New Year Rockers (UK & Other)

hi margie, that sounds like a great night! i think just becoz we are preggers doesnt mean we have to hide away indoors at the weekends! i also had a fab day yesterday my friend came up from cornwall with free tickets for alton towers so we all went there for the day - i could only go on the ghost train but it was really sunny and i still had a lovely time.. then we had a text out of the blue off a friend selling cheap tickets for coldplay at manchester last night - so we went there too! it was mint - one of the best concerts ive been to! so nice to get out and do stuff, and like you say margie - no hangover today and can rem every min of it too! we stood at the back where there was lots of space so no people pushing past my bump and we had a better view there anyway! I think bubs liked it coz he was kicking away to 'fix you'! we also thought of a new girls name on the way there - Saskia or Sassy for short, its a bit unusual but we like!

you mentioned girls names margie - are you on team pink or yellow?? x
That sounds like fun Sazzle - I love theme parks and Coldplay. I think bubs liked one of the house DJs best on the boat as there was some jiving going on inside then... then Sprout kicked back and chilled for the rest of the evening.

We're team yellow... possible boys names so far are Joshua and Joel... I have a things for the J's - I think the second name will be James, that was my Dads name. I like Saskia too - it is unusual but not in a weird way, it's very pretty :D
Thanks all xx

Wow, looks like everyone's been having fun!! :D

I've had a great weekend with H2B, DSD, and LOTS of family round, some of whom stayed over on Saturday night.

My seizures appear to be reducing again, so hopefully they will be gone again over the next few days. Haven't had any today, so we're definitely headed in the right direction!! :D

Not sure what Ruby kicked last night but it knocked the breath out of me!! Though it was too soon for that??? Anyone else had that yet?? xx
hiya girls glad you're all ok and that you've had fun at the weekend.

Braxton hicks feel like your bump goes really, really tight and you can sometimes see the shape of your uterus. it last for 30 seconds or so (at the moment) and feels a little uncomfortable. i know that its braxton hicks because i remember them well from last time but i didn't notice them so early and nowhere near as strong until i was much further along.
i'm getting them everyday but i'm not worried or anything i just know they will continue to get stronger the further along i get, which all helps towards labour. my first labour was only 5 hours so all being well this one will be over in a couple of hours :rofl:
well i havent noticed braxton hicks yet but i might notice it now that i know about it - and i havent had any huge kicks either - once bubs seemed to kick something like my stomach and that felt weird!

im a bit more tired than normal this week - prob due to the big day i had on saturday but im getting lots of sleep to make up for it. everyone at work has colds and i keep expecting to catch one - they say pregnant womens immune systems are lower but i think all the healthy living and healthy food is helping me fight it off ... have a good day all x
Hey Everyone,

Glad all is going well again with you Lullaby. Haven't had any Braxton Hicks either - they sound weird - I'm very curious now. Only thing that my LO seems to have in kicking reach is my BLADDER!!!

Had my additional scan yesterday and everything seems fine - Sprout was break dancing all day in celebration. Now I just need to get a letter from my GP saying I'm allowed to fly and I'll be off on holiday next week YAY :happydance:

Avoid the coughers sazzle! But I agree - I think I'm healthier than ever now I'm pregnant... eaten a whole punnet of raspberries already today YUM!

Chat soon
I'm going to South Africa to see my Mom and family. We'll be spending a few days by the coast YAY. Then my in laws are also coming up to Johannesburg are going to stay with my Mom's friends so they will be closeby. They're great though so I don't mind. Can't wait to just chill out :D Will feel bad about leaving DH behind though :cry: Ah well, at least that will give me a good reason to want to come back.
hi ladies.

hope you have a lovely time going back home Margie.

well i'm still getting braxton hicks everyday. i don't even have to look down anymore i can just tell when i'm having them because i feel a very very slight cramp when my bump goes tight. think i might call midwifev and mention it just to be safe but i'm pretty sure its normal.

i'm feeling lots of kicks at the momemt and although some of them can be felt through my belly, most of them are vertical kicks. i'm slightly worried sometimes because it feels like a foot is going to pop out if you know what i mean :blush: is this normal?
i'm feeling lots of kicks at the momemt and although some of them can be felt through my belly, most of them are vertical kicks. i'm slightly worried sometimes because it feels like a foot is going to pop out if you know what i mean :blush: is this normal?

