New Year Rockers (UK & Other)

hi all, hope you are all well especially lullaby and beccyboo, as you were suffering a bit earlier in the week. im a bit tired out - its my husbands birthday 2day and we have had lots of party food and cake! its been a very nice evening and we will be celebrating all weekend. glad you enjoyed your holiday margie, were you born in south africa and moved 2 the uk or did your family move out there? what sort of car have you got flowertot? sorry me big nosey parker!! x
Im better i think anyway :) feel loads better today im just flued up still but as for feeling sick and achy its gone i think finegrs crossed :) i thought i had a bug that wouldnt of been good!! And celebrating sounds good hope youve enjoyed your self tonight and you do at the weekend :D
hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend Sazzle. i've got a ford focus 1.8 turbo diesel. its so much nicer to drive than my very very old car which was a clapped out 13 year old ford escort. my new car feels a lot safer too and lots of room for DD's and pudding's car seats and nice big boot for the pram. i'm a very happy bunny.

glad you are feeling a little better becy x
sounds lovely, cant go wrong with a ford focus! nice to have something a bit more comfortable too ready for when the baby arrives. x
hope you are all enjoying the weekend ladies.

i'm counting down to third tri now. even though the pregnancy seems to be flying by at the same time i feel like i've been in second tri forever!!
Hi Girls,

Hope you ae still enjoying the celebrations Sazzle... I feel like eating cake now after reading your post lol. I was born in South Africa and came to the UK in 1999 to work and travel for a couple of years. I met my DH here (weirdly also South African) There is just so much to see and do on this side of the world, and we both love our jobs... before I knew it 10 years had flown by and I was married and pregnant :rofl: We still plan to go back one day.

Becy, glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. Hope you are getting lots of chill time to yourself to relax and recuperate.

Getting a new car is so exciting flowertot :yipee: Fords seem to go on forever! And with a big boot you will be styling. What colour is it?

We went to a local NCT nearly new sale yesterday and it was brilliant :thumbup:. We got loads of clothes, a blanket and moon shaped cushion thing and some brand new tots bots nappies all for a total bargain. I couldn't believe how much stuff some people had. If you have one in your area I would really recommend it (if you don't mind using second had stuff, most of it was practically new anyway).

Let me stop rambling and go and do something useful - chat later
Seizure wise I seem to be getting a bit better again which I'm glad about!! However dsp is playing up so much I'm even needing help to get out of my seat and to turn over in bed!! It hurts sooooo much!! My whole pelvis is doing this awful crunching thing and you can hear it make a huge clunky noise when I change position. DSD heard it from the other room earlier!! It was so bad last night I was in tears. Painkillers don't seem to be doing anything. The only thing I have found so far that gives any kind of relief is a nice long soak in the bath in warm water. H2B has been lovely, he's been doing all the housework, cooking, giving me massages to help ease it etc. I feel guilty that he's doing so much especially as he works full time too. But he says he's happy to help as he knows I need it and that usually I do everything for him so he's glad to have a chance to do things for me. He even woke me up with a rose this morning :D
Your H2B sounds wonderful Lullaby. Don't feel guilty, I'm sure you would do the same for him and I'm sure he just wantes to do as much as possible to make you comfortable.

I also had a nice long soak in the bath this evening with bubbles and candles - feeling super relaxed and think I'm going to flop into bed nice and early :sleep:

Hope you all had a fab weekend
Thanks Margie, he really is a complete diamond!! He reminded me before he went to work tonight that I did everything for him a few months back when he'd done his back in, despite being a wreck with exhaustion myself and he said it's nice to return the favour as he felt useless then and knows how I'm feeling. He pointed out that I usually do practically everything on a daily basis, so giving me a helping hand and doing things for me feels good to him cos he's looking after me for a change :D Bless him, he's such an angel xx
sorry to hear you have been in pain lullaby, dont feel bad about resting - you cant help it , it sounds terrible. housework etc.. can wait - thats what partners, friends and family are for - helping each other out at tough times.. how lovely to give you a rose, very sweet :-)

well im so glad its monday, i went out into town on sat night to celebrate hubby's bday and enjoyed it but felt like a total lemon by 11 because everyone was so sozzled, so i went home to bed, only to be woken by them all returning at 4am and i couldnt get back to sleep because little bubba was having a party too!

so i was too tired to do anything except sit on the sofa and browse baby stuff on ebay yesterday!! i have a midwife appointment in 20 mins looking 4ward to that, going to make sure i get my MATB1 certificate and my HIP application form this time!! x
Has anyone else been getting numb hands?? :shrug:

At first it was only when I woke up but it is starting to happen to me more often now in my right hand... like when I'm driving or typing. I've had a look on the internet and it's a thing called Carpel Tunnel Syndrome that can happen during pregnancy. It is so weird - but at least it's not painfull. Have an appointment tomorrow at the GP so I'll see what they suggest as at the moment I'm not sure if I should be shaking it down or holding it up :rofl:
no i haven't but it happened to a girl i work with when she was pregnant, she does a lot of work on the computer, the occupational health nurse arranged for her to have a mouse pad with a wrist rest and they tried to re-organise her work so she didnt have to do so many 'clicks' on the mouse. i dont know about the shaking down or holding up im afraid x
I get that too, usually wake up with it in two fingers and side of hand rather than whole hand though. I shake mine and it goes away after a few seconds.

