New Year Rockers (UK & Other)

Hey Lullaby, Sorry to hear you are still having trouble with your seizures - hopefully the new meds will take effect soon. It will probably be a load off your mind having your date booked, and will be something to really look forward too. Let us know how it goes on Friday :hugs: Your bump is beautifully round :thumbup:

Becy I think I have the same pram cot thingy as you (Cherry)... and I think you are right, it doesn't look too safe. Think we'll go for a moses basket too.
Hi all, sorry I haven't been on much. Seizures are still out of control. Having 2-3 a day at the moment! Still trying to get on with everything though. GD is getting worse too. Going to see obstetrician on friday and hopfully get c-section booked. Have had my meds increased to get epilepsy under control but it's not working yet.

Love the bump pic Flowertot x

Here's my bump pic from today 32w 2d (Ruby is measuring around 36wks). Please excuse stretchmarks and humungous boobage. I've gone up to a 36J !!!

Oh dear hunny :hugs: i hope it all sorts out soon for you
looking fab!! that a big difference from 32wks but aslong as shes all healthy its all alright :D .. this is going to sound daft but my boobs have never been huge .. before i was pregnant i was 34c and im like 34d now but i cant tell a difference in them :wacko: lol xx
Hey Lullaby, Sorry to hear you are still having trouble with your seizures - hopefully the new meds will take effect soon. It will probably be a load off your mind having your date booked, and will be something to really look forward too. Let us know how it goes on Friday :hugs: Your bump is beautifully round :thumbup:

Becy I think I have the same pram cot thingy as you (Cherry)... and I think you are right, it doesn't look too safe. Think we'll go for a moses basket too.

You can actually use them as a moses basket though cause in the shop iv brought mine from theres one on a stand so you can look what its like etc :] but stil i agree about getting overheated and everything xx
hi girls.

Margie - hope your hands are feeling better and don't get any worse. oh and i'm using a moses basket too.

Lullaby - sorry to hear you are still going through a lot. 8 weeks isn't that long really is it? (trying to convince myself of this too!) bump looking good and i wish my boobs would grow a bit :rofl:

Becy - i told my docs i'm not having the jab. i've had a call from my best friend today though telling me she has Swine Flu!! OMG i saw her a few days ago and i'm also ill. the difference is that she had a temp of 39c whereas mines not gone over 37c. i feel so sorry for her as she has a 10 week old baby who she is now being kept apart from for a week whilst the drugs kick in. she was breastfeeding too so i don't know what will happen there. shes so down about not seeing her baby and its her 27th birthday tomorrow, what a present!

i'm going to stay away for a week or two just to be safe. it's making me think again about whether i made the right choice in not having it.
Oh no i hope your friend gets better thats awful bless her specially as shes breastfeeding aswell :( i had my jab today but as everyone knows iv been feeling really ill past week.. and i feelt my worst this morning but i still went for it nurse annoyed me didnt speak to me or anything im obviously shy and nervous and she just asked me which arm and i said any and she just giggled and said get it over with ay.. and said all done and i went is that it then and she said yeah you can go now :wacko: grrr made me angry but i couldnt do anything about it.. then when i got home i still feelt really poorly but wasnt because of the jab wel i dont think as i feelt ill before .. but no sore arm or anything and then when i went to bed for a nap ended up being 4hrs nap :haha: and my arm was throbing lol hope it goes tomorrow. I keep checking my temperture now though but its always below 38c so i know im fine i spose now i just dont have to worry about who i go near etc cause i cant catch it :]
Hey Everyone,

Flowertot - your poor friend! I hope she feels better soon. It's probably best to stay away from her, but I guess you can give her a ring and have a virtual cuppa tea. Had my 34 week check this morning and the GP asked what my thoughts were on the swineflu jab. I told her I wasn't thinking of having it - she didn't push it and said that most people were deciding not to have it.

Becy, I hope you feel better soon! Flu jabs can make you feel a bit run down for a couple of days, so it's probably best just to chill out. This is perfect weather to stay snuggled up in bed anyway.

Hope you all have a good day :wave:
did everything go ok with your appointment Margie? is baby head down, measuring ok etc?
did everything go ok with your appointment Margie? is baby head down, measuring ok etc?

Yes - all okay. Head is down but not engaged. She didn't measure now that you mention, but heartbeat is fine.

