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New here! TTC #2 anyone else?

Hey ladies. All is well with me, can you believe how time has flown. I've been off work since before Christmas as my blood pressure was very high and they were worried because of my history of pre eclampsia.

My sickness is mostly away thankfully and I have my anatomy scan on 19th. I had a fall on Boxing Day and had to go to hospital for anti d injection and I got a scan. It was still early but it looked like a little boy. I am absolutely over the moon, a little sad that I'll never have a little girl as this is my last, but I did want another boy.
Dr. confirmed the baby is definitely a girl!! WOOT! Team pink. :happydance::happydance::cloud9::cloud9:


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Hey ladies. All is well with me, can you believe how time has flown. I've been off work since before Christmas as my blood pressure was very high and they were worried because of my history of pre eclampsia.

My sickness is mostly away thankfully and I have my anatomy scan on 19th. I had a fall on Boxing Day and had to go to hospital for anti d injection and I got a scan. It was still early but it looked like a little boy. I am absolutely over the moon, a little sad that I'll never have a little girl as this is my last, but I did want another boy.

I am sorry that you fell and so glad that everything is okay! :hugs: Congrats on the baby boy. :thumbup:
Yay congrats and welcome to team pink babymabey! Congrats on the boy Joey! Glad the fall wasn't serious!
Hi girls, how are you all keeping.

All well with me. I'm back to work now and BP is still high but isnt rising which is a good thing. I have my scan on Monday and will be finding out for sure if we are having a boy. Looking forward to knowing as being in kinda limbo has been weird.

Hope everyone is well xx
Yay on bub being a girl babymaby!!!!

joey- how is your BP now? is bub still a boy?

hal- how are you?

AFM - 36 weeks now! I had my group b strep test and first cervix check today, I am 1.5cm dilated already!
Yay Heidi - you're so close!! So exciting! Was your daughter born early?

I'm doing well - 7 weeks and 3 days until my c section. Sounds close but feels so far away!

Hope everyone else is feeling good!
hal - my daughter was actually 2 days late! which is funny because I wasn't even dilated yet with her at 36weeks! maybe this one will be early?

7 weeks away? it's so crazy how it seems far but so close, did you have a csection with your first as well?
I don't think there's any way to predict when baby will come but it's fun to try and guess! Many women stay dilated for weeks and weeks and not go into labor and others aren't dilated at all the day labor starts.

My daughter was a day late and the morning before I went into labor I was only a fingertip dilated. I never dilated enough even after pitocin and breaking my water so ended up with a c section. I scheduled one this time because 1) most women that don't dilate enough with prior pregnancies have the same problem again and end up with another c section and 2) our families are all 3,000 miles away so having a date makes it easier to have someone out here to watch my daughter while I'm in the hospital.
I don't think there's any way to predict when baby will come but it's fun to try and guess! Many women stay dilated for weeks and weeks and not go into labor and others aren't dilated at all the day labor starts.

My daughter was a day late and the morning before I went into labor I was only a fingertip dilated. I never dilated enough even after pitocin and breaking my water so ended up with a c section. I scheduled one this time because 1) most women that don't dilate enough with prior pregnancies have the same problem again and end up with another c section and 2) our families are all 3,000 miles away so having a date makes it easier to have someone out here to watch my daughter while I'm in the hospital.

I can't believe how fast this seems to have gone! I swear it was just yesterday that we were all in here talking about TTC! :happydance: I have been feeling great, though I still haven't gotten my energy back and this crazy winter hasn't helped much with all the snow and gloomy skies. :(
Hal- I had the same issue with my son. I was only contracting with the Pitocin and that caused his heart rate to drop which is what led to my emergency c-section, I really hope that doesn't happen this time because I don't want another c-section and having to stay in the hospital for 4 days isn't fun.
I am hoping she stays in until her her due date of May 22nd because my husband is running his first full marathon on the 21st and he paid the registration fee yesterday. :dohh:
Hi all, lovely to hear from you. It really does feel like yesterday that we were TTC. This pregnancy has absolutely flown in, probably because half the time I'm so busy I forget I'm even pregnant.

