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New Year Rockers (UK & Other)

lovely bump pics ladies. think we are all growing nicely :thumbup:

though id join in. this is my 28 week bump. sorry its a bit of a close up but i took it myself :haha:

my midwife told me my bump is measuring exactly 28 cm too which is great.


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How is everyone doing? I feel like I'm really starting to slow down now... I'm heavy and slow and can't seem to even get comfortable :hissy: All the girls at work have started to imitate my waaddle :rofl:

The CTS in my right hand is also making me very clumsy as I now have no feeling in it apart from my pinky (very useful!)...and an achey wrist. Not sure if I'll make it all the way to Christmas working :cry:

Sorry - but needed a little moan. Feeling very sorry for myself at the moment.
Hi Margie, im not too bad, i have some days when i really struggle to get comfy - i find it helps to move around a lot and to sit upright on a hard backed chair rather than the sofa. x
you girls are over the 30 week mark now :happydance: hope the next 10 weeks fly by.
My recent bumpy piccy thought id share aswell :)

We had our first antenatal class last night - and it was a really cool group of people :happydance: We didn't really learn much, more just chatted... ooh and there was tea and cake :D :rofl:

I'm going to put in my official application for maternity leave later today - going to see the lady in payroll to find out how long I can afford to take off. Really hoping I'll be able to take 9 months (fingers crossed).

Hope you are all well
i had my second antenatal class on tuesday margie, it was very good. mine are mostly learning and not much chatting, shame because i really want to get to know some other mums to be, but there are 3 more sessions to go so there is time yet. the midwife who takes them is great, really lovely and funny, but we have a diff lady for the next 3 weeks.

well ive got a fancy dress party to go to 2moro, i have my 'bumpkin' costume ready!! i made it out of a baby pumpkin costume which I cut up and put ribbons on to tie round my bump, it looks very silly but funny!! ill take some pics to show you all.

anyone else got any plans for the weekend? x
oh and we had tea and biscits too margie!! a morning off work with and tea and biscuits - happy days !! xx
Sazzle - please post some pics of your costume, it sounds fab! :D

We are going out for dinner tomorrow night for our anniversary :happydance:
Then on Sunday our friends are coming over to help us get stuff into the loft.

Had another crying episode at work today - payroll are being really difficult and I have to work out my own tax/NI deductions... it's so complicated and I got totally overwhelmed and burst into tears. The way our building is designed there is no easy escape - so everyone got to see :shy: Now that it's off my chest I feel fine - bloody hormones!!!

Anyway - looking forward to a nice chilled weekend!

What's everyone else up to?
Glad you had a good cry margie its best to just let it all out sometimes :) i found i get really upset easy over anything i feel silly about it :( .. Im not doing anything council in the morning to sort some stuff out then got to go pay some more off my pushchair then take some clothes back to Jd nothing exciting :haha: xx
if its any consolation i think my preg hormones have gone completely haywire again this week - i've been getting frustrated, irritable and generally peed off in all directions at work and at home. they do say that the hormones can go a bit haywire again in the last couple of months... but it sounds like your payroll people are being a bit unhelpful too.. i bet most of yor workmates will sympathise with you and if they dont then they are not worth worrying about. big hugs to you :)
what sort of pushchair have you got beccy? ive seen one i like on the market - its second hand but you wouldnt know - its in mint condition. its a silver cross travel system. gonna try to get hubby to come and have a look 2moro
what sort of pushchair have you got beccy? ive seen one i like on the market - its second hand but you wouldnt know - its in mint condition. its a silver cross travel system. gonna try to get hubby to come and have a look 2moro

Icandy cherry :]
i wish i didnt rush into getting one if im honest i love the 1 iv got but i wish i looked for a cheaper one i was going to get a graco one but i couldnt find one i really liked lool .. If its in good condition then go for it :D nothing wrong with second hand stuff if there decent :D x
Hey Guys, it's 9 years since I met my OH! This time of year always makes me think of when we first got together... we were huge clubbers and used to go out Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday night and Monday morning :rofl: My body definitely wouldn't be able to handle that now!

I got a second hand pram too and am really happy with it! It's an iCandy Cherry.

Have anice chilled one Becy - do you have your pram yet? Post a pic!
lol - Becy just seen you have the same pram as me! What colour did you get?
Iv got berry blue i was opting to go for the fudge as its neutral but iv stuck to the blue one now i didnt even bother trying to see if i could find a second hand one :growlmad: wish i did now tbh .. what colour have you got margie? and ill try chill at the weekend havent actually got much to do next week is a busy one for me though x

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