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New Year Rockers (UK & Other)

Hi :]
im alright just a lil stressed over money and then what i need to buy and what not oh its a big mess and then my mums weddings in months time so i gota get a maternity dress lol and everything just piles up i need more money lol! and then things at home seem to just get worse as i live with my dad still and hes struggling with everything which is proper stressing me out like bills,food and keeping roof over our head :( but only thing i can do is see if i can get on housing list and then ill be on my self in a council house which im scared about but i think OH would move with me if i had to but hes only 16 so its hard. Over then all that crap im fine lol are you alright flowertot?? sorry to hear about your fall :| i hope everything is ok and your foot gets better! xx
i'm ok, just hope my little pudding is ok. i think he is quite well padded in there.

money can be the cause of much stress i know the feeling. i don't work, i'm a stay at home mum so i look after dd and soon ds. i did have a part time bar job but i've given it up now because it was getting a bit much for me with the late night and standing up for so long. we only have DH's wage and he's self employed and goes through busy periods and very quiet ones. its tough sometimes but we wanted children and are prepared to struggle rather than put it off and it end up being too late for us.

make sure you look into what tax credits etc you are entitled to because i'm sure this would be a big help.
Hope you feel better soon Flowertot, I've had quite a few falls with seizures etc and Ruby's fine so I'm confident your little precious will be too. I hope your foot gets better soon x

Becyboo, I hope things get sorted out for you soon hon x

The meal was lovely, food was amazing, service friendly, conversation flowed easily and was vibrant. Had a brilliant time :D

Now home and completely shattered lol Got wheat bottle back on the go withing minutes of getting in ha ha ha Oh I needed it!! :)
My mum or dads going to have to help me work all these tax credit and other things out cause it totally confuses me and i dont want to miss out on something or do it wrong .. hopefully things will get sorted im going to have to move out and try get a council flat,house if i can cause im desperate right now and i cant live with my dad forever need something to just start me off for abit i think.. but yeah i chose to keep the baby wasnt planned or anything but i knew everything would be hard but its what i wanted ill have to deal with it id do anythinf for my little boy so its all that matters :)

You should also qualify for Gateway To Homechoice which is the new way to get accomodation through your local councils etc. Having a baby on the way you'll qualify for a 2bed place.

We're on the list waiting for a bungalow to come up in our area x.
What do you do like to get infortmation about it or to like get forms etc to apply? iv got housing forms but i dont know if there the same or not i got them from 'ashfield homes' i wanted a 2 bed so i had a room for me and then babys room obviously, tbh anything would help me i just dont know how to get about information about them etc.
Hey Everyone,

Hope your foot is feeling better flowertot. I'm sure your pudding is fine and wiggling about. If you're still unsure could you pop into your GP for them to check the heartbeat?

Becy - sorry to hear you are stressing out and money and accomodation. Can't remember if I have mentioned it on hear before but have a look to see if the NCT runs any 'Nearly New' sales in your area. They are brilliant and you can get most of the stuff you need for a fraction of the price it would cost new. Best of luck getting everything sorted - keep us updated on how it's going!

btw Docotor gave me a prescription for Gaviscon yesterday when I went for my 28 week check up :happydance: Every penny saved helps I guess.
Lullaby.. i went on the website and there not in my area it says like ..
Which Council do you wish to deal with your application:* and then a list and none are councils around me.

maybe its the same as going on housing list which forms iv got but i dont think they will get me anything as i live at home with my dad in 3 bedroomed bungalow and baby could have my sisters old room cause shes gone uni but it was the problem about not being able to live at home as dads in debt and everything.. i dont know i might just fill these forms out and send them off and see what happens.

And thanks margie i hope things get better :] but aswel my money hasnt gone into my bank from last thursday! and i think someones taking money out my account so im angry and everything as i live off money that goes in. I went for my 25wk appointment today bubs wouldnt let midwife check heartbeat he keeps kicking the doppler off :haha: ! but im measuring up on scale and everythings ok got bloods 28wk :cry: NOOO lol then sorting my antenatal classes either go hospital for them or oneOnone dont know which yet lol. x
Becy - you should definitely fill the forms in and send them off - you might be pleasantly suprised.

