New Year Rockers (UK & Other)

Well, didn't take the new meds after all as upon reading the insert pack I found out they are NOT to be used in pregnancy! Can cause Ruby probs at birth including floppiness, low temperature, withdrawal symptoms (which include seizures), and problems with breathing and feeding!! Also, cannot be used while breastfeeding! I sent epileptologist another email explaining that I'm not prepared to take those risks and to sort out a different med.... so still not sorted out and have had another 2 seizures since then, which thankfully were not as severe as the previous one. Just waiting to hear back again, but will be seeing neuro on monday anyway, so hopefully will get it sorted out then at the latest.

Saw Ruby on the scan today :D Didn't get any pics cos she kept waving her hand in front of her face, but we did get a glimpse of her chubby cheeks every now and then! lol And she was sucking her thumb as well. Her little feet kept flexing and pointing like a ballerina lol. She is in breech position with her head tucked up just inside left side of my ribs, her bum is nestled into left side of my pelvis, and her feet are up against my cervix! Little minx, no wonder when she kicks in the middle it feels like I'm being kicked in the bum! ha haha. She weighs 4lbs 12oz at the moment!! And is measuring almost 34wks!! She's gonna be a chubba lol.

I got put on insulin after all as well :( but at least it's only till she's born :)
Margie, we were writing at the same time lol. Good luck for Sunday hon xx
Thanks Margie :) hopefully i wont feel too exhaused :haha:

Hope you enjoy sunday! i want a baby shower haha but no one will do one for me and i feel silly doing one for my self lol i feel cheeky family buying me things or friends lmao dont know why im just one of them people like.. 'Oh you dont have to' :blush:

I seriously just give up with bras there going to go in the fire before long lol! i always take my underwiring out if i get them bras cause they irrate me but whenever i buy a bigger bra it stil either doesnt fit me or somethings bloody wrong :growlmad: lol! i just get frustrated tbh.

Lullaby- Tut why did anyone give you new meds that werent aloud with pregnancy lol! bit silly obviously they know your pregnant but glad your getting better and hope it all gets sorted for you. Awww bless bet you loved every min of seeing your little girl! i dont even know how much mine weighs :( never have always wanted to though! 34 weeks aswell gosh id be getting scared just for the fact being 34 weeks even closer to her being here lol aslong as shes all good and healthy its all that matters :D!

Hope everyone else is doing ok too not heard from people in abit but maybe thats because im on this everyday i have no life :haha: xx
Lulllaby, luckily you checked the meds - hope they can get it sorted once and for all next week. Aww your scan sounds lovely :thumbup: Still plenty of time for Ruby to flip over. Being kicked in the cervix doesn't sounds cool though. I'm feeling lots of pressure down-under at the moment and have developed a serious waddle because it's really uncomfortable to walk straight lol.

Becy - go to bed! Big day for you tomorrow. Hope you have a brilliant time and last in your heels. I love weddings - I always get really emotional :cry:
Omg dont even talk to me about heels! i wasnt even going to get any as i couldnt walk in big ones before i was pregnant never mind now! lol but my mum ended up buying me some this week i like them and everything and they have a small heel so should be fine but theyll prob come off within couple hours :haha: I was going to go bed ages ago but i couldnt be bothered im too much of a BnB addict :rofl: xx
Hope the wedding went well Becy and your feel survived the day.

is anybody else just wishing the days away now??
Went okay was abit boring tbh lol! but it wasnt a massive wedding just at a registry office and then a meal at a pub after etc in a private room .. my hormones ened up getting the better of me and i ended up crying over nothing lol but my sister was pissing me off cause i didnt want a starter as i didnt like any of the choices and she keept going on about it and it just made me get annoyed and i cried lol :blush: was a long day though was really tired when i got in but other then that was a good day :) shes gone to lanzerote for 2 weeks now lucky women! im jealious :haha:

And yea flowertot im counting down the weeks now but it all seems ages away and dragging can see me being overdue too so ill be even more unpatient lol xx
very quiet on here the last few days.

how is everyone??

all is ok here. i've got a MW appointment tomorrow. think i may have a urine infection though because i keep getting shooting pains down there and feel like i need to pee every 5 mins but nothing comes out when i go. will mention it to the MW. i've also been getting a racing heart even when i'm not doing anything. could be to do with increased bloodflow but will mention that too. i'm excited to see how much my bump has grown.
Everywhere seems to have gone quiet everyone must be busybees! :]

Everythings fine with me like usual nothing going on really .. only going for my swine flu jab tuesday then MW wednesday .. then next thing is my 4D scan 4th december and xmas shopping to get it done with lol thats day after my 18th birthday so nice present as i cant do much for my 18th lol .. cant wait for my scan to come though :D!

I always cant wait for my appointments cause i get measured :haha: i never see that iv grown but she always does lol .. i always think iv got a water infection or something cause i need to go loo all time but nothing hardly comes out :wacko: but i havent got a clue i think if anything was wrong my MW would tell me cause she does my urine samples every time i go.. and lately iv been having panic attacks and i dont know why and then i cant breathe properly and have to sit down for ages and sip water :wacko: really scares me.