I have had some kind of appendage sticking out of the middle of my belly since last night... I'm guessing it's a foot. I keep trying to press it back in, but it just pops straight back out again :rofl:
Just a quick question :)
im abit worried my midwife gave me an opinion quite a while ago about antenatal sessions and everything i could either book a place at the hospital to go and everything.. or i could have one on one with my midwife so she comes my house and does the same at the hospital but just with me and as i cant get to the hospital alot right now i said be better to have home ones.. But she hasnt mentioned it again or anything :wacko: when are you ment to have them? :shrug: shes booked me my next appointment aswell at nearly 35weeks so i dont think im even going to get any does it matter?

And iv got a question about pelvic floor exercises.. has any of you started these or even doing them?

Sorry about all the questions ladies xx
Just a quick question :)
im abit worried my midwife gave me an opinion quite a while ago about antenatal sessions and everything i could either book a place at the hospital to go and everything.. or i could have one on one with my midwife so she comes my house and does the same at the hospital but just with me and as i cant get to the hospital alot right now i said be better to have home ones.. But she hasnt mentioned it again or anything :wacko: when are you ment to have them? :shrug: shes booked me my next appointment aswell at nearly 35weeks so i dont think im even going to get any does it matter?

And iv got a question about pelvic floor exercises.. has any of you started these or even doing them?

Sorry about all the questions ladies xx

Hi Becy - I think you should ring the midwife up and ask her about the antenatal sessions. I've found them really useful so far - about things like pain relief during labour right to breastfeeding or what to pack in your hospital bag. It has also been really nice to meet some other expectant Mums.

As for pelvic floors... well I remember to do them about once a week (when I get reminded by someone else to do them :shrug:
I dont think she even has time to do them one on one cause i went midwife appointment yesterday and she was running late there was 3 girls including me heaily pregnant :| ( by that i think were all due dec/jan time!) and shes dealing with us all must be so hard .. im going to wait til my next appointment and ill ask her cause it wont be too late then whenever i ring her she dont answer :shrug: i feel more comfy talking to her in person dont know why :haha:

I dont even know how to do pelvic exercises :huh: iv looked on internet but it confuses me i just wanted to do them cause i think itll help me in labour hopefully lol
the only way i can explain pelvic floor exersises is to squeeze in as if you are stopping a wee halfway through :rofl:, hold it for a few seconds and repeat.

i've not done any either but i remember being told how to do them when i was having dd.
morning ladies! very early morning!

i'm suffering with restless legs so decided to get out of bed. i decided to try and get the group logo on my sig and it worked. i'm not as daft as i thought i was :rofl:
hi everyone, sorry i havent been in touch for a while, the adaptor on my laptop broke so ive been internetless for the last week or two. ive read the last few posts but will have to read back further to see what ive missed!

hope you are all well. im sorry to start with a moan but i have to say ive been feeling very tired and achy over the last couple of weeks, just no energy and lots of back pain, cant wait to finish work in 2 weeks. only 5 weeks now til bubba is due!!

im glad im not the only one who has been slacking with the pelvic floor exercises, the books say you should do them about 8 times a day! are they mad?

i finally bought a few things for the baby this week - a buggy - mamas and papas sport 03, carseat to go with it and an all singing all dancing soother - its the graco sweetpeace one - rocks, swings, vibrates and plays sounds and music.. all second hand off ebay, picking them up 2moro and sunday, cant wait! have also got a bottle feeding kit reduced from £120 to £60 in babies r us, and some formula as ive decided not to breast feed afterall.

bubba is wriggling lots at certain times of day and has decided to wake me up at approx. 4am every morning this week! but thats a lie-in compared to what ill be getting in about 6 weeks time!!

ive got to hand the laptop over to my stepson now becoz he's missed it even more than me!! but ill be back after he's gone to bed to catch up on the goss. xx
hi again, i just read back a few more posts, i see you have had the swine flu jab becy - im going for one on wednesday. i found the antenatal classes really good, I was worried they would scare me talking about labour but actually i feel more relaxed now i know a bit more about what's to come, the midwives were lovely and made it sound more fun than scary! i also met a few mums to be but didnt get much chance to speak to them, ut i will recognise their faces and im bound to meet some of them again - my local town has a lot of classes for new mums like exercise classes, baby massage etc...

flowertot - i get restless legs a lot in the evening, i read that low iron can make it worse, which i think is true because it gets worse when i forget to take my iron tablets.

