s called statutory pay from the government up to 33 weeks past when baby is born, but I can have up to a year off work, however the final 3 months would be without pay. Still much better than some other countries. How about where you are?
Had a great nights sleep went to bed before 8pm and got up with DD once at around 3 then DH got up with DS and I stayed in bed until gone 8am!!! So feeling much more human today. Xx
Glad to hear you got caught with your sleep BB!!
We also get a year off for Mat leave and that recently had been extended to 18 months all with partial pay of course but still the time off is great to bond with the baby and to see then go through all the milestones... I know in the US, women only get a couple of months and off they go... I don’t think I could do that’s. I’d probably quit and stay home ...

As for my O, I have no idea what’s going on with my cycle... so hard to say if it’s peeked ... I’ve been testing twice a day since yesterday as I thought I was really close to it... I really think the result varies according to the dilution of the pee... after going out last night with some girlfriends, having a couple of glasses of wine, I was so dehydrated today and that’s why I got a dark line.. also was too tied to BD after coming home last night but manage to do it today... will do it one more time just in case on Monday, which will be CD 19 and then call it a cycle... I have say BDing is not fun anymore... seems like work at this point and I’m sure DH feels the same way too... that’s one if the reasons if it doesn’t happen cycle, we’ll NTNP....

Yeah, hard to say from your image. Do you usually have a fairly regular cycle?
I think it’s hard when you know your ovulating, the pressure to baby dance can be a lot and like you say it takes the fun out of it. Only time will tell now. Did you have any early pregnancy symptoms with your other babies? Xx
Hey everyone. So just looking at your pic i would say CD 11 or CD 17 is you close to O time and seems like you had good timing.

I was always kept a track of my cycles but i never really told OH. And we just did it when we felt like really. Of course i would initiate a bit more around O but I just feel you can’t carry on like that all the time. You have to enjoy yourself.

Bump is coming along well lol 3 weeks today we find out if girl or boy! 16weeks 5 days today. Xx

Oh Jam!!! That’s a lovely bump, so excited for you. We didn’t find out either time, I seriously think my shopping would have been out of control if I’d known!! Lol. You’ll notice such a huge difference from the 12 week scan, baby will seem HUGE!!
So, a family member is now TTC, she’s just got her period on cycle 4, she’s so upset and I’m trying to keep so positive for her but it’s hard when she knows I got pregnant first time both babies. I’m trying to let her know that sometimes it just takes time, nothings ‘wrong’ etc. But she’s taking it so hard. She’s using an app to track cycles but I’ve managed to get her to think about tracking with OPK to see if she ovulates early or late etc.
Thanks. I can’t wait to see Little Baby H again. It was crazy the difference from 6 weeks to 12. It makes me so emotional lol. And my two closest friends (one is one of my sister in laws) they get so emotional about little things too! Lol.

Aww bless. It is horrible that feeling. I know how she feels. Everyone around me all got pregnant first try too then it was cycle 6 for me. So I totally get how she feels. I think opks are a good idea for her now too so she can see if her app is correct too more than anything. Its hard because its so bitter sweet having all the knowledge. On one hand its amazing because you know your giving yourself the best chance bt then when it doesn’t pay off that month it makes you question what your doing.

When I first got pregnant I couldn’t really come on here much because you read about all the missed miscarriages and miscarriages and all those things and it honestly made me worse. I was so anxious. Its okay now i just stick to this chat and one other. I never really venture out unless im searching something specific. Xxx
Yeah, hard to say from your image. Do you usually have a fairly regular cycle?
I think it’s hard when you know your ovulating, the pressure to baby dance can be a lot and like you say it takes the fun out of it. Only time will tell now. Did you have any early pregnancy symptoms with your other babies? Xx

My cycle is usually between 28-32 days... I forgot to take a pic of my latest CD tests.... but they are just all over the place... I can't make anything out of them.... But we did manage to BD every couple of days... I am on CD20.... and I am hoping to get one more BD in maybe tomorrow and call it a cycle... I was telling OH after we BD'd that I did everything I could this month.. and if this doesn't work, then that's just the universe telling us that 2 boys are enough for us.....

how have you been?? sleeping much lately??
Hey everyone. So just looking at your pic i would say CD 11 or CD 17 is you close to O time and seems like you had good timing.

I was always kept a track of my cycles but i never really told OH. And we just did it when we felt like really. Of course i would initiate a bit more around O but I just feel you can’t carry on like that all the time. You have to enjoy yourself.

Bump is coming along well lol 3 weeks today we find out if girl or boy! 16weeks 5 days today. Xx

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that's a good idea to keep the O times from OH as I think that's what ruins it for us.... next cycle, I won't tell him anything... and try to BD a couple of times during the O week....

and what a lovely bump you have.. this is the best time of pregnancy.... so happy for you and enjoy these weeks before you get too uncomfortable....

and are you hoping for a boy or girl??/
Hi ladies
How are we all ?
Not been on here for a bit, took a break and now I’m the tww but finally had my bloods done ! Find out end of the week then hopefully I will get referred for my tubes checking.
Jam bump is looking great !
9dpo today and I got a cruel evap on an ic, it’s so heartbreaking. Will re test tomorrow but not holding out much hope xx
G'luck mme!!

Ok, so I think I am ovulating late this cycle.... All this time I was wondering why the lines were all over the place... The lines are super dark yesterday.... CD 20 and I had lower abdominal pain all day yesterday... We BD'd on CD 19, do you think that's enough to catch the egg, or should we do it today too... I am not sure if the line is going to stay dark today or go back down... I will have to wait until I go home to test again...

Ok this may sound a little crazy, as the main goal is a healthy baby, but I've been really wanting a girl as I already have 2 boys... I've been doing some reading on how to conceive girls and the main thing that pops up everywhere is the timing of BD... According to the Shettle's theory, girls sperms swim slower but last longer and boy sperm faster but die off... so they suggest to BD 2-4 days before Ovulation to conceive a girl.... Looking at my chart, I peeked on CD20, which means I will probably ovulate CD 21 or CD 22, as much as I want to follow this method to increase the chance of a girl, I don't want to miss the egg either.. What do you girls think?? I know I should probably be posting this in the gender group, but figured since I've been posting here, might as well do it....


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