My BP is ok, it is still high, but not dangerously high, I am having it checked every 2weeks as well as urine and heartbeat, so I'm being well looked after.

It is also still a boy. I am so chuffed to be having another wee boy, Ethan is so confused that the baby will be living in our house, he can't get his head around it.
It really does feel like yesterday when we were discussing symptoms and squinting at each other's tests!

Babymabey - wow that marathon is cutting it close! Hopefully baby will cooperate and stay in there until daddy can get finished :)

Joey a glad to hear your BP isn't too high and that you're getting checked regularly.

We just got back from a mini vacation to Arizona to enjoy the sun and quality time being a family of 3. Who knows when we'll get a chance to go on vacation again when the new one arrives :)

I've hit the point where I'm no longer sleeping much and I feel exhausted all day long. Really hoping these next few weeks fly by!
How is everyone keeping. My BP is creeping up and I had to go to hospital on Monday evening, but it did settle and I was allowed to go home so long as I closely monitored my symptoms etc.

Can't believe I am third tri now, it seemed to take a lifetime to get here with my son and all of a sudden, I'm here and sometimes I still have to remind myself that I'm actually pregnant.
Ladies, meet Vaia Mae

She was born March 18th at 3:50pm and weighed 8 lbs 2oz and 20 inches long.

I actually chose to be induced since i was already having regular contractions and had a bloody show the night before. I only had 4 hours of active labor! I had vaginal birth and had anxiety before pushing lol i was freaking out for a bit.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Joeybrooks - it goes by slowly yet so quick!! Hoping you get to enjoy your 3rd tri more than i did lol
Forgot to add pic


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Awww! Congrats Heidi!! She's beautiful!!

Joey I hope your BP stays under control! Keep us updated :)
Congrats Heidi! She is adorable. :hugs:

Good luck with your blood pressure Joey, hopefully it evens out and stays in a good range.

As for me: My little guy has the flu so he has been pretty cranky the last couple of days. I have my (almost) 32 week check up Friday and I think I have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions for the last week, but because I didn't have any contractions with my son until I was induced I am not 100% sure so I will be asking about it then.
Oh she is so beautiful, congratulations!!!!! The first baby of our group!!
How is everyone doing? Anymore baby announcements?:happydance::hugs:

I had my 36 week check up this passed Thurs and everything looks good. Baby girl is in position and ready to come out!:happydance: Because of the complications I had when in labor with my son my OB is going to strip the membranes at my appt. Fri to try to get me to go into labor naturally but she doesn't want me to go passed 40 weeks so if I don't go into labor by May 23rd I will have to be induced. :cry: I really didn't want to be induced this time, but I will do anything to keep this little one healthy, I just hope it doesn't lead to another c-section. My husband also has to go to Canada for work about a week after the induction date so if getting induced means that he will be able to be in the delivery room and not thousands of miles away I am okay with that.
That's great babymabey! You're so close!! I can't wait for an update :baby:

I totally forgot to update here - Elisabeth Suzanne (Libby) was born 4/18 at 7:21am and was 7 lbs, 9 oz and 20 inches long. She decided not to wait until my scheduled c section at 12:30pm that day. I went into labor at 4am and contractions got intense and close together right away. We got to hospital at 5:30am and they were 1 min apart and water broke. I was only 3 cm so they did the c section right away.

I really feel like I hit the jackpot with this baby or either the universe decided that I paid my dues with my daughter being such a horrible sleeper. Libby barely cries and only wakes twice at night to be fed. She doesn't even cry when she's hungry - I just hear her grunting and trying to get out of her swaddle and then I know it's time to feed her. I've gotten much better sleep with a newborn this past week than I did my last month of pregnancy!!

**And yes, those are socks on her hands - I didn't have any of the no scratch mittens when I took that pic so I had to improvise because she was clawing the crap out of her face :)


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