New Year Rockers (UK & Other)

Hi Flowertot, I thought I'd give it a go too. Although I can't see how I'll be able to pick her up and feed her without her waking up!! But hey, if it means I get to function on better sleep I'll try it :)

I was told for weeks that I would be having a c-section and then I had my obstetrician changed due to problems with the gestational diabetes etc and suddenly I'm getting told it won't be a c-section after all unless she's still breech at my next growth scan which won't be until 29th December when I'll be 37w 3d, although she also said I'd prob go into labour before this anyway due to baby's size and that if I do then they'll check her position at the time. However, if I haven't gone into labour by the time I have the scan and she's no longer breech, I have no chance of even being induced until I'm 14 days overdue!!!

Needless to say this sounds terrible to me, so I went to my Dr to ask for a referral back to my original obstetrician and he REFUSED!!!! He said it's too late in the pregnancy to switch now. I said but I've only just been switched and I'm not happy with it!! He still said no, and then said my current ob is classed as one of the best in our region..... to which I'm thinking yeah right! :cry:

Anyway, I have no midwife at the moment as she was completely useless and I only saw her twice anyway and the next one I can see isn't available now till end of January by which time Ruby will be here. So I've started on the raspberry leaf tea a few days ago, which tastes quite nice really and this morning I've also started on the evening primrose oil. I'm also watching as many birthing vids as possible as I've also had no antenatal classes (the midwife I did have wanted me to start them in January and at the time I'd been told my c-section would be in December!!!!) Also the class she wanted me to go to had been fully booked up almost 2 months before she even told me about it!!!

On the plus side, one of my seizures has unwedged Ruby's bum from being stuck in the left side of my pelvis, so I am actually able to walk a tiny bit now. I think her position had been making the dsp worse. I still need the wheelchair when I go out, but I'm at least back to crutches when I'm at home, which is great as I don't think our door frames would have lasted much longer!!! lol
aww Lullaby no wonder you are annoyed. it can't be easy when you keep getting conflicting info and have no midwife. also it can't be easy not being very mobile.

do you think you will go into labour early?
I have no idea, but if I do I think I'll probably be grateful for it now!! Just want to bring her home and stop getting passed from pillar to post all the time.

Next time I'm gonna go private!!! :)
that sounds like a good idea Lullaby.

Hope the rest of the new year rockers are getting on ok. it's been quiet again.

34 Weeks today for me and no problems so far, lets hope it stays that way.
I was going to say the same about everyones gone quite lol
Im trying to cutt down how much i come on :haha: im turning into a addict and time seems to be going slower lol ..

Nothing much has happened for me to say about really most people know about my 4D scan and that they asked if i was 34 weeks and i said no 33 weeks and he said well you measure 34 weeks on the scan lol and then he said just be aware around 15th-22nd january for the baby coming! :huh: cause he was a specialist doctor or something.. Babys head down has been since october as my notes say he must be comfy :haha:

I realised im full term on 1st january new years day! aswell i find that weird it must be a blessing! :D hehe

hope everyone is doing well :] x
Heehee :D
the only thing now is its made me want to have him in real life more lol but i know iv got to wait be worth it obviously but still i look at the pics and just wana cuddle him :haha:

Birthday was alright bit boring on the day didnt have anything to do but some family came over and i got some prezzies and stuff but i was mpre looking forward to going for my scan and shopping the next day lol :] but seems like i was thinking about my birthday and scan and thought there ages away and theyve came and gone now! i think christmas will do that aswell though xx
True, after all it's only 19 days away! Gees that seems soooooo close!!!
I keep dreaming that I go into labour on the 22nd and bring Ruby home on Christmas eve.... probably just wishful thinking. lol. Fed up of being pregnant now, just wanna bring her home and have her here in my arms!!! Oh and the getting back to being able to walk etc would be a bonus too!!! :D
I keep thinking the same about having mine early and having him for christmas but then i think i dont want that to happen cause i havent got him a christmas outfit or anything for a first christmas lol! but i really want to get to january just so hes full term then and i can know hell be okay more if that makes sense but saying that for all i know he could come end december and be fine just worries me thinking hell come early and everything.. I think once christmas comes itll go really quick and then well all be on the count down then :) cause most of us will be full term :D
Hey Everyone

Lullaby I can't believe they switched your ob so late and the new one is now telling you something different :nope: Hopefully you will have the natural birth you wanted now, and hopefully you won't have to wait to long for Ruby to arrive. The dreamfeed article was interesting and makes sense - it's definitely worth a try.