Spoke to HR at work today about my maternity leave and will hopefully have 39 weeks off (about 9 months) YAY :happydance: Now just have to wait until they calculate what I'll get paid... might need to reduce it by a month if it's not enough. But have my fingers crossed that it will be okay, I would really love to have the whole summer with Sprout :D
Iv heard all sorts of stories about how long it could take but to be honest even if its a year then at least itll be a year and bubs will be 1 year so itll be something to just push me forward and to have my indepndance til i start my apprentship and can actually save up for something else. Thanks i will get them filled out tomorrow i think and sent off see what happens :D

Awww that sounds amazing i cant wait for summer to come its not even christmas yet and im thinking about that :haha: seems strange that well have our lil bundles in the summer hehe .. xx
Sorry Becy, didn't realise it was just our area, I thought it was country wide :(

The other thing you could do is ask your dad to help out by writing a letter giving you 30days notice to move out. Your local council are then obliged to rehome you before that time is up, as you would then be classed as high priorety. Just a thought hon x
Yeah thats an idea but they can put me in a hostel and i dont fancy that as iv heard there horrible and i dont want to be in one when im pregnant if you get me.. its all awkard ill fill these housing forms out and see what they say back :)

Thanks anyway Lullaby :D! x
I'm not sure, but don't think they are allowed to put you in a hostel while pregnant...

Either way, hope all goes well for you hon x
Hey All,

I think Sprout has found a new way to lie... I can feel movement all the time now and it's really cool :thumbup: Before it was only every now and again.

Anyone else feeling completely knackered? It felt like the middle of the night this morning when I got up :cry: Think I'll have a nice big cup of tea and some biscuits on my break to give me a bit of a boost :blush:

We are having friends over for dinner tomorrow and one of them is lactose intolerant - am having a bit of a stress about what to make. Thinking probably spag bog... have no idea about dessert though. Any ideas?
I think they can put you in a hostel or something like it for a certain amount of time but there aint no chance ill be doing that i can stay at home still and thats where id want to be really but as everyone knows from what i said before just want my independance and not like depend on my dad :(

And Margie i tend to sleep and wake up early morning and then fal back to sleep :haha: then i wake up and its like 1 in afternoon :| oh dear and this always happens must be something about that time :haha:
Hope you have a good time tomorrow i havent got a clue what you could do for desert iv just looked on internet and it just says like the dairyfree stuff lol i can only think of fruit with something.. or jelly :haha: silly suggestion :blush: i hope someone else can come up with something or you find something :D xx
:rofl: I was thinking fruit in jelly too... Might just skip pudding altogether. Will try and fill them up on snacks and bread when they arrive lol.
:haha: wel thats the only thing i can think of as cant have anything with milk in unles its that special kind of milk, cant have cream or cheese .. i was thinking cheesecake but thats totally off the decision lol if you cant think of anything just skip it should be ok :)

Btw you know in January garnets in 3rd tri you havent got your bump colour up next to your due date did you want me to get sharan to put it on for you or if you want to find it to do it? xx
:haha: wel thats the only thing i can think of as cant have anything with milk in unles its that special kind of milk, cant have cream or cheese .. i was thinking cheesecake but thats totally off the decision lol if you cant think of anything just skip it should be ok :)

Btw you know in January garnets in 3rd tri you havent got your bump colour up next to your due date did you want me to get sharan to put it on for you or if you want to find it to do it? xx

Thanks - I'll go have a look now :thumbup:
Its okay :D!

Flowertot aswell when you go over i think its 2 days time you need a colour if you didnt already know :) just wanted to remind people as some people havent seen the new thread in there yet :] xx
Here's some desert ideas for you hon:

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