New - BFP after IVF

Good luck today Buster!

Wishing - I have got my first booking appointment with the midwife for 8th June. Just read all the accompanying booklets about scans and testing etc. Scared the hell out of me!! Dh and I have decided not to do a down's test as we would never terminate this pregnancy so would rather not know. Have you made those decisions yet?!! Scary stuff.

Glad everyone is well :)
Hi everybody! Can I join you?
I did IVF in april/may and I finally got my BFP. However I'm constantly worried about something, and I think I will continue to be until the first trimester ends. I might be a bit more relaxed after the first scan, which is a week from now.:coffee:
Now I'm worried sick about a medication I have to take as a part of my protocol.Last night, when I was administering my medications, I saw on the bottle of estradiol that it says to not take during pregnancy, when I googled it I saw that estradiol is pregnancy cat. X, meaning it can cause birth defects! I barely could sleep all night. This morning I talked with a nurse from the clinic that told me that every patient who does IVF has this as a part of the protocol, and that the medication is safe so I should not worry.
Do you take estradiol as a part of your protocol and for how long? If you know someone that did IVF and had a baby and used estradiol, how is the baby, is she or he OK? (meaning no birth defect and other problems).
Thank you for reading and answering!
MM - exciting (mw appt) but scary hearing you say about those tests! Eek I think we shall be the same too and not bother. They give you a risk of downs anyway don't they?

Have you told you mum yet?

:hi: babyhopes! Lovely for you to join!! I'm afraid I know nothing of the meds you're on. In sure they know what they are doing and if they say there safe then try not to worry chook :hugs: when is your edd?

My first scan is also next week. - eeeeek!!

Have any of you ladies told anyone yet? I've only told a couple of my closest friends - not anyone else, even our families. Am waiting til our 12 week scan I think. I'm swaying between wanting to tell, but wanting to keep it our special secret for as long as possible before chaos ensues (when the ILs find out)!! :lol:

Hope everyones good? No MS here, just moments of nausea and tiredness, and sore boobies! All good fun :lol:

I love this thread and our special beans!! Xxxx
Hello ladies - I'm finally ready to jump on board. I had my third beta today and all appears to be good. I am scheduled to have my first u/s on June 4th, which happens to be my anniversary so that's exciting. I have been following along but was not ready to post until I had my 3rd beta. The pregnancy over 35 forum is great since I will be 41 in July!!!

I'm looking forward to sharing lots of wonderful experiences over the next several months.
Hi babyhopes and rozzi
estradiol is a type of estrogen, and your clinic is right - it's a common part of IVF!
I guess it's a cat x drug because if taken wrongly it can cause problems, but honestly, of it part of your drug protocol it is there for a reason xxx

Anyone seen Buster? Oi! Buster! Any news chikkie???
:hi Rozzi glad you made it over xxx

Wow its soo hot today - I could barely muster the energy to walk home from work. Had to have a cheeky kip when I got in :lol:

Hope all went okay with your scan Buster? Xxx
Hello Everyone,
Welcome Babyhopes and Rozzigirl glad you guys joined us.

Had my second scan today and everything looked great. Babies are measuring at 7w 4d and the heartbeats have gone up to 156 and 157bpm. My FS has officially released me to my ob and I have that first appointment tomorrow. I'm still doing my PIO shots becasue I'm still having a small amount of brown spotting. The doctor doesn't seemed concerned but just to be on the safe side she rather keep me on the PIO until at least 10 weeks. But if the spotting stops for a full week then I can stop them before the 10 week mark. If I still have the spotting at 10 weeks she wants me to come in for blood work to check my levels. Again she isn't worried about the spotting and thinks it's from having the two babies implanting and stretching the uterus. So it was a good appointment and I look forward to what tomorrows appointment has to bring. Take care ladies and have a good night.
fab news Buster!
It is such a relief isn't it to see heartbeats, and know that all is well.
What's the next appointment for?
Great news Buster - I am still spotting so I know how it feels. So nice though when the FS isnt worried. I am on progesterone untol week 16!!! Standard for my clinic though.

Rizzi : wave: yay!!! And hi babyhopes :)

Ratma - it is soooo hot here at the moment isnt it. Last week I wore my ski jacket to work this week I am in a short sleeved blouse. Love it!!! :)

I told my mum - long story but she has been worrying like crazy apparently and assuming it hadntworked - so I had to tell her to put her out of her misery. She was very excited. Told all family and 3 close friends (as they knew we were doing IVF). feels scary teling before 12 weeks and not as exciting as it will be to tell them when you have more confidence that it will work out...
How is everyone doing?

Glad you put your mum out of misery MM! Am glad we didn't tell anyone about ivf (well, only my close friends).

We have our first scan on Weds - eek!

I feel so tired I could put my head on the desk and go to sleep! No sickness though, just feeling sick in the mornings and have gone off food so never know what to eat to curb the nausea.