Hope you havent got urine infection :hugs: if so lets hope it gets cleared up! :)

Hey Everyone,

What a hectic week! Had a brilliant time on Sunday - friends brought over a load of plain white babygrows and paints and pens and everyone decorated them (check out some of the creations below). It was really fun to spend some time with the girls - and I felt so spoilt. We got given loads of bits and pieces for the baby and I also got a really lovely scrapbook that everyone wrote in and that had messages in from all my family at home :cloud9:... it's my new most prized possession.

Glad the wedding went okay Becy - sorry you shed a few tears, but we have hormones to blame for that.

How was your party flowertot? Hope the midwife goes well tomorrow.
Wow you have been busy margie! :haha: just looked through the pics and it looks like you all had fun doing them i wouldnt dare let anyone of my friends do it they would just make a huge mess of them lol but i spose thats the fun of it! :D Glad you enjoyed everything :)

And i think i just got abit too worked up about nothing at the wedding feel silly now i think back to it lool! xx
Hi Girls :wave:

What's everyone up to this weekend. I have no plans and it feels great :D

Might get car seat. I was going to order online but with the delivery disaster I've had with the carrycot might just go to John Lewis instead.

Have a physio appointment on Monday for my hands YAY!
Im not doing anything at all nothing to do unfortunatly :( really wanted to get my car seat sorted but its sold out in all the shops iv tried! so iv got to order it online i think even though i wanted to get it in store so i could look at it proper first :( and my surestart hasnt even gone in yet which im fuming with cause i need that money quite badly now for LO's stuff left to get and some xmas shopping im basically living off income support which is murder!

Im getting really bored of doing nothing now iv got midwife and swine flu jab next week and gavin and stacey is back on thursday so thats it for that week :haha: then week after tis my 18th and my 4d scan and shopping so rather busy for once! :D hopefully after all that itll feel so much closer for bubs coming! :happydance:

Hope monday goes well for you :hugs: xx
hi girlies, hope you've all had a nice weekend.

i'm feeling a bit rough today. got a chesty cough, headache and runny nose. temp is under 38c though so think its just a regular cold. will b e keeping an eye on it anyway.

i'm starting to worry a little now i'm coming to the last few weeks of the pregnancy. when i had DD most of the pregnancy was fine up until 33 weeks when i collapsed at work and had a nice ride in an ambulance to the hospital. then at 34 weeks had very strong contractions and had to stay in hospital and have steroid injections, then at 36 weeks was back in hospital for bad palpatations and being unable to breathe!! despite all of that i still went 3 days over my due date in the end.

i just hope its not like that this time because DH works so much and i have dd with me.
Iv been feeling really poorly last week or so.. but same really my tempreture is 36c so im okay aslong as its not 38+ think iv just got a cold tbh but its making me feel rundown!
Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

And gosh! i hope you dont get all that with this one hopefully itll go nice and smoothly for you fingers crossed :) i feel though times dragging but i think its mainly cause im stuck at home on my own mon-fri all day till my dad comes back from work at 5 :( nothing to do but watch tele or come on pc lol xx
oh hun you should make sure you get out a little bit even if its just for a little walk.

well ladies the bump is getting huge now. heres my 32 week bump


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Nice bump :)!
you have grown alot from your avator :D

Im ment to be going for swine flu vaccine tomorrow morning walking up to doctors but i dont know if to still go im not 100% on what to do :shrug: have you had it?
Hey Everyone,

Becy and Flowertot, sorry to hear you're feeling poorly. Hope you feel better soon. Flowertot try not to worry (I know that's easy for me to say) but I'm sure all will be fine in your last few weeks.

Saw the physio about my hands this morning and got some wrist splints and excercises to do. She said it shouldn't get any worse and I really hope she's right!

The carrycot for our pram arrived today. I was going to be a bit naughty and double it up as a moses basket too - but now that it has arrived I'm not sure it's going to be suitable for LO to sleep in. It's quite narrow and is made of really thick waterproof material so might be a bit of an overheating / suffocation risk. Are you all using moses baskets or cribs for the first few months?

Cool bump pic flowertot - I took a new one last night and will stick it up soon.
Im using moses basket as iv already brought one and a stand.. and then when he out grows it hell move into a bigger cot :] i was going to use my carrycot that comes with my pram for a moses basket cause it fits onto the stand etc but iv opted it dont look safe :haha:

Glad you got something for your hands and have excercises to do hopefully it will help you and not make it worse! xx
Hi all, sorry I haven't been on much. Seizures are still out of control. Having 2-3 a day at the moment! Still trying to get on with everything though. GD is getting worse too. Going to see obstetrician on friday and hopfully get c-section booked. Have had my meds increased to get epilepsy under control but it's not working yet.

Love the bump pic Flowertot x

Here's my bump pic from today 32w 2d (Ruby is measuring around 36wks). Please excuse stretchmarks and humungous boobage. I've gone up to a 36J !!!


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