Guess what?? H2b bought me a wheat bottle that you heat up in the microwave and use similar to a hot water bottle. I used it on my back form early this morning when he got home from work at 6am (he bought it before he started his shift). And OMG it's brilliant!! The relief to my pelvis is amazing!! As long as I don't let it cool down too much and I keep it right on my lower back, the heat works it's way through and voila!! I even had a nap earlier and was actually able to turn over without screaming in agony from the crunch of my pelvis!!

He still won't let me do anything though lol, he said he wants to see how it goes for a few days and then he'll help me get started on doing a few things but that I'm not to overdo it cos he likes looking after me, bless him, he's so wonderful!!
thats great lullaby! must be so nice to get some relieve at last, what a good present!

i have been thinking a bit about breast feeding vs. bottle feeding lately and i think i would like to bottle feed from the start, but a lot of articles and books i read imply that you are a bad mum if you dont breast feed.. has anyone else been thinking about bottle feeding?! x
thats great lullaby! must be so nice to get some relieve at last, what a good present!

i have been thinking a bit about breast feeding vs. bottle feeding lately and i think i would like to bottle feed from the start, but a lot of articles and books i read imply that you are a bad mum if you dont breast feed.. has anyone else been thinking about bottle feeding?! x

I saw an extract on tv about antenatal classes and although I'm keen to breastfeed, I was horrified to see that one of the classes devoted the WHOLE class to why you SHOULD breastfeed!! Complete with dolls to show positioning holds etc.

I personally would have felt uncomfortable with that appraoch as I'm fully aware that there are many people out there who don't want to breast feed and I don't think they should be made to feel bad about it.

With Ruby I do plan to breastfeed, but I won't mentally beat myself up about it if it doesn't work out and already have a pot of formula just in case.

As long as our little ones are healthy and well looked after, that's all that matters hon, you've got my support!! xx


On another note, how wonderful does my pelvis feel today!!!????? I used the wheat bottle all night!! lol and not a single crunch or crack when I got up!! :happydance:

H2B is taking me out for dinner tonight as I feel so much better!! :D Sooo looking forward to it as we haven't been able to go out and do much lately because of the seizures ( which now seem to have completely gone again!! :thumbup: ) and then the dsp.... I'm looking forward to getting dressed up for a change!! Ha ha ha, will defo get my bump pic taken tonight and put it on here tomoz!! :winkwink:
Okay got a few mins I'm posting my bump pic now lol 26w 3d Ruby-Bump!!
Lullaby - great news about the wheat-hotwater bottle thingy! What a brilliant present.
And also a lovely bump! Hope you had a wonderful night out with lots of tasty treats :D

You are right about shaking out the numb hands - that's what the GP said to do too. Hope it doesn't get any worse... washing my hair with numb hands yesterday morning was really weird. Gonna give them a really good shake tomorrow.

Sazzle, you need to do what's right for you - and if that's bottle feeding then go for it! Don't feel like a bad Mum - it really annoys me when the baby business preaches and lays on the guilt. Just as a matter of interest can I ask why you are choosing formula? I am hoping to breastfeed mainly because I can't be bothered with sterilising bottles and having to cart around formula, of course there is also the fact that it's free lol. But like Lullaby said, if it doesn't work out for me I'm not going to beat myself up about it. :shrug:

After a really hectic day at work I was really looking forward to my yoga tonight - but when I got there it was all locked up. Then burst into tears when Mike got home... and now I'm doing washing :cry: Think a nice soak in the bath and an early night might be in order :sleep:
hi ladies.

Lullaby - glad you have found something to ease the pain. lovely bump pic and i hope you enjoyed your meal out.

Margie - i suffered badly with Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in my last pregnancy. it started off with numbness but progressed to me not being able to open jars or anything because it was so painful. i went to the doctors about it but there is not a lot you can do really apart from simple hand exersices to ease it. My mum also had it when she was pregnant with myself and my brothers but hers didn't go away afterwards and she had to have an operation on it. hopefully it will stay mild for you. i'm just waiting to see if i get it again.

Sazzle - i plan to breastfeed, same as i did with dd but its personal choice. i hate the fact that mothers are made to feel bad for not doing it though.

Hi becyboo hope you're ok.

i had a bit of a fall yesterday down some steps. i landed on my bottom and dd landed on my bump because i was carrying her. i hurt my foot more than anything but i was still worried so rang the hospital. the nurse said i should go in to get checked over but then after speaking to the doctor she came back to me and told me to stay at home as long as i was feeling LO move, which i was. i'm still a little bit worried though and i'm not seeing trhe midwife again for another 2 weeks.

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