New Year Rockers (UK & Other)

Margie - i know what you mean about christmas. there is such a build up to it and then its over in a flash! 1 week until your due date. how exciting.

Hey Becyboo - sounds like your body is starting to prepare you for the big day.

Lullaby - hope everything is going well with you and you are settling into motherhood well.

can't believe we are all considered full term now. it could be any day for any of us! i have a feeling that i will go in the 38th or 39th week but could be completely wrong and last until week 42 :rofl:
Hey Everyone,

Becy I know what you mean about feeling different... I've felt different the last few days too. I can't quite put my finger on it - it's weird. Also getting an achey back, especially when i sit still, which is very annoying coz I just want to chill out :sleep:

Flowertot you're right - it could be any day now for any of us... although I still don't think this has fully dawned on me as I just seem to be going on as usual. DH asked me last night if I thought we were ready... and I answered 'Ready for what?' :rofl:

Have a friend coming over for lunch today which I'm really looking forward to - then off to the cinema this evening. I could definitely get used to this :D

Lullaby - hope all is going well with you and Ruby
Its driving me insane now though everyone thinks i wont make it to my due date and ill be early specially with the size of my belly which upsets me now cause family are making it out im huge and i look like im going to explode! lol ..but i dont think im huge when i look at my bump but then when i take a picture i look bigger :wacko: lol..

But i just keep getting the period pains they arent painful no more but it feels like when your going to come on it and there warning you that there going to come :haha: (if that makes sense) and i used to go to the loo for a wee alot but now i literally go for one and then need one again when i sit down :huh: not god!

Hope you have a good time at cinema with your friend :) i darnt go out far anymore :haha: incase something happens when im in middle of a shop or something lol!
i ladies, all is wonderfully well thank you, despite ending up ff as opposed to the bf I so wanted to do. Expressing has proved fruitless with no progress being made at all and getting quite painful - just another part of my body that's not working right!! Oh well, she's getting what she needs from the bottle, so that's what counts, right?

Christmas was a bit of a whirlwind for us, too... especially as I only got home xmas eve!! I missed the buildup to it really, and despite the previous requests to have a few days to ourselves when she's born - of course with it being Christmas and a time for family etc we had lots of visitors which was knackering!! lol.

On the plus side I'm now walking without help, and in much less pain than I was. I love being a mum, everything I've been through to have her was so worth it just to hear her funny little noises and see the expressions she pulls, I could (and do) watch her for hours on end! lol

Anyone got plans for New Year's ?? xx
Hi everyone, I hope you are all well, I am very happy to announce that our beautiful baby boy Isaac Lee was born at 9:37am on 28th December weighing 7lbs!! I will try to upload a photo for you. Will post again soon with all the details, but first I will read your recent posts and catch up on what ive missed! xxx :-) :-) :-) :-)
Hi everyone, I hope you are all well, I am very happy to announce that our beautiful baby boy Isaac Lee was born at 9:37am on 28th December weighing 7lbs!! I will try to upload a photo for you. Will post again soon with all the details, but first I will read your recent posts and catch up on what ive missed! xxx :-) :-) :-) :-)

OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :happydance:
congrats to you lullaby - i know exactly what you mean - isaac was worth every single ache and pain. becy - i dont want to give you false hope but thats how my labour started - period type cramps. my labour started on boxing day at about 11pm, i was at my mum and dads house, my mum stayed awake through the night timing my contractions - they were every 5 mins all night, then in the morning my husband took me to hospital - they said i was just 2 cm dilated and that they thought i would have baby that night, but then the contractions stopped all day. i wanted to go home but they asked me to stay in a night - good job becoz contractions came back at about half 8 pm, and went on all night again - every 5 mins, i was about 6cm dilated at 4am then they said to ring my husband to come in, labour went quite quick then, only had gas and air, but baby got stuck right at the turning point and couldnt get past crowning, so they had to get 2 doctors with suction cup then forceps, i had a big cut too. but dont let any of that scare you, the pain was no where near as bad as i thought it would be , it was worth every minute and i would do it all again 2moro if i had to , and the day after and day after... am just so happy. cant wait for you all to have yours too. x will post again soon, expecting some visitors in a min xx
CONGRATS SAZZLE!! can't wait to see pics and i also love the name, Isaac was on my shortlist but DH wasn't keen :cry:

Glad everything is going well for you Lullaby. sorry that you're not able to BF but i'm sure that Ruby will be more than happy with a bottle and lots of cuddles from her mummy. you should be so proud of what you've achieved :hugs:
lullaby, i tried BF and it went well for the first 24 hours but yesterday my nps were so sore and isaac wanted to feed constantly - more for comfort than for milk, i couldnt get comfortable and it was so frustrating.. he was on and off me constantly and i was so sore and tired from birth and the drugs they gave me after, I dont think he was getting anywhere near enough milk from me. so i came home today and moved onto formula, he is so much more settled, has taken to it really well.. glad i gave BF a go but defo wasnt going to work for me longterm, im sure we will both be much happier now he is on the formula. i think they have all the nutrients they need from formula, anything extra in breast milk is just a bonus but not essential.
I dont think anything is going to happen yet but i dont know why im having signs cause i had really bad period pains on and off and then stomach bug feeling but not throwing up or needing to go to the loo or anything like that! was just in pain :( and its weird cause last 2 days my bodys been having a clear out (sorry TMI) but i find that off i dont know if things are just preparing or its happening but very slowly :shrug: have to wait and see i spose .. i just feel every night its going to happen :shrug: and iv been nesting for a while aswell! lol hope something happens like week before my due date or abit earlier :)! so excited ! xx
Sazzle - CONGRATULATIONS!!! :happydance: Glad it all went well for you. It must be so lovely to be home with Isaac :hugs:

Lullaby - sorry the bf didn't work out for you, but like the others have said, I don't think it's anything to beat yourself up about. As long as little Ruby is happy and has a full tummy then that'swhat counts.

My friend came over with her two little ones today and it was so lovely to have a cuddle and a play. Both she and her girls are all so chilled out - I really hope I can be like that.

Went to the cinema the evening to see Avatar (it was amazing) & I bawled my eyes out lol. One of the people we went with didn't realise, and didn't notice that I was pregnant :shrug:

Looking forward to some pics Sazzle :winkwink:
Happy new year all, can't wait to get stuck into 2010 - its gonna be a gud un! Xxx
Happy New Year to the New Year Rockers! 2010 is going to be a great year xx
Well that's it! The last thing crossed off my list and last of the baby things washed. Just need to make up the cot and moses basket :happydance: I officially feel ready for :yellow: Now the waiting begins!

Hope you've all had a good start to 2010!
only 2 more days until your due date Margie! do you have a sweep booked if nothing happens in the next couple of days?

I'm bored of waiting already!
only 2 more days until your due date Margie! do you have a sweep booked if nothing happens in the next couple of days?

I'm bored of waiting already!

Due date tomorrow :yipee: Although there is not even a hint of anything happening :hissy:

Have a midwife appointment Weds if nothing happens tomorrow. Not too keen on induction and am happy to wait a week if LO not stressed. But have fingers crossed it won't come to that!

DH has me sleeping on mats and sitting on a mat in the car... he is very worried about my waters breaking :rofl:

Hope everyone else is well

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