Yeah i went for it in the end even though i was still unsure the nurse was also horrible she just shouted me in didnt speak to me im really shy and quiet as it is and she just told me to sit down and asked which arm and said there you go all done and i said is that it and she was like yeah and laughed and she went you can go now :wacko: feelt like complaining but wouldnt know where to even start specially as i was on my own and had to walk up there and back again :( but im glad iv had it and its over now but it did make me feel really ill i was about bed bound for few days and then the sore arm kicked in lol! I havent even been to any antenatal classes :shrug: my midwife told me about them ages ago and she said shed do them at my house one on one cause i cant get to the hospital when they are on.. and she hasnt mentioned them again and i think as christmas is coming up she wont do them then and then itll be abit late in january lol

Im now dying from bloody heartburn :growlmad: nothing makes it better gaviscon makes me heave.. iv tried milk and it hasnt worked .. im alergic to bananas so cant try that .. i brought some petit filous yogurts as someone said they help and they havent lol i give up :( x
well i was in 2 minds about whether to get the jab, but i got a letter through inviting me a couple of days ago and i looked up on the internet and after a bit more thought have decided to go for it but I dont think there's any right or wrong decision, no one really knows what to do for the best. i dont like the sound of the side effects tho! im still at work and could really do without feeling rouch in my last 2 weeks! ney mind ..

i get indigestion really bad, i find gaviscon does not work for me, but i couldnt live without my rennies. i normally have the chalky ones but the chewy ones are pretty good too. i like the peppermint flavour.

dont worry if you miss out on the antenatal classes, i enjoyed them but there was nothing you couldnt learn from reading books and magazines, ive just been too busy to do much reading up til now.. to be honest the thing i liked best about them was that i got a whole morning off work (paid) every week and they gave us tea and biscuits , short bread and hob nobs! yummmmmm.

im off to pick up my carseat and my graco soother in a bit, cant wait. what are u up to this weekend?

i had to have a scan on tuesday because they thought the baby was breech and small (bump meas 31 at 34 weeks). turns out its not either of those but it is back to back, so I have to walk like a bear on the floor to try tget it back to the side!!!!! much to the amusement of my husband and stepson! x
I hope bubs moves for you not nice being back to back i can guess!.. they tend to tell alot of people about measurements not being like right for the week but then iv heard people have there babies and there like perfect weight/size! i wouldnt worry too much unless it was hugely different.

I was thinking about getting some fruit rennies but ill end up buying them and not liking them or they wont work :haha: but i spose anything can be better then gaviscon lol iv heard chewing gum works but :shrug:

Im going to get everything hopefully this friday cause its my birthday thursday and my mums taking me shopping to meadowhall in sheffield day after so im going to do all my christmas shopping if i can lol and rest of bubs stuff and then if i have any spare cash things for me i guess only 18 once :haha: i havent got car set yet i dont think ill be able to get it in store anywhere maxi cosi seem to have sold out alot everywhere :huh: so think its online!

Im not doing anything not long got up today :blush: lazy or what lol think my iron tablets need increasing! going shopping later to get some stuff for christmas in like nibbles etc .. then tomorrow looks like another boring day for me .. you doing anything except picking your stuff up?

Hey Everyone.

Nice to hear from you again Sazzle :D Hope LO does a flip for you soon. Is a soother one of those bouncy chair thingies? I can't decide whether to get one or not... I think they are cool coz baby can see where you are rather than just looking at the ceiling all the time :shrug: I am also really looking forward to work finishing - I have 3 weeks left but they are going to be so busy :cry: I was at work from 8am to 8pm on Friday and it sucked :hissy:

Becy, hope you have a fab birthday and shopping trip. It sounds really fun :D I also like fruit flavoured heartburn tablets... both Tescos and Sainburys do a Fruity antacid tablets (own brand) which work really well and cost less than £1 so are a bargain and taste pretty good too :thumbup:

I had a nice relaxing day planned but got stranded in Camden town as DH went off for his physio appointment with the house and car keys... so I ended up shopping :rofl: But now happily at home on the sofa :happydance: Got some raspberry leaf tea that I heard can help with labour... may as well try, eh?

Hope you're all having a great weekend!

PS. flowertot you are a technical genius... I'm still without logo lol
hi margie, i know what u mean, work has been so hectic, and im finding it a bit weird teaching someone else to do my job.. cant wait to get of there really.

the swing thing is really cool, we tested it out, it plays lots of sounds - some are womb sounds! some are piano sounds and you can plug an mp3 in. its in mint condition. so is the car seat, its like a black denim fabric i love it. also bought a moses basket and changing mat 2day. just got to pick the buggy up 2moro.

having a nice quiet night watching x factor and celebrity 2nite.
hope you are all enjoying your saturday evening x

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