New - BFP after IVF


Cautiously PAL
Dec 16, 2010
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Hi everyone

I know there is a thread similar to this, but most of the lovely ladies on there have now had their babies so I thought it would be fun to start one for us ladies who have just got our IVF BFP.

A little about me - we have been TTC since May/June 2010. Got my BFP on Monday after 1st round of IVF. Totally did not expect to get a BFP after first round!!! Feel incrdibly blessed. I also feel terrified - terrified that it wont stick.

Anyone else in a similar boat?:flower:
Hey mrsmax! Huge congrats on your bfp!!!

I got my first ever bfp a couple of weeks ago, also after my first ivf (icsi). With my prognosis, like you, I was totally not expecting it to work first time. I had my first scan yesterday at 6w+1. It was meant to be next week but I'm off on holiday then and my RE is also in between, so it had to be yesterday. I didn't think we'd see much more than the sac so early, but he's got the latest equipment so we were able to see the yolk sac, fetal pole and even it's little heart beating away. Got to hear it too which was absolutely breath taking, and finally makes it all feel real. There's a second sac there but it's tiny in comparison and empty. So it's technically twins for now, but my RE is pretty sure it'll just be reabsorbed in the next few days. That's fine though, as long as we get our baby that we want so much, then we'll be more than happy. :cloud9:
Hi Guys,
Thought I would join in here as well. It will be fun sharing stories about this wonderful new chapter in our lives.
:wave: Hi Manuti and Buster. Manuti - I love love love your scan. That is amazing. You must be over the moon. I cant wait for min - I might start believing this is real after that.

I wanted to start this thread as it is hard now as all the threads I have been on are TTC threads and it doesnt seem right to post on there too much about scans and worries and stuff, esp as I imagine we might have a few worries or complaints along the way that I wouldnt feel right posting on a TTc forum when we are sooooo blessed to have our BFPs.

Hopefully some more of our lovely succesful LTTCers will find us very soon!

Buster - when is your scan?
My scan is May 18th. It feels like a lifetime away. LOL. But I do have to do blood work on Wednesday.
Hi Ladies hope you are all doing well. I just had my 3 beta done and the results came back good. HCG is 8045 and progesterone was 81. I can't compare it to my previous numbers as I kept forgetting to ask what they were. So I don't have to get anymore blood work done for the time being and my next appointment will be on Friday the 18th which will be my scan. Woo Hoo!!!
That's great news Buster. We dont have repeat Betas in the UK, but I did a conception indicator preg test yesterday and it had gone up from 2-3 weeks to 3+ so I guess I have to assume all is good until my scan. Mine is May 24th - it seems very far away!!

Have you had any ms yet? Are you still flying at the mo? I have desk job and I am finding it very gard to concentrate on anything but my baby bean!!

I wonder why no one els has joined this thread yet - do you think I should have posted it in another thread?
Here I am too! Thank you Mrsmax for initiating this thread. I think it is a terrific idea We certainly would need to share somehow our joy and concerns while we go through beta hell, and scans, etc. But at the same time you want to strongly support who got a BFN instead.

Anyway, tiny bit about me: DH and I have been TTCing for about 2 years, than I was diagnosed with fibroids, a polyp and early DOR. Ole'! I went through hysteroscopy last February and started my first IVF(ICSI) cycle in April. I am! Cautiously pregnant, 1 day behind you!

I have already done two rounds of beta and am waiting to do the 3rd one tomorrow morning. My clinic does not schedule u/s until the 3 betas come out fine in order not to give you any expectation. So, I will know tomorrow afternoon if everything is cleared and when we'll get to see our beautiful bean! :flower:
Buster - I was just checking your beta number, which is amazingly higher than mine :-\ Do you expect twins???:hugs:
Yay Sweet! Glad you found us. I just wanted somewhere safe to post concerns and scan pictures and happy things without worrying about upsetting anyone. I know we are blessed - especially as was 1st go!! I will continue on the April IVf thread to support everyone and hopefully they will all be joining us on here very soon!

Good luck with your 3rd Beta - I am sure it will be fine. They certainly seem to be rising nicely. I wish we had additional betas in the UK - but I took a test yesterday with a conception indicator and it read 3+, whereas last week (day before my 1st Beta) it said 2-3 weeks, so it has gone up - I just hope by a good amount. Apparently you need to have 2,000 + to get 3+ - so hopefully that is a good sign.

I am feeling a bit better about everything now. A couple of nights ago I freaked out as I had serious cramps - but they only lasted 20 mins and went as soon as I went to the bathroom :blush: Of course, they were gas pains - but I didnt know that. I was hot and sweaty and in agony - I was 100% I was misacrrying. However, no pains since (just comforting stretchy cramps) and a bit of ms and teh rise in conception indicator. Phew. It was very scray though - I guess cause I lost one in June last year at 5weeks so a little paranoid!

