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New here looking for some buddies ttc #4

Momma~~~I see you did the chinese gender predictor too, YAY both predicted girls I know it's all for fun but will be interesting to see how it actually plays out ;)

Now we just need to send boy baby dust to momof3girls!!!!

I went and looked at it. DD #1 and #3 were predicted to be girls. #2 was predicted to be a boy. BUT, she was conceived Aug 1. I was 26 when I conceived her, July conception predicted girl, august conception predicted boy. Right on the cusp. :haha: If I conceive this cycle, it predicts boy. :thumbup: If I don't conceive this cycle, January and 36 predict girl, plus I said a couple pages back I don't want a repeat October right after my last child born in Oct. Looking like skipping TTC next month would be a great idea! Hopefully, I'll get my bfp this month and won't have to make that decision.

Oh I so hope you get your bfp!!! And that it's a boy! It would be so awesome for us all to be pregnant and all of us have the gender we were trying for! Hope your traveling is going well and you're having a safe trip.
Momma~~~I see you did the chinese gender predictor too, YAY both predicted girls I know it's all for fun but will be interesting to see how it actually plays out ;)

Now we just need to send boy baby dust to momof3girls!!!!

I went and looked at it. DD #1 and #3 were predicted to be girls. #2 was predicted to be a boy. BUT, she was conceived Aug 1. I was 26 when I conceived her, July conception predicted girl, august conception predicted boy. Right on the cusp. :haha: If I conceive this cycle, it predicts boy. :thumbup: If I don't conceive this cycle, January and 36 predict girl, plus I said a couple pages back I don't want a repeat October right after my last child born in Oct. Looking like skipping TTC next month would be a great idea! Hopefully, I'll get my bfp this month and won't have to make that decision.

Well that makes me feel very hopeful that I will get a little pink bundle :) I really hope this is your month and it's sprinkled with boy dust!
Looks like I'm o'ing today! Two days earlier than I thought I would. Although, last cycle I was using those really good P suppositories, and lengthened my LP 3 days longer than usual. I could feel my body trying to start af, but the P wasn't letting it come. I'm o'ing at the right day if af started when it should have. . . . . Either that or having good amount of P last cycle end helped balance the hormones better for a more average o day this cycle. Day 13 just seems so early to me! Usually it's day 15 following P sups, and that's early for me. Anyway, if it is indeed today, and I'm successful, it'll be a Labor Day due date. :haha: Oh, and we bd'ed last night, so timed it just right to hopefully sway the boy chance. I think I O'ed this am, or in the process. Had strong pains on the left side this am, and also pains on the right, but it's not as strong as the left. The pains at this moment seem to be tapering off.
That's great news! I hope you caught the little egg this month and you get your bfp! Lots and lots of boy :dust::dust:
So my poor twins have had a nasty stomach bug and i dont know if I have caught it or if ms has found me sooner and more fierce then I anticipated. I have been dealing with nausea from implantation which I've never had with the other ones. It hits me around bedtime and lasts till early afternoon. I was fighting intense nausea all night while trying to care for my sick boys but it finally got the best of me at 5am I even had to call dh to come home. I really hope it is just a stomach bug and not from the pregnancy. There's no way I can get the kids to school and do what needs to be done if I'm going to be feeling this way. Fingers crossed it goes away soon!

Twinmommy how are you doing?
So my poor twins have had a nasty stomach bug and i dont know if I have caught it or if ms has found me sooner and more fierce then I anticipated. I have been dealing with nausea from implantation which I've never had with the other ones. It hits me around bedtime and lasts till early afternoon. I was fighting intense nausea all night while trying to care for my sick boys but it finally got the best of me at 5am I even had to call dh to come home. I really hope it is just a stomach bug and not from the pregnancy. There's no way I can get the kids to school and do what needs to be done if I'm going to be feeling this way. Fingers crossed it goes away soon!

Twinmommy how are you doing?

Funny you should say that.....I think I may have the flu. It hit me hard yesterday I thought it was ms( haven't had any yet) but it lasted all day I got up for work and to take the boys to school and I'm freezing. Horrible chills nausea headache and frequent trips to the toilet :( I managed to work then come home and straight to bed. My work is not very understanding when it comes to sick days I'm praying this goes away tonight. Then my manager looked right at me and asked if I was pregnant. Must be my hormones cause I was so angry afterwards lol. I felt like she put me on the spot. Anyways I hope you're feeling better and momof3girls I am crossing my fingers for you :)
Sorry to hear you are so sick and you have to go to work line that. I know that is rough. Really hope you are feeling better. My stomach is better but I have some type of virus and just feel awful. I hardly ever get sick but when I'm pregnant it hits me from the start. Guess it's because your immune system is suppressed.
Momof3girls how is your trip going?
Thank you. I hope you're feeling better too and your little guys :( it sucks when the kids get sick! I finally today feel a bit better but now my son has it. Stupid flu! I honestly can't remember the last time any of us have had the flu. How are you feeling other than the stomach bug?
Thank you we are feeling better. Over the stomach bug and now we all have colds but I'll take that any day over throwing up. Glad you are feeling better but sorry to hear that your kiddo is sick now. Hopefully it will leave us all alone soon! I don't want my kids or any of us to be sick for Christmas. We will be going to visit my mother in-law on the 26th in VA weather permitting. We try to go down every Christmas and 4th of July. So hopefully everyone is well for the trip. The kids get sick every time we go there and it make for a very rough time for all of us. I went to a new doctor Tuesday morning and had blood drawn but still waiting on results and it's driving me crazy. I called yesterday evening and she said they should be in this morning but not to call them, they would call me. Made me a little mad lol.