This made me laugh! I know what you mean. DH felt movement for the first time this week - he was really shocked at how strong it was, I think he was expecting a little tickle. Most of my movement seems really low down too. :shrug:

Think LO sleeping pattern may have changed too :sleep:. Never really felt movement during the day before, it was always when I got into bed or just when I woke up. Now it is constant during the day. I quite like it - like a little reminder ('I'm in here') when I'm busy at work.
that will be lovely for you to see your family, and get some sunshine b4 the nights really draw in :-)

the movements i feel vary from day to day, today it was very quiet until I had tea but ive had a lot of pokes since then low down.

im feeling very excited now im nearing the 3rd trimester. I also love the autumn - its a season for change so it seems very appropriate for me at the mo. im looking forward to cosy nights in front of the fire with hubby and bump. soon it will be time for pumpkins and fireworks and all those fun things! cant wait x
after saying how low puddings kicks were, i felt quite a high one today, about an inch above my belly button and i saw it too :happydance:

can't agree with you about the autumn Sazzle sorry. i hate it when the weather starts to get cold but i do love winter clothes, especially wooly hats, if that makes sense :rofl:
Hope you have a great time Margie, it sounds lovely!!

I don't really have much to report back on, except Ruby being a real little wriggler. I'm sure she doesn't sleep! lol

Glad to see everyone seems to be doing well xx
Mmmmm I quite like the autumn too... I like wrapping up warm in scarves and hats. But don't like getting up in the cold :-( But hot drinks in the cold are good... so good and bad.

Quite glad I'll be really big in the cold weather rather than the hot - now that I have a built in hot water bottle :rofl:
hi girls, im up early as normal, looking 4ward to spending a day around home.

went for lunch yesterday with a few friends and my sis and their babies. one is only a few weeks old! dead cute and nice to spend a bit of time around them. then i spent the evening with a few friends last night - still strange being the only one not drinking but (never thought I would say this) I am actually starting to enjoy being sober!

have you had the all clear from the doctor to fly Margie? when do you go?

how's the nursery situation for you all? mines come to a standstill until we finish the lounge but i've already painted a pale buttercream on the walls. im having a teddy bear theme. my mother-in-law has painted me some teddy bear pictures and i have some curtains, cot quilt and bumper etc. with teddy bears on them... anyone else doing a lot of nesting? x
Hi Girls,

I'll be getting a note from the GP to say I'm okay to fly - I think you only need it after 28 weeks, but I'd rather have it for my own peace of mind just in case they start asking questions. Especially since I just burst into tears about everything nowadays.

Well, our nursery is non-existent at the moment. It's still the spare room and is really FULL of stuff - non of it baby related. The plan is to get stuck in when I get back from SA - and while I'm away DH can play with all his music equipment as much as he wants. Think we will be painting the room white - possibly with one lime green wall, but not sure yet. Might see what bedding we get first.

You've certainly been busy sazzle - all sounds good though. Did you have a cuddle of one of the LOs when you went for lunch?

Off for a swim now (or maybe just another cup of tea lol)
I haven't started the nursery either, but am planning a safari theme with giraffes and elephants, Tigers etc.

Also I'm 30 years old today!! Have had a great time so far. Yesterday we had friends round for ploughman's lunch and last night we had family round for an indoor barbecue. Today I was taken out for a shopping spree, and this afternoon my footie team (Man U) went top of the league!! Totally worn out now and in definite need of a nap!! lol


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White with a lime green wall sounds lovely Margie - plenty of time to sort the nursery out yet anyway. I had a good cutch with my little neice so that was good.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 U Lullaby!! The big 30 too - i'll be catching you up next year. Sounds like you have had a fab weekend. Safari theme for he nursery sounds great too. x
Thanks Sazzle x

I ended up calling the hospital a little while ago cos getting a lot of pressure and it's started to affect my walking now.

On duty midwife said I'm okay for now but have to go in to get checked out tomorrow as it sounds like Ruby has engaged herself deeply already and I might end up in premature labour sometime in the next few weeks. She said not to worry cos there's things they can do to stop the labour if it does start early, but that the likelihood is that Ruby will stay engaged now until she is born.

I'm wondering if it's anything to do with all the seizures I've had lately? She said that some people with epilepsy have their babies early.... nobody told me that before!!!
oh dear that's a shame, have you been back in to see the midwives 2day? is it very uncomfortable? must be a bit frustrating if its affecting your walking too.

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