I looked up my due date based on an IVF calcualtor - it said 7th Jan. However, when I put in that due date to the ticker - it made me two extra days along, so to get my ticker right I had to lie about the due date!! Did anyone else have to do that?

How is everyone finding work? I am soooo distracted my babybean I am hardly getting anything done. I am also waking every night about 4am to pee and then cant go back to sleep as I lie there thinking - Wow, I'm pregnant!!
:hi::hi::hi:Hi Mrs max lovin the new thread, just what we needed i think. xxx

Just for you that dont know me, My names Nikki I am 32 and have been married to my DH for 5 years, I have actually been ttc for nearly 7 years. I have a gorgeous but cheeky 8 year old from a previous relationship but this baby is the first with my DH.

We had our first round of IVF at ninewells dundee and i am now 7 weeks pregnant. So so happy and over joyed but still hasnt sunk in yet.

I had my first scan yesterday and we saw a little heartbeat and a lovely sac. Measuring 51mm so spot on for dates.

Maniuti I too had another sac showing that was an odd shape, they could see the yolk sac or what they thought was a yolk sac but could not see a fetal pole so I am going back in two week to have another scan, they think it will have reabsorbed by then. I thought i might have been more upset by the one that didnt continue to grow but I am just so happy about having one lovely healthy bean.

I know what you mean Mrs Max I too am still a little scared although I am trying really hard to stay positive about everything after all there is no reason why anything should go wrong. I only get very mild nausea at certain times, still very tired but try to catch up on sleep at the weekends when Im off work. Very bloated still but probably down to the large ovaries still in there, they should go down over time but I definately look like I am about 3 months pregnant but its all bloat. :blush::blush:

Hi Sweetcurly and Buster. looking forward to seeing your scan pics and sharing the journey. xxx
Hi everone.
A little about me. . . Labor and delivery nurse. Ttc almost 2 years. Male factor so ivf is our only option. One failed ivf in February and got our bfp with fet in April.:happydance: Beta 11dp3dt and 13dp3dt more than doubled so we are on our way. Hasnt sunk in yet and probably wont until ultrasound on may 14. So glad to be able to talk to others in similar situation. Haven't told friends and family yet until the ultrasound to make sure its real. I had trouble with my ticker but according to fet calculator due date would be 1-5-13 which makes me 6 weeks this coming Sunday.
Hi desperate4567, great news, isnt it so exciting. Well then being a labour and delivery nurse you know whats coming, is this your first! Sorry not trying to put you off. x What a fantastic job, getting to bring all those babies into the world, but must have been hard on you too. Wont be long until its your turn. xx
Welcome Everyone,
Glad were see more ladies here. This is going to be so exciting. We just told our families last night. A little earlier than I wanted since my first scan isn't until the 18th. But my MIL was up visiting and she was going to leave before the first scan and my parents are leaving for vacation for the next two weeks and my dh wanted to tell them both together. Needless to say everyone is over the moon. But for me it still hasn't sunk in yet. I thought it would after telling the family, but it still doesn't seem real. I think there's something wrong with me. LOL
Hi desperate4567, great news, isnt it so exciting. Well then being a labour and delivery nurse you know whats coming, is this your first! Sorry not trying to put you off. x What a fantastic job, getting to bring all those babies into the world, but must have been hard on you too. Wont be long until its your turn. xx

My husband and I are high-school sweethearts. Dates 6 years, got married, ttc, now expecting our first baby! :happydance:
No buster. It hasn't sunk it for me either. It probably wont until i am throwing up or the ultrasound, whichever comes first.
I had my ultrasound yesterday and it still hasnt sunk in yet, my stomach is huge with bloatedness and im sure a little bit of bump although i know thats probably unlikely at 7 weeks but i cant suck it in anymore. Not sure when it will sink in, maybe at 12 weeks, maybe not till I feel it kicking not sure... Thought i would feel a bit different, just cautious i suppose. xx
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought I was crazy for feeling this way.
Ms. Max: Thanks for making this thread! It is such a great idea!

My DH and I (I am 31 years old and my husband is 33 yrs old) have been TTC for over 2 years and we finally decided to try IVF after a few failed rounds of IUI. We had unexplained infertility. Our RE decided to have us do ICSI on half of the eggs to see if our eggs and sperm were not matching up on their own. 50 % of the eggs that were left alone fertilized. We got pregnant after our first round of IVF (5 day transfer) and I am beyond happy about it.

Being pregnant hasn't really sunk in yet. I feel the same except I'm also bloated and wish i could go running just to fit better in my clothes. It seems weird to already have a stomach, but maybe its from being bloated from the IVF treatment? Or maybe it's normal? Glad to hear I am not the only one going through that.

I've had a few minor bouts of nausea, but nothing bad. I'm happy about that, but also keep wondering when will i feel pregnant?

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