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Hi Kim,
Hope you are having a really good weekend and feeling much better too.
I've had a lovely start to the weekend. Spent some time with a florist this afternoon talking about flowers for our wedding. Then went shopping at Bluewater - I do love that place. Kebabs for dinner tonight with my sister and then helping a friend to clean her new house before they move in.
As for Christmas had Kittie turn on the lights at Bluewater last night - apparently she was really good. I do love German Christmas markets. Need to find one closer to home though.
I am sincerely hoping that I get to work a full week this week. FXed for good health here!!
Hi Carla yeah had a good wkend went to Wakefield with Ellie and phil today and got some new Xmas dec to put am getting abit giddy for Xmas we've even but som of them up lol
who sound like uve had a good wkend
Yeah hope u have a good wk? Well my oh as to do the sperm test again so am just waiting for when he can go great lol x
Hi Kim,
Yes weekend was pretty good. I spoke to a florist about the wedding decor and flowers. Hopefully get a quote from them tomorrow. I really enjoyed that appointment on my own. No mom to interfere and try get what she wants for my wedding!
Talking about mom, her and dad arrive back from SA on Wednesday morning. They have been in South Africa for 3 weeks.
I really miss the weekends I spent up in Wakefield - more the outlet stores by the ski centre - is that on the M62? or the M65? EEKK my brain cells are fried!! haha

Just hoping my TWW goes be really quickly!! 4DPO today. 10 days to go!! Bring on the end of next weekend
Hi Carla it's the m62 lol yeah I feel like that too sometimes lol
Well I've been to doing some more Xmas shopping and birthday shopping it my oh bday on mon so we are going out at the wkend so that will be nice Ellie off to her grandma whoop whoop lol x
Hey Kim,
Happy Birthday to your OH. Hope you both have a great weekend!!!
Sounds like it will be a fab one!!
Sorry I haven't been on - been a really busy week with HMI inspection and loads of staff off ill - including my most reliable Teaching assistant.
Really glad its all done for now. Now waiting for the outcome. The new powers that be are not telling us anything!! GGRRRR

So glad the weekend is here now.
Enjoy the birthday celebrations.
Hi carla thank u I know I can't wait to just go out and chill out just me and him it will be nice, who bet that hasn't been good i hope it went for u
Well oh has to his sperm test again it came bk low count/motility so he has to do it again which he wasn't happy bout haha
Have a fab weekend x
Yes make every moment last this weekend!!!
BOOHOO to your OH having another SA!!!
I still cant believe that my OH is still trying to get his hands on his results!! NHS lost the results!!! Shocking that they can do that!!
I have 2 weeks till I see the gynae! so no more time to do another SA for OH. I just hope he manages to get his results this week.
Enjoy the weekend
Hi Carla I can't believe they have done that, that is a joke hope they fine them for u before u go,
I know am ring up in the morning to make an appointment for next so that another morning off work which we need before Xmas so I guess we won't be a gyno before Xmas. We've had a good wkend but the Xmas dec up lol
Hope u had a good one x
Hi Kim,
Good to hear you had a really good weekend with your OH!
I also had a good weekend - a rather productive one today. Even got to sort out a few extra bits too.
Now just to face the onslaught of yet another really busy week ahead!!
Hope you have a good one
Hi carla glad u had a good one too, well the wks going okie at the mo look like another busy for me, well I've book him in again for next wk for his speam test again fx it come bk good this time
Have a good wk x
Hi Kim,

Ditto to the busy week!!! I have not been able to stop over the past 4 days!!! Hence the first time in 4 days that I get to sit back and catch up on here.

Well finally we got our hands on Steve's sperm analysis results - but goodness knows what it all means!! Between us we cant work out if its all normal or if there is something wrong! GGRR

FXed his SA results are what you are looking for.
Hi who that sound funny well when u see the gyno they may get him to do one or if I was u I would google it lol, yeah me too we need good news from this one
Well work not that busy at work so it been a long day great lol glad to be home tho it getting too cold lol, well hope u find out if it's good news for u too
K x
Hi who that sound funny well when u see the gyno they may get him to do one or if I was u I would google it lol, yeah me too we need good news from this one
Well work not that busy at work so it been a long day great lol glad to be home tho it getting too cold lol, well hope u find out if it's good news for u too
K x
Well I dint know what happened here but I think my mess as come up twice lol x
lol, yeah - I sometimes finds it does that to me too - posting twice - weird!!

I might just google sa results analysis - I really want to know now - I'm just really inquisitive like that and slightly impatient too!! hehehe
YAY YAY its Friday - easy day with my class today (or at least I hope!!)
Friends babyshower tonight and hair appointment tomorrow morning along with car in for MOT and service - this is going to be a really expensive weekend - I can just see it!!

Have a great Friday
Hi Carla hope you've had good wkend yes that does like it going to be dear one lol
Well I've been in bed since friday with tonsillitis so I haven't done much at all but Ellie did me proud even tho I could be there she got her next belt in karate
Enjoy the rest of the wkend x
Oh shame!!! I know what you are going through!! I had tonsillitus a few weeks back!!

Well done to Ellie!! What colour belt is she on now?

Thankfully wasnt too expensive!! Car passed MOT with a few minor things to sort out in the next week!!
So now looking forward to Feb/March next year to order my new car - although I am still not sure which car I want - all I know is that it needs to be bigger than my little Matiz that I have at the mo.

Make sure your OH looks after you and get better soon!!
I know apart from my throat my body is started to feel a little better thank god
She on red belt now I felt really bad that I couldnt go but I've had some good ppl around to help me out
Who that wasn't too bad I really need need to pass my driving
Yeah he been good x
Good to hear your body is feeling better - now just to get that throat better now - will take a day or 2!!
I really dont know what I would do without my car!
After arriving in the UK I lasted 8 months relying on hiring cards, other and public transport to get around. Just couldn't do that any longer. But then again I was out in the sticks most of the time and public transport was just pathetic!!
Love my car but time to trade her in!!
Hope you have a good week and feel better soon!
Hi Carla how u doing?
Well i thought I was getting better but my throat still hurt n feel dry and to top it off the bloody antibiotic have give me thrush great, but I've been Xmas shopping with my mum n friend which was nice to get out of the house but am knacked now lol
Hope ure well x

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