It was DH works Christmas do last night and we all got put up in a posh hotel in Ascot for the night. There was a spa and we spent most of the afternoon wallowing in the jacuzzi which had an inside and an outside bit - it was lovely :thumbup: Dinner was delicious and I just snuck off to bed at about 10:30 when everyone was getting a bit rowdy. Best thing of all... no hangover today :happydance: Went round to some friends this afternoon on the way home and now planted firmly on the sofa chilling for a few hours :D Next week is going to be super busy, but at least it will go quickly.

Happy Birthday for Thursday Becy :hugs: Hope your shopping trip was a success.

Well - I'm off to scour e-bay for a moses basket. Hope you all have a good week :wave:
glad you had a nice time at christmas party Margie and hope you manage to fine a nice moses basket.

i know what you mean about wanting to get to full term Becy. i think i will relax a lot more when i reach 37 weeks. which will be on Boxing Day :happydance:

been out for a nice meal tonight at an itallian place. very nice food and also very cheap!
hi all, sorry ive been quiet, i feel a bit bad because im further ahead than everyone and dont want to keep bragging about every milestone because i understand how frustrating it is when you still have many weeks to go! BUT ! i am getting excited now because im 37 weeks at the end of this one, finish work on friday and cant wait to get home and get organised. i need to pack my hospital bag but also want to buy new pyjamas, dressing gown, socks etc.. to go in it. i would love bubs to come early - every time i hear the mariah carey song 'all i want for xmas is you' i think about bubs! but knowing my luck it will be 2 weeks late, i bet at least a couple of you will have yours before mine!

i was wondering how do you all plan on spending xmas?? we are having xmas day at my in-laws this year and boxing day at my mum and dads, so no cooking for me - hooray! x
I see quite a few people i know on here hitting the 37 weeks milestone! i cant wait to get to it but im not going to think about it cause when i do time goes slower :haha: but it is awhile away yet! bet you cant wait only 5 more day! :D I brought 2 pairs of jarmas and a new dressing gown and i said im not going to wear them there going in my hospital bag .. next day u couldnt resist and had them on :haha: :blush: oppsy :haha:

Im doing what usually do staying home for christmas day dinner etc then i go to my mums and step dads on boxing day for a late christmas dinner with them :haha: I might help cook dinner on christmas day if i can haha but my dad usually does it all i just hate waiting for it .. x
Hey Everyone,

Wow Sazzle - really not long to go for you! How exciting to be finishing work too :thumbup:

We will be spending Christmas at home and DH will be doing all the cooking - he loves it (lucky for me). I think we will have a few stray South Africans over who don't have family to go to, so should be a good laugh. I'm planning on kicking back and relaxing - I love pottering about setting the table etc. Might even splash out and have a glass of bubbly :blush:
Sazzle - don't feel bad for being further ahead than most of us. it's really exciting. i can't wait until the first of us pops!

this year we are having xmas dinner at my mums but only because we've had it at MIL for the past 3 years! think i'm going to put the decorations up at the weekend.

i've finally started on the nursery and hopefully it will be all done by friday (well i'm hoping so anyway).
Put a pic up when you've finished the nursery flowertot :D

Sazzle, after reading your last post I've been singing 'All I want for Christmas...' all afternoon :rofl:
ha ha, yes that song does get stuck in your head doesnt it! sounds like you all have nice xmas days planned. hope your nursery is coming along well flowertot, my mum is at my house 2day painting the cupboard doors, she is a star. we put our tree up last night, we had 6 sets of lights and none would work so it took a while but its now nice and christmassy at home. thats a great idea margie, we should all post photos of our nurseries when they are finished. i rem looking at lullaby's a while ago on facebook, but im not on facebook anymore.. x
Lullaby in hospital

Hey Girls - had a text from Lullaby earlier to say she was going to the hospital and could be in back labour. Will update when I know more xm

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