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Hi Carla yeah we've had a nice weekend oh been buying me thing again lol a dishwasher but at least I don't have to wash up haha
How it sound like u are busy well Ellie bk at school Tuesday can't wait to get bk to a routine lol
Hop uve had a good wkend? X
I so know what you mean - back to routine again!!! Its just a shock to the system initially!!
Enjoy first week back
Well she bk 2morrow n she can't wait lol even wanted to put her school clothes out today hehe
Hope u have a good day x
Hi well Ellie was so giddy this morning she was up n wanted to get dressed 2 hour before we had to go to school lol
Hope u are well x
ah that is just sooo sweet!!! So good to hear that she enjoys school that much!!
How are you doing?
Hi Carla am okie ta just waiting to ovulate but I've been getting pain down on my left side this wk so god know what going on
How u doing? Hope rue well x
Hi, I am also waiting to ovulate again.
Saw my doc this afternoon and she gave me a blood test sheet. So now to wait for 21 day bloods. I also need to get OH to the doc to get his swimmers tested.
I am so hoping he is willing to go through all this now. FXed for this now.
Hi the last time I was a the dr they said that to me too I told I'll do it for him lol
But I hope he does
Finger cross for u Hun this I know am just waiting too
Well Ellie got next belt in karate today am a proud mum
Hope u are okie? Xx
Hi Kim,
Thats soo cute - Ellie getting her next belt!
Has your OH had his swimmers analysised yet?
I really dont know if I want to go through with the tests at the mo as we might be moving the wedding date forward. We really need to make some decisions and I wish I could make them now! Just hate being in limbo!!
Hi Carla I know am a proud mummy hehe, no not yet but I hope he does tho,
Who are u that will be nice tho if u did tho I would love to get marry but he's not talking bout it lol x
Hi Kim, I must admit that a part of me is really loving planning this wedding.
I had to bug him to get to this point. But glad we are finally here!
Can you not start dropping hints? Leave wedding mag's lying about?
Haha well Ellie always saying that we are getting married and he just laugh am more hope of getting a baby then getting married lol bk to work these wkend go to fast haha x
I know the weekends always fly by!! Why cant we have 3 day weekend?

I'm sorry for only replying now but work is just stupidly busy at the mo. I was asked to leave work last night at 6:50pm!! Just so much work to do and so little time to do it in!

Hope you are well
Hi Carla am good ta just been busy helping my mum get some stuff for her new flat so am tired pushing a wheelchair lol
I know that would be great be even better if I won the lotto I would after work haha
Hope u are well x
Hi Carla how doing u had a nice wk am so glad it the wkend it time to chill out it been one of those wks so am glad it over with roll on 6wk so I can have a week off lol x
Hi Kim,
OHG!!! its been another stupidly hectic week again!!
I'm also really glad its the weekend!! But its a rather busy one for me.
Got my mom's 60th birthday dinner tonight and had family photo session this morning.
I quite agree with you!! roll on the next 6 weeks!! 1 week off!!! YAY!! I seem to live for my weeks off!
Hope you have a good weekend
Hi Carla am good thank just in the 2wk wait now or the joys again
Yes we had good wkend didn't do much just chilli out with oh which was nice met to going to a party on fri nite then another chilled wken me think I like these wkend lol
Hope u are okie x
Hi Kim, So sorry I havent been around this week - between work and hunting for a wedding venue its just been stupidly busy here!!

Think we have finally found a lovely venue for the wedding
I am also in the TWW!!
I am going to have CD21 bloods done this week. Hopefully get the results next week sometime.

I so need this weekend!!! Esp now that I have OH's stupid snotty cold!! time to recover and catch up with family and friends!!

Hope you have a great weekend!!
Hi Carla am okie I was abit upset the other day a friend at work told us she was 12wks pregnant so it got me down, who that sound really exciting I'll have a look, well on 24cd n I've backache, headache n crapping pain for the last couple of days so finger cross for the next few day
Well have fab weekend x

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