Momof3girls hope you are doing good. I'm getting excited to hear about your:bfp:.
I'm glad you guys are feeling a bit better. :thumbup: And I'm really hoping to hear about my bfp this month too! :winkwink: Trip is going good. Monday and Tuesday we hung out at the hotel and did our school work, went to pool (indoor), did laundry. Yesterday and today the girls and I were/will be at Disneyland. Poor DH goes to work all week, which is why we are here in the first place. :haha:

You know how I O'ed two days early this month? It's a good thing I did! Sunday night is the only night we've been able to bd. Any other cd for o, and we probably would not have been able bd at all, and would have missed it. It's like God knew what our schedule would be, and intervened. :haha: Hopefully that's a good sign that all will be successful this month.
So glad to here to hear everything is going good. Disneyland huh? I bet the girls are loving that! I hope to take my kids to one when they are older. That's awesome that everything worked out the way it did and I hope you guys caught that egg. Surely this is your month based on how things happened. It just has to be!
Yes, they had a blast! We came here before when we lived in CA, and the first two were 3 yo and 7 mths. My oldest remembered some things, but my other two, nothing bc of being either too young or not there. They have all been to WDW several times, so they were constantly comparing the two parks. :haha:
Awesome! Sounds like you guys are having a wonderful time:)
So after 3 days of waiting I finally got someone at my doctors office to track down my blood work results only to find out all they did was a pregnancy test which of course came back positive. I just couldn't believe they didn't check any of my levels after I told them about my mc's and progesterone problem. So after explaining all that again to the nurse she called my doctor and I had to go back yesterday and have more blood taken. Results should be in Monday but I doubt after all the trouble I had trying to get the 1st results. So far I have not been very happy with this new doctors office but I really hope things get better. I really want an enjoyable experience with everything since this is my last baby:(. Sorry just had to vent a little:).
Hope everyone is doing great! I seem to be catching everything in site since I got pregnant and my immune system is down. The 1st 12 wks are the hardest cause you can be so so sick but you can't take anything. Hoping it all passes soon so I can enjoy Christmas with my boys.
Well girls please say a prayer for me--I had bad cramps went to the washroom and there was pink blood. A fair amount :( it's not bright red and it's not flowing out but when I wipe it's there. I don't want to go to emerg tonight cause if I'm losing it there's nothing they can do.im going to wait till morning and see if there's any change. I'm devestated I really hope this isn't a miscarriage :(
I am so sorry to hear:(. I said a prayer for you and will continue to pray for you and your baby. I don't mean to get your hopes up or anything but I thought maybe you could find a little comfort in what happened during my pregnancies with my boys. Between 6-7wks I started bleeding with both pregnancies and having a lot if cramps. It was bright red and so much that I had to use a pad. I can't remember the exact cause of it with my first son but with the twins they had me go right away for an ultrasound to check on things and that's when I found out I was having twins. The doctor said everything looked fine but sometime when the uterus grows the placenta can separate a little from the wall and cause bleeding and that it should heal on it's own in a couple weeks. My bleeding lasted about two weeks and then it stopped and I never had any more problems. So far with this no bleeding just cramping. I keep waiting for it to show up though and will be shocked if it doesn't. I hope everything is ok. Just try and take it easy. I know it's so hard because you are on edge fearing the worse. I'll keep praying. Keep us posted.
Thank you for your kind words :) I really hope it's just something similar as to what you experienced. I'm also sorry to hear about all the stress with your blood work. What a nightmare. Is this your regular doctors office? I can't believe they just did a pregnancy test--hopefully Monday morning you get your results. I would have been so irritated.
Momof3girls your trip is sounding amazing! I can't wait to brin the boys to Disney world!
I really hope it is too! Just hang in there Hun:). It's a new doctor that was my first time there. They do things a lot different then the other doctors I have had. Will just try and stick with them though since I really want to delivery at the hospital where we live. The twins were born their and I loved it!
Twinmommy6 how are you doing today? I hope all is well!

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