Rozzi - are you scanning this week too?
Hi everyone, how was your weekends. BnB was very quiet, everyone out enjoying the sunshine.

Well I had my son in A&E on thursday evening, he had fallen and split his knee open on a rock, 6 stitches later and he has pretty much been told he cant do anything for two weeks. Well thats easier said than done... the poor thing all weekend sat watching through the window as all his friends played water fights, played on the trampoline and went out on their bikes. He was a very sad little boy and nothing could cheer him up... I just wanted to click my fingers and make everything all better.

I got up this morning and really couldnt be bothered with work, luckily the day has gone quite quickly so its nearly home time.

I bought a fetal doppler and it arrrived on saturday.. I spent about 30 minutes trying to find jelly bean but nothing .... Then sunday I tried again and I was just about to give up when there it was hiding away.... it was amazing.. we dont get to hear it until our 20 week scan here so it was amazing.... a lovely reading of 169bpm I could listen to it all day. My son heard it too which he thought was Cool. LOl.

Ratmagirl, you must be so excited for your first scan, cant wait to see a pic. Its a long 3 week wait for me now until my next scan... I usually have had things each week to look forward to but the next 3 weeks are going to drag.

Well happy monday everyone..... Role on friday. xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh no Wishing - your poor son :(

Yes its been beautiful weather - sadly I don't think it will last!

Ooh am interested in your doppler - what sort did you get and how much was it? Roll on 3 weeks so you can see your bab again!

It feels like we've waited forever for this scan - hopefully it will all be okay *fingers x'd*

Hometime for me soon - yes roll on friday, its a 3 day week for me next week thanks to old queenie and her jubilee!!! :lol: :lol:
Yeah 3 day week for me next week too, cant wait. xx

I bought it of ebay it cost £29.99 with free postage and packaging. It works great, I love it. xx
Hey everyone - I have been to sick to spend much time on here - but am reading everyones posts.

Ms is tough and on Friday work annouced a redundancy warning so has all been a bit overwhelming. I just want a few days lying on the sofa being sick but darent take any more time off - especially now. Still, as long as lo is growing and healthy that is all that matters.

wishing - i didnt know dopplers worked so early. I would love one but i think dh would ban it saying it would stress me out.what did your dh say? I am 8 weeks tomorrow. cant believe that!!
Hi mm, that sucks that your feeling so sick.. I feel quite lucky that I just feel absolutely knackered but not sick, almost burst into tears this morning at work because i was tired and not feeling great, sore throat and wanted to go home but they were short as it was and our new boss is man so wouldnt understand!

When my DH heard the heartbeat his face lit up and he recorded it on his phone. I was not going to use it until 10 weeks but i had looked at you tube videos of how to find it at 9 weeks, it did take a long time and I was quite happy to wait until next weekend if i didnt find it but i managed to find it and it was amazing to hear. I think from 10 weeks the majority of people can find it, it just takes a while but once you know where it is it doesnt take as long to find. xx

God I am so tired, I went to bed at 6.30 and woke up at 8.30, dragged myself downstairs and Im off to bed again now... wish I could sleep for a week. xx
yaaaay for the HB wishing :dance:

luckily the extreme tiredness fades a little as you come out of 1st tri (well it did for me anyway) I still cant stay up past 10, but at least I'm not sloping off to bed at 7.30 any more :thumbup:
Ooh I might be interested in a doppler then Wishing. Might wait until after 12 weeks though! Glad you found a HB though and <3 at your OH recording it :D

MM - you poor love :hugs: at least its a good sign things are moving along, but its horrible being sick. As for work - they will have to be very careful making you redundant now you're pg! Make sure you seek advice from acas.

Hope Eenie is doing well Urch?

Hope everyone else is doing well?

Well, after saying I hadn't been sick yesterday - guess who threw up this morning? :lol: :lol: I think I brushed my teeth funny and it started me off!

Scan day tomorrow eeeeeek xxxx
Ratma - I'm sorry you started your day off by throwing up! One of my friends told me she had to switch her toothpaste when she was pregnant because it always made her gag in the morning.

I hope everyone is doing well, it was a long weekend here so I'm just catching up on everyone now. I can't believe I still have to wait until next Monday for my scan - I hope the rest of this week flies by! Feel well ladies!
This weekend I had to fight with ms and extreme fatigue. The nausea is exausting. I can't sleep during the night because of it...I asked my doctor to give me doxylamine+vit b6, maybe it will help me with sleep at least. It's so hard to be pregnant!
What do you do for morning sickness?
Thanks Rozzi - hope this week flys by for your scan.

I don't think it was the actual toothpaste,it was the brushing and spitting action that set me off!

Babydreams - sorry you're feeling poorly too :hugs: I just try to eat and drink to make myself feel better. I'm loving all things orange flavoured at the moment, esp mandarin pieced in jelly yummmmy!

I bought some acupressure anti sickness wristbands, but not sure if they actually work or not?

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