thats great lullaby! must be so nice to get some relieve at last, what a good present!
i have been thinking a bit about breast feeding vs. bottle feeding lately and i think i would like to bottle feed from the start, but a lot of articles and books i read imply that you are a bad mum if you dont breast feed.. has anyone else been thinking about bottle feeding?! x
I saw an extract on tv about antenatal classes and although I'm keen to breastfeed, I was horrified to see that one of the classes devoted the WHOLE class to why you SHOULD breastfeed!! Complete with dolls to show positioning holds etc.
I personally would have felt uncomfortable with that appraoch as I'm fully aware that there are many people out there who don't want to breast feed and I don't think they should be made to feel bad about it.
With Ruby I do plan to breastfeed, but I won't mentally beat myself up about it if it doesn't work out and already have a pot of formula just in case.
As long as our little ones are healthy and well looked after, that's all that matters hon, you've got my support!! xx
On another note, how wonderful does my pelvis feel today!!!????? I used the wheat bottle all night!! lol and not a single crunch or crack when I got up!!
H2B is taking me out for dinner tonight as I feel so much better!!

Sooo looking forward to it as we haven't been able to go out and do much lately because of the seizures ( which now seem to have completely gone again!!

) and then the dsp.... I'm looking forward to getting dressed up for a change!! Ha ha ha, will defo get my bump pic taken tonight and put it on here tomoz!!