New Year Rockers (UK & Other)

Oh cool - I love the blue one. We've got red... wouldn't have been my first choice but it's really grown on me.
I was thinking i shouldnt of got blue cause i know im having a boy and everything and if i put him in blue hell get lost in it :haha: and i worried that if in the end scan was wrong and its a girl! what am i going to do but i think if it came to that im sure the shop person would exchange it for me as im not getting the actual pushchair till january cause there keeping it for me til iv fully paid :) did you get the black and red one? havent seen just a red one post a pic if you can :)! x
Yeah - it's black and red. I think the blue is cool for a boy or a girl... it's the colour I would have gone for if I had a choice. It's so nice and bright :D
I think if i was having a girl i would of gone for the purple one i like that but my family all was like Nooo but i wouldnt get that for a boy tbh.. i only got to see the cream one and blue one in the shop properley but top 3 was them 2 and the black and red :) i bet they will make more soon aswell in even nicer colours! the icandy apple have such nicer colours aswell :( but that 1 was too heavy for me x
We went for the cherry coz it's nice and light... we live on the first floor!
Yep i went for it for the same reason i didnt know about the cherry at first only apple and i couldnt hardly lift it in the shop and then i saw the cherry and was well pleased :)! x
hey girls, you were very chatty last night!

I've got the same pram as Sazzle- Silvercross 3d travel syetem. i bought it new 2 years ago when i had dd. it needs a good clean before pudding arrives but apart from that its in good condition.

getting the pram is one of the most exciting things isn't it? well because i already have mine i'm just going to focus on making the nursery look amazing.

hope you all have a great halloween night. i'm taking dd to my mum's house to drees up with her cousins. shes sooo excited bless her.
Hey flowertot - we saw loads of little kids all dressed up for halloween this evening and thought that will be us in a few years :D

Hope you and your dd had a lovely time - I love the little outfits, what did she dress up as?

Bought paint for the nursery today - it's called pale citrus and is a light yellow colour, can't wait until it's all done. Moving stuff into the loft tomorrow to clear out the room... baby steps, but we'll get there eventually!

Hope your all having a good weekend!

How did your costume turn out sazzle?
Hi all, Hope you are all okay, I went on the Butlins holiday with my family, ended up on a mobility scooter cos of the dsp which was making it too hard to walk on the crutches, hardly joined in anything cos of the amount of pain I was in, ended up having a few seizures halfway through the hol which made everything 10 times worse. Also had swollen feet and legs all through the holiday which I got checked out as soon as I got home, only to get sent straight to hospital with pre-eclampsia, then during monitoring found out I might also have gestational diabetese and am now waiting for a glucose test!! What a week!!! :( Can't wait till Ruby's born so I can start to feel HUMAN again!!
hi everyone, hope you are all well.

lots of posts ive scanned them very quickly - i havent bought the silver-cross one yet flowertot - have to get hubby to come and look at it, bt its really nice. are you pleased with yours? i do a lot of walking and shopping so it really needs to be easy to be light and easy to maneouvre.

beccy - my midwife told us on tuesday that she has only ever known one case of wrong sex being given in or county and she's been a midwife for over 20 years so dont worry too much about them getting it wrong and i bet they would swop it for you anyway.

ill have to look up these i-candy prams i havent heard of them before. ive seena a nice graco one in babies r us, its a special zebra one that comes with a cool zebra foot muff and mobiles included! its also a nice khaki colour..

so sorry to hear you have been suffering lullaby, only another 10 weeks to go now, hang in there x

the pumpkin costume was a success! i did look a plonker but thankfully we werent the only ones on fancy dress - in fact most people were in costume. we had a really good night, im getting a bit big and tired for parties now tho so im looking forward to a few quiet weekends in!!!

if anyone would like to see some photos just pm me and ill send you back my facebook details. x
oo oo oo , im on the second to last 'flower' on my ticker!! exciting ! xx
Thanks sazzle :) i told my midwife i was abit worried and she was like they will be right cause theyve put down on my pregnancy notes that there positive it is and sonographer told me defo a boy and was in shock how clear she could see things lol! so hopefully itll all go how i think lol and i think they would change it tbh if i told them what happened etc :] ..but the shop people are abit snobby well the older staff are so she might be mean lol! .. the icandy pushchairs are quite expensive ill just say that i didnt want the whole bundle as it would have been over 500 quid so i just got the pushchair,carrycot and footmuff that was just over 300 for that .. i wanted a graco one as you got the car seat with it and loads stuff and there reasonable price! but i had to go for a more expensive 1 lol! x
Hey Everyone,

Lullaby - so sorry to hear you are having a hard time :hugs: We're on the home stretch now - soon you will have little Ruby in your arms and your body can get back to normal :flower:

Well the second room is now clear - and the rest of the house looks like a bomb has hit it lol. But nursery will be painted (yellow) by the end of the week... so looking forward to it :D

Sazzle, I'm also feeling really big and tired all of a sudden. I have to pick up my bump when I sit back or lie down :rofl: Got told today that my face has filled out :shrug: I think it was meant to be a compliment.

