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New to BnB and looking for a buddy

Hi Emilyrose!
Welcome to our thread!
Dont worry we arent rude here!! hehe but I know what you mean by others dont reply some threads can be rally exclusive - we arent like that.
So sorry to hear about your mc's.
I am now waiting to test - should be tesing in the next 4 days. I have only used FRER's so dont really know much more that them. If I think I have a positive from them I will buy a digi HPT just to confirm!.
This is my 5 month of TTC. If nothing happens this cycle or next I will then be back at the doctors to start tests.
so will just have to wait and see what happens.
How long have you been TTCing?
Hello, sorry I haven't been around much. I am trying to keep myself busy and found a great distraction i.e. my games. I always enjoy playing games on my xbox as well as PC - makes me forget everything.

How are you all?
busy as ever!!! just trying to sort through my ever growing to-do-list for school!!
but cant do every much at the mo as I need to start printing stuff out and want to be anal and print on the fancy school printer - heehee so all that will have to wait for tuesday when i go in.
But for now i will have to get started with all the lesson planning that needs to be done
Hi emilyrose welcome am so sorry to hear bout ure lose but u are welcome here we really friendly
Hi ladies well my mum finally moved in today so am very happy been a long day but it was worth it lol n it kept my mind of the next few days coming to the end of my 2ww
Hope u are all well x
OOOHHHH Kim, 8 days to testing for you.
I am hopefully going to hold out till at least Monday although a friend wants me to test first thing tomorrow morning. Will see how I feel in the morning.
Glad to hear that your mom is all moved in now. Til to relax - good thing you have Monday to relax too now.
hi carla i know i wish i could but my other is full of cold so look like ive got my hand full looking after him haha, i know it getting close again again u feel like these 2wk take forever but then it here
how u feeling hope u get ure bbp n fx to u x
Hey Kim, looks like I am defo out for this cycle!!! Temps dropped drastically this morning and spotting like mad!
I am just soooo confused - what have I done wrong?? We BDed so much over fertile period and nothing!!! I just dont understand!!! Almost in tears now!!
I think I might try to see my doc this week and see what she has to say. Maybe get OH to get his swimmers checked too. I dont know any more
Aww Carla am too so sorry for u u' ve done nothing so don't think like that it is heartbreaking well the bloody witch come but I've been to dr n now am off to see a gyno so I would do it u have been trying for half a yr now it will be yr in oct for me it gone really fast so keep smiling it not u x send u big hugs x
Thanks Kim!!!
I think I might try see my doc this week and see what she says.
Really good to hear that you are seeing the gynae so soon!!
good luck with that appoint. Let me know how it goes
Hi Carla thank u I will but it not till oct so I've 2month to try myself first lol
I would that what they are there for n just keep strong x
Hi well it day 26cd of I've been getting alot of crappin pain n my boobs hurt so it look like the :witch: maybe on the way again :sad1: xx
yea Join the club Kim!!! I think af will arrive on wednesday for me
Hi Carla well it day 27cd n there nothing as yet wish it would make it made up
How u feeling? X
Hi Kim, Today has been really difficult for me!!
A colleague arrived at work today - and didnt need to say anything!! She is 16 weeks preggos with #2!!! and what a bump she has already.
I really want a bump to!!!
I just know that if I tell this to OH he will not understand how I am feeling and will tell me to stop being silly!!!
Its been almost 6 months of trying now and I was really hoping for my BFP this month!!
What else do I need to do to get my bfp??
Hi Carla I know what u mean there are too many of my close friend that are having baby or had baby too, but my has ask me to be godmother to her which is nice, or ppl that aren't trying n just get pregnant like that it upset me too it even worse when the bloody af turn up when so your emoition are all over the place n my oh doesnt get it either well they af is on the way I feel really shity today n the pain are here too
Just keep smiling we will get there x
Hi Kim, well AF showed up this afternoon. But I am fine with it now. Onwards and upwards for this next cycle!!
Hi Carla my AF turn up in the early hr of this morning too so we can both get on to next month like u say onward n upward just keep smiling n if u are like me just in a bubbles it aces lol x
oh no!! so sorry af got you too. but hey - onwards and upwards - just means we get to practise even more!!!
No harm in practising more!!! hehe
Hi Carla yes that is true we do like the practice lol
Well my baby sister turn 18 yesterday so we had a party so am not feeling fresh this morning lol
Hope u are Well? X
Hi Kim,
It must have been a good party then!!

I cant believe how hectic work is already and its only 2 days in!!!
I am sooo knackered!!! woke at 5:30am and couldnt get back to sleep for all the things running through my head!!! So eventually got up at 7:30am and worked till about 10ish.
Been to see a few more venues. I am hoping to get something booked up soon as I dont think I can take much more of all this wedding planning and school work at the mo.
Think I might need an afternoon nap.
Hope you have a good weekend

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