My sister is in London tomorrow - so looking forward to catching up with her and hearing all the news from home (she is bringing all the stuff with her that I couldn't fit in my suitcase hee hee).

Hope you are all well and warm
Hi Girls,

Sazzle - Woo hoo for reaching the 2nd to last flower. when it moves again it will be almost time for the main event!!

Becy - i'm sure it will turn out you are having a boy. its normal to have doubts. i do sometimes but if they saw his "bits" i'm sure they wont be wrong.

Margie - hope you had a lovely time with your sister.

well girls i'm on a list writing mission tonight.

List 1 - Jobs to do around the house.

List 2 - Christmas shopping

List 3 - things to buy for the baby and hospital bag etc.
Wel i wont know till i give birth for definate! but hopefully hell be a boy as iv got everything for boy etc lol i wouldnt be bothered if popped out a girl but would be a massive shock! .. and i keep saying im going to make list for baby stuff i still need and hospital bag but keep putting it off lol but going monday out to get all hospital bits i think to get it out the way

And margie hope you have a good time catching up with your sister :)

my 28 week midwife appointments tomorrow looking forward to getting measured again but not to the blood tests :cry: hope it dont rain aswell as iv got to walk up to the doctors! :haha:
Good luck at the midwife Becy... the bloods aren't too bad, I think the best thing is not too look though!

Flowertot - I also have loads of lists... I need a list to keep track of my lists :rofl:

It was great catching up with my sister last night... have all the bits I bought in SA now. we went to the pub and I ate way way too much... I just can't fit much in at the moment. Also got sent loads of Christmas pressies from family, which made me feel quite guilty coz we aren't sending them anything this year. I did tell them that but they sent loads of stuff anyway :shrug:

Hope you're all having a good week!
Thanks margie went fine i dont mind blood tests i dont usually look she couldnt get blood out me hardly this time though and she like had to wriggle it a bit made me feel sick :( and hes measuring 28cm so iv grown 3cm from last time which on the chart says its all going well :D

Aww how thoughtful of them :) least you told them and they know you wasnt etc but thats really nice of them still getting you stuff :)! x
hi ladies.

becy - glad your appointment went well. you are measuring exactly as you should be. my MW told me that they allow 2cms under or over but your's is just right. mine was exactly 28cms at my 28 weeks appointment too.

Margie - aww how nice of your family to sents you lots of pressies.

hope everybody is having a nice time tonight. anybody been to a bonfire or fireworks event?

we are having a mini bonfire tomorrow night to burn some old units and other junk. we were going to have it tonight but it won't stop raining :hissy:

i'm so uncomfortable at the moment. the amount of braxton hicks i'm having is just silly! i'm getting them on and off all day now and even just mopping the floor sets them off. on the plus side though i guess it all helps towards the real thing. i still think LO will be here early. i just hope he's not too early. as long as i get past 36 weeks i will be happy.
Im just glad im in the middle of the lines on the chart where im ment to be :) didnt think id of grown cause i dint feel as i had or look it lol! but spose it is only 3cm :haha:

Im going to my anties for bonfire party saturday :) (barbeque fireworks and a big bonfire) lets hope it doesnt rain! did really bad last year and we couldnt let many fireworks off :( .. its not raining where i am at the min but it says on the weather light showers if anything on sat..

Sorry to hear your feeling uncomfy flowertot! take it easy :) i cleaned all the kitchen down top to down today and hoovered everywhere did the washing loads stuff and i was exhausted but saying that after a bath i cant blow dry my hair and do it proper without feeling out of breath :wacko: dont know why though xx
hi girls, sorry i havent been in touch ive had a nasty cold and havent had the energy to do anything. been at my nieces christening all day 2day and feeling double crap now, aching all over and have lost my voice! it was a very nice day anyway great to see so many people i havent seen for a while. and i was surrounded by kids and pregnant women which is always good!

going to finish watching x factor then have a really early night